Rainbow Six Siege General - /r6g/

The Sound of Music edition


>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this first before asking questions)

>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/R6GO
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Galleries

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:

>Official News & Known Issues
Velvet Shell is OUT

Choked Defeat:

first for autistic operators

nth for best girl

So, all of them? I seriously think Siege is the most representation people on the spectrum have had in the entire history of video games

Is an dog a operator?

delet this


well operators are called operators because their operational instead of reserve or something, so if thats the case then yes assuming the dog is out in the field then it could be seen as an operator


meant for:

This game is goof


I mean Jackal is basically a dog operator

>sniffs out the enemy
>barks out where they are to the team


this is

I bet Smoke is a St. Bernard because a St. Bernard's gas once almost made me projectile vomit

Is the MP5 too strong?

and this

>tfw Jackal could've been the dog operator we always wanted
>it would've made more sense than his eyenox



which is the most homosexual group and why is it GIGN?

the operator videos are so good goddamn im hyped as fuck right now

I mean, "Gendar" is literally in the name, they queer as fuuuuuuuuck

>repostuje my autism
>puu dot sh/u4N4F/8ff6efb3be.png


repostuje my autism (take 2)

puu dot sh/u4N4F/8ff6efb3be.png

So, is the JW GROM up next? I thought it was the SDU.

Do you dudes in teamspeak usually play ranked?
I bought the game earlier and want some people to play with, but haven't unlocked it yet.

soory rodzina, is kurwa late here

no next is hong pong

So, the SDU (Special Duties Unit) then

isrraeli sayeret matkal next pls ubi, the israeli army is pretty hardcore, could also bring in the palestinian special forces (if they have one) at the same time just for a cheap meme


>rush someone as a shield op
>suddenly they teleport 10 feet behind me and kill me

everybody's just creaming their pants over grom because "muh elite counter terrorism" despite the fact that the U.S. has way more and better trained special forces.

psst, nutting parsnip child

>teleports behind you
>nothin personal kid



Whatever kid. Oh I'm sorry did I fucking trigger you? Were you fucking triggered you little cry baby? Fuck off. Literally saying not a fucking word to you and you're gonna fucking mute me because you have a problem with me just fucking talking shit in all chat? Honestly go fuck yourself to the highest fucking caliber you fucking asshole. So sick of little fucking bitches like you who fucking have a fucking opinion like you're fucking sitting over there like, oh I'm some fucking problem to you because I'm not even fucking saying a fucking word to you. Fuck off. Call it what you fucking asshole? Hormonal? Kid you're a fucking bullshitter. You're a fucking bullshitter. Go fuck yourself. You ain't fucking nothing. You ain't fucking anyone. You ain't got a fucking clue in your fucking head who I am or what I'm fucking about. That I'm fucking calling these fucking kids tryhards, has your fucking panties in a bunch for what? For what? For fucking what kid? Honestly I'm fucking sick of kids like you. Literally go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself and everything that you fucking stand for because I'm gonna tell you right now, you don't stand for shit kid. You don't stand for fucking shit. Please. Yeah, talk in all chat. Yeah like anybody fucking cares kid go find a fucking friend to talk to, right? Because you can't fucking talk to me, you can't fucking treat me like a fucking person. You ain't fucking real kid. You ain't fucking real. You ain't got a fucking real fucking bone in your fucking body kid. So go fucking all chat, and make some fucking friends. Alright? You can make some fucking friends because "Oh, this guy's hormonal," pffft "Uh I'm gonna mute him," pffft fuck off. You're literally a fucking cancer on this fucking world kid. Never fucking forget it.

Coś ty o mnie kurwa napisał,ty mała biedna kurwo? Wiedz śmieciu, że skończyłem studia oficerskie z najwyższymi ocenami i od razu po nich przyjęli mnie do GROMu, brałem udział w misjach w Kosowie, Nikaragui, Portoryko, Iraku, Afganistanie i Pakistanie i mam ponad 300 zabitych terrorystów na koncie. Jestem doskonale przeszkolony w walce partyzanckiej i jako snajper - dostałem odznaczenie dla najlepszego strzelca wyborowego Wojska Polskiego. Jestes dla mnie po prostu kolejnym celem, któremu mogę niespodziewanie rozjebać łeb z 800 metrów. Zmiote cie smieciu z powierzchni ziemii z precyzja dotad nieznana na tej planecie, slyszysz chujku? Myslisz psie, ze mozesz sobie pisac w internecie co tylko zechcesz nie poniesiesz za to konsekwencji? Blad skurwysynu, gdy to czytasz moi kumple z Agencji Bezpieczenstwa Wewnetrzego we wspolpracy z CIA namierzaja twoj adres IP, wiec szykuj swoja dupe na jesien sreniowiecza. Jestes juz kurewsko martwy, szczeniaku. Moge w tej chwili byc gdziekolwiek, ale i tak gdy tylko najdzie mnie ochota moge cie rozjebac na jeden z siedmiuset sposobow a i to tylko golymi rekoma. Poza doskonałym przeszkoleniu we wschodnich sztukach walki (znam kung-fu, karate - czarny pas, krav maga i zloty medal w jiu-jitsu) znam sie rewelacyjnie na broni, a tej mam caly arsenal i uwierz mi, uzyje jej tyle, aby z twojego marnego zycia nie zostal nawet najdrobniejszy atom . Gdybys wiedzial gowniarzu co sciagasz na siebie swoim "madralinskim" hejtem pewnie zesralbys sie cztery razy w gacie i pisal gdzie sie da, ze zalujesz chocby samego pomyslenia o tym. Ale nie mogles tego wiedziec i teraz suko zaplacisz za to najwyzsza cene. Jestes pierdolonym trupem.

just report their shitposting and ignore it

>Hibana is given a fourth set of pellets for X-KAIROS launcher
>Thermite now only has one exothermic charge
What the fuck is your rationale behind this?


>can't notice an obvious shitpost when he sees one

continuing on from last thread: operator ideas.

preferably with some real world counterpart but it doesn't really matter.

I still like the idea of Rook, but the armor blocks headshots at the cost of poor visibility

We do but you should probably just play casual with the ts first before you play ranked


>tfw mira is the oldest female op

more segways

and the smallest

and the second cutest

hibana is better anyway

>when you realise mira is just a really convincing trap

I struggle to imagine something worse than a 4speed operator.

would it kill you to just crop it out with paint?

Please just delete ACOGs from defenders. I'm tired of getting sniped by a Blitz from across the map.

>defend hostage thunt
could this be any more boring
at least make it 50 terrorists per round that just swarm the point like madmen, at least then it would be somewhat exciting

m8 its 6am and i havnt slept waiting for siege to redownload gimme a break

>this is bad

i always thought an operator who could make any size kill hole they'd wants in reinforced wall would be neat.

they'd probably carry around a tank and a cutting torch of some kind. they would have limited fuel but could make any shape they want.

>operators dedicated to making dick shaped holes you mean

>walls would be filled with nothing but profanity
I think Hibana will be the last reinforced wall destroyer we'll get.

IQ is literally forty. Is Mira seriously older?


> killing people through dick shaped holes

i was thinking that the line made by the torch would be fairly small (kind of like the LaserKraftWerk in wolfenstein the new order) so for the hole to be viable you'd actually have to complete it.

> would be fairly small

i meant thin. the lines made by the torch would be thin.

no, IQ is literally 38, Mira is LITERALLY 40


Fuze but instead of lethal cluster charges the pucks heal everybody they touch except the hostage.


holy shit

if they want to add 50-100 new operators to the game i wouldn't be so quick to discount the possibility of more reinforced wall breachers.

try it on realistic

How do I improve my aim using a pistol? I feel like even when I have them in the dead of the sights I miss constantly.

watch it be breachers, anti-breachers, anti-anti-breachers, anti-anti-anti...

equip a sight


Is ranked bad right now or am I just unlucky that I'm five matches into qualifying and four of them have been more or less fucked by leavers?

>tfw you will never be a shota and have a spanish milf mechanic lover

riot police of some sort please

> some sort of tear gas that disorients vision + possibly aim
> a clear riot shield, which will provide cover, but because it's clear the enemy can see more of what is behind the riot shield compared to a regular shield
> nightstick to beat the shit out of people with

also maybe beanbags rounds or something idk.

guess you'll just have to settle for the german then.

They said they'd be happy with 50 total, which isn't particularly ambitious. We're already at 30, and will hit 36 by the end of the year.

>riot police
No, stop

Thermite's is actually super badass

>This guy doesnt want the riot meme

Not sure how you'd balance this, but kamikaze explosive drones maybe?

>Christmas cake Spanish mechanic

What are some good tacticool movies? Something actiony but in a tactical slow-paced way.

The end of Zero Dark Thirty was surprisingly ok.

New to game, how do i git gud?

>Dealing with five (5) Blackbeards

Play situations

in this order

1. watch videos. ez renown.

2. do situations at least once. (you don't have to get 3 stars on each one first try. they'll be particularly hard because you're new so you can comeback to get the missing stars when you're more experienced)

3. t-hunt (map knowledge, learn recoil patterns, etc.

4. pimp your weapon with attachments

5. go into multiplayer.

this game has a steep learning curve so the climb might seem impossible but you'll get there if you persist.

No segways, GROMS for the GROM ops.

>level 27
>matched against a level 206

>he doesn't want riot police

Is hip firing even worthwhile at all as a shield op?

>tfw some autists spergs when youre the last one alive and you tell him you only play ranked just to place for the charm

note two things: you can hop into multiplayer soon after finishing situations, just expect to fuck up a lot, for multiple raesons. as long as you play to learn and not to blame, you will learn the game.
second thing: casual has no matchmaking. diamonds (top rank) can be matched with coppers (bottom rank) on a whim. there is 0 hidden-mmr based matchmaking in casual.