The last couple thousand years have be shaped and dominated by war; is it possible that we just needed to 'get it out of our (collective) system' before we moved onto peace? Or am I just being idealistic.
The last couple thousand years have be shaped and dominated by war; is it possible that we just needed to 'get it out...
It stopped being a thing between major powers because of nukes ya dingus.
The entire history of humans was shaped and dominated by war.
It might be reduced to small-scale conflicts once (if) there is one united earth state and there are no more reasons for global fights over resources. But if you think people can just make the decision to live peacefully together then you're mistaken.
>one united earth state
I don't think that's a solution
how can one central government know what's best for everyone?
>how can one central government know what's best for everyone?
What does that have to do with anything I said or the question at hand.
What gives you the idea it's going to be a central government?
what is an 'united earth state' then if not a central world government
English isn't my first language sorry maybe I misread
A direct democracy? A digital senate of local electorates? Even a feudalistic system would work.
Digital senate?
We didn't "move onto peace", in the future wars will still happen, atrocities will be comitted and terrible things will keep happening
>Or am I just being idealistic.
There has always been long eras of peace such as Pax Romana and Pax Britannica. We are living in Pax Americana and it won't last forever.
>Pax Americana
>Directly or indirectly involved in every conflict in the ME for the past 15 years
>not knowing what Pax Romana and Pax Britannica were
War is the only way to secure peace yah dingus
I think you mean to secure profits
war and imperialism are a good way for nations to maintain order over massive land masses. If a nation like the united kingdom had universal control over the world violent cultures would fade away. The lives of the populace would improve due to the implementation of superior infrastructure and legal system. War would slowly fade away.
No. No, it would not. For the very simple reason that 300 million Americans would not want 1 billion Chinese and 1 billion Indians to send money to China and India or to dismantle their armies. The same way that Vietnamese would not want China just always getting everything they want due to elections, or the British with the EU right now.
Democracy can turn into a dictatorship in short order. Especially with highly tribalistic/sectarian/nationalist sentiments. The reason democracy has not worked in the Middle East right now is because electoral minorities are also tribal/sectarian/national minorities. And they only way they can secure power for themselves is through military force.
Any large scale application of a united Earth state, democracy, senate, or, feudalist system on the human race will only lead to civil war, rebellion, and revolution.
>moved onto peace
We're still in wars today. People are literally dying right now in a game of global geopolitics and economics.
>am I just being idealistic.
Yes, you are. As long as there are not infinite resources and products and non-exploitative labor that does not ruin nature, there will always be conflict so long as humans exist. Even with animals and every living species, that is the case.
>get it out of our system
One could have said that for ww1, being the "war to end all wars", but you know how that worked out
Maybe it's time for another one
There's literally a thousand reasons we have wars though its not a phase
Ok thanks for the heads up. Now while you're at it please tell me next weeks lottery numbers.
Go back to /pol/.
No one who takes globalism seriously is expecting a single goverment, this is utopy. When we talk globalism, most people are talking money, economy. A single currency for the world would be actually good.
A single currency WILL happen in our lifetime, no matter how much america tries to stop it, they can throw down a thousand regimes with spies and meddling, but the world will unite under a single currency eventually.