Did Darwin have an impact on philosophy?

Did Darwin have an impact on philosophy?


Materialists partying hard, and people misreading a description of a natural process of change for another faith to believe in, one of progress and biological "improvement."

It's a milestone in the philosophy of biology.

Social dawinisim you dole sucker. You need this much help for your homework?

Maybe positivism was the current ideology at that time. Positivism stating there is a linear course in which history advances, like some sort of "logical evolution to..", had significant effects on many disciplines and theories since XVIII century. If there is an ideology i would relate darwinism with, is that.

Yes. He's literally the reason the flock have went astray from their shepherd and why society has become so satanic.

This to.
Religious extremists found a scapegoat for the bad thing in society.
They claim that evolution turns humans into animals and that somehow leads to violence, despair and degradation of society.

he's not suppose to

only reason Christfags are so butthurt is because he dismissed the Teleological argument

If god was in charge of evolution, god would look more like a /b/tard than a perfect being.

Considering a literal Genesis means He placed a tree that could screw over humanity in the center of paradise, I'd argue YEC makes Him look even more like a /b/tard than Him directing evolution.

Sure, though many of the beliefs spawned by Darwinism are borne of error and misinterpretation, and over-generalization of his concepts (i.e. outside of biological life).
Now it's just used as a misleading term for current evolutionary theories.

Best thing that came out of it was A. N. Whitehead, I'd say.

Nietzsche was one of his earliest readers, so yes.

Yeah, God should have warned them that if they ate from that one tree, they would die.

You know, amidst the millions of other trees that were fine to eat from.

God really should have warned them that eating that fruit would cause them to die.

"Eat this fruit, and die" is what God should have said.

You cannot be a Darwinian philosopher or Darwinian theologian; if you believe you are nothing but the mutant spawn of lower level life, created at random with no God whatsoever involved or existing, then both philosophy and religion are nothing but mental masturbation for beta males.

What good is warning one of death when they have no idea what that is?

>both philosophy and religion are nothing but mental masturbation for beta males


Nah, you're completely incorrect in both cases.

I'll give you philosophy and religion being mental masturbation, but it's absolutely possible to be a Darwinist and a theologian/philosopher. Not that anyone is actually a Darwinist anymore as biology has kept on advancing past Darwin, but hey.

>"random chance"

>Veeky Forums

Unintentionally invented Anthropology pretty much

I was created by clay your argument is invalid

Darwinism masked faith through necessity?
I think faith and belief are important in evolution. To some strange extent I think they are byproducts of stress through necessity

religious extremists fear their evolution, dont you think?

what does faith have to do with natural selection?