What does this unit of measurement mean? How do I apply this to a bolt I'm tightening?
What does this unit of measurement mean? How do I apply this to a bolt I'm tightening?
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its newton meters
i dunno, your torque wrench should have that along with lb-ft
Yeah you need just take your car to a mechanic, if you're that retarded.
Yeah but what is 10+2 newton meters? Google doesnt explain this
If you have a shitty wrench with only freedom units use this to convert your numbers
10-12 nM
>american education
Enlighten me
If he isn't going into engineering or a technician job why would he know about tolerances?
it's 12 you fucking americlaps
you can tighten it to 10-12 nm, no less no more
>Hur dur he's not going into a technical field so all technical information is off limits
Holy dogshit it's almost as if we don't have the word's information at our fingertips just google it you fucking cunt instead of making a fucknut thread and just RRREEeeee
id rather have a stupid ass question thread than some alfa romeo/GTR corvette shit
Qtddtot, exits for that reason.
>.t gm fangirl
>Guys what's 10+2 I don't understand British
Jesus fuck, no one ITT gets it
>tighten bolts to 10 Nm
>once all bolts are at 10 Nm, torque them to 12 Nm
Here's a conversion table for you retards
>Here's a conversion table for you retards
Here's me putting my foot in my mouth, GG everyone
ITT eurocucks mad that they don't live in the best country in the world.
what the fuck is in your water, eurocuck?
good wood, ever car I've ever clutched on has called for ~60lbs. Yall niggas must be on some honda shit.
That's in-lbs.
While I agree, he is technically accessing a source of information, a forum.