Let's play a game, Veeky Forums

see what skynet's taste in cars is


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I don't think it likes Nissans

99.4%, nice! I can post the source picture if anyone wants it.

sure why not



Liked my dog at least


good taste

I agree, the New NSX is very awesome.

>tfw no photos of your car score above 1%

If i posted my real shitbox i think i might get minus.

truly it's taste is beyond human understanding

this ai has shit taste



Can't argue with results

A picture of my foot and my bumper scored higher than a picture of the actual car.

what car is this?

You can't be serious.

no one tell him.

Concept NSX with a V12 instead of a V6.

It's bait

fiero with a bodykit

a kit car you can buy them for like 15k depending on the engine

too bad google image search told me i remember driving this bad boy in one of the original nfs hot pursuit games

Not bad

>image searching
>not knowing off the top of your head
Go back to /v/ you don't belong here

Attempt 2: Everypixel decides a replacement coil pack is cooler than a Viper.


It knows that Geriatric FWD gets those pussies wet.

100% debunked. I'm no longer supporting this thread or this shitty software.

top wew

>garbage dump



>scrap metal

Even skynet recognizes the superior Italian engineering. I've bought the right car Veeky Forums!

Everyone ITT so far has now been BTFO by nog luxury.


>old fashioned



They're damn right.

>Sports Utility Vehicle
is it that fat?

..were you taking this shit seriously before that?


Alrighty then.

Were you?

What did they mean by this?

Seems legit

>3997 lbs
Sounds about right for loaded full size veeate sedan



Yeah what the actual fuck.

I win.

>mini cooper

No it's not

You gotta give it the best looking nissan, friends.




How long before this shit blurts out a response?

The only one of mine it put at 1.5% was the picture of when some jackass crashed into it and it was on a tow truck...

welp,it's fucked.

I kek'd

>site is fucked on mobile, can't horizontal scroll and take proper screenshots

Anyway protip: bright vibrant colors work best, pic related got a 97.2, otoh the same car in grey scored a whooping 0.0

jesus christ user, your entire image is cracking me the fuck up

how so?

>Do Cats Really Hate Water
>animu browser background
>1995 browser theme
>OSX rip-off

This is all part of a joke, right?

Why does skynet hate doritos?

no step



A joke....heh....

seems it only pays attention to contrast ratio

It likes the miata.

I agree

it doesn't like the road runner



looks like I now know what I got

it appoves of nu-MOPAR though

This website blows




good taste

doesn't seem to like porsches most of the time

not bad at all

only 99.5 what are you even doing

Looks like I made the right choice. Everybody likes the miata

This thing has some cred

Good pic. Post original pls

my god

just needs to be stanced bro

I like your dog too.

Here you go m8

tbf that is a pretty awesome doggo

tags are amazing