Let's talk chill people on the road

Let's talk chill people on the road.
How often are you a bro to other drivers (let them merge, high beams to warn about radar/police ahead, etc)?
Do you usually get a wave or thumbs up as thanks, or not really? And do you thank people back if they help you instead?

Probably going to be a common answer but I try to be chill whenever I can. If someone is driving reasonably in my opinion, then I don't mind helping them out with a merge or something like that.

My town has a lot of turn lanes where you can also go straight and I try to stay in the straight only lane so others can right on red. Small thing but saves them waiting through a whole light.

Might start a shitstorm here, but one thing I did notice is people who thank me if I let them in are almost always men. Don't know what is it to women, but I seem to never get a reaction from them if I let them merge. Too focused on their own thing?

I tend to drive like a bit of a dick most of the time, speeding/traffic weaving/merging in last minute. So I'll always let people merge, always signal, and always help other drivers when the opportunity presents itself. This way I feel like less of an asshole/hypocrite and maintain relatively neutral karma.

pop ups make great signals

> Warnings
Every time. I feel it's the right thing to do to warn people of an obstruction ahead, whether it be a mobile speed trap or a stopped car.
> Letting people in
If it's convenient and they won't delay me. In crawling traffic, I will ALWAYS let a trucker in front of me so they can do the hard work of managing the stop/go into a nice steady crawl for me.
I'll adjust my speed at motorway junctions so people can merge seamlessly.
It's polite to do the indicator thingy as thanks, and people do so. I always make sure to if someone lets me change lanes or merge in traffic. Or just wave if it's urban driving and they can see that better than the lights.

If I'm biking, I make sure to give a thumbs-up to people who let me in, especially if I've been splitting lanes. I also do the biker nod, because that's expected of you and rude if you don't.

There is a two way road here with a narrow bridge in the middle so only one car can get through the bridge at a time. When two cars are going down the same road in opposing directions, someone has to move over to let the other one through. There is really no "right of way" in this situation so it comes down to the lesser asshole to do it.

Anyways, I move over usually and women NEVER give me the little thank you wave. It's always the men.

Fuck these assholes letting people out while theres a ton of traffic behind them. sure you speed up one persons journy but you slowed down the progress of everyone else.

They dont give a shit because in their head they dun gud.

I don't acknowledge shit or expect anything in return. With that said I move over for motorcycles cutting through,let people pull out of parking lots,let them merge in if needed.

Shittier the setup the more forgiving I am.

If your belching smoke in an obviously illegal setup bringing something home from Craigslist I'll even punch it and start driving up the road like an asshole to attract any police attention.

Would only hope someone does the same for me

I'm nicer to pedestrians than drivers because where I live 90% of people drive like Tyrone. I try to be chill with seniors even if they're going under the limit. I usually wave at flaggers but only 10% wave back because most are miserable

fuck cyclists who don't use the bike lanes tho

I generally drive defensively, I have to be less nice when I get closer to NYC. Usually people acknowledge it with a wave.

Same here man. I hate when all the cars in the right lane waiting to turn are piled up behind someone wanting to go straight.

If someone is using a signal light and i have a chance to let them in without stopping traffic, I always let them through. Normally get a wave.

Or if i see someone trying to make a left turn and there's 8 miles of traffic behind me I'll normally let them through, again, with a signal light only.


My grandpa was a trucker and he got me in the habit of doing this:

>on expressway, not in a hurry
>big cargo truck trying to pass
>slow down a bit to let him get by
>blink high beams once the truck has passed at a safe distance so he can get back in the left lane safely
>truck blinks its running lights back

It's a good feel. Why do people have to be dicks on the road again?

One of my best friends was killed and several of other great friends were seriously maimed in a 7 ton truck rollover like 2 years ago on camp pendleton. The driver was texting and sped down a sharp incline into a curve known as "dead man's turn". I always drive reasonably let people merge don't tailgate etc etc because that day made it pretty clear to me that it's never worth someone's life.

im a comfy guy driver, but the most i do is flash hazards when people let me overtake them on a 2 lane road with dense traffic

>how often are you a br/o/?
I'd say 95% so lets say 85% of the time
I get pissed when people make me slow down to merge when they could've just waited to merge behind me
similar: merging then slowing down for no reason
I will block people out if I have to slow down to let them in, and I dislike it when people take my two car distance but when I'm in these situations i'm usually in gridlock so anything goes, doesn't help to get butthurt about it
>do you get waves or thumbs? do you wave or thumbs back?
I have honestly never seen someone give me a thumbs up unless it was sarcastic
I will wave/wave back or if they look like a turd give them the peace sign, it works wonders on boomers
only women in rural areas wave back

bikers are inconsiderate assholes, but teenage and college peds are the worst
>coming home yesterday
>turning from main road that everyone speeds on to chill road that Ts into main road
>gaggle of teens with an old lady bagcart
>with like two sweaters in it
>they are walking with their back turned to me
>I go they are dumb teens so they will walk in front of me without looking
>they fulfill the prophecy
>but then an oncoming car in their line of sight starts signaling
>they do not yield
>figures, traffic starts to pile up
>they make it halfway across the street
>my lane is clear
>I can go!
>rev to shift out of neutral
>all the kids stop in the street to turn and look at me
stupid teens
if i wanted to run you down i would have done it before you were in a front a car you little shits

Students aren't terribly bad unless it's night and they're wasted
kaio ken times ten for weekends
I'd rather them be bad walkers than bad drivers tho

Here in the bay area, commute to college.
Seriously, I save a lot of money on room and board but I have grown to hate every other fucker on this campus.

im pretty lain back and always try to create a bubble around my car, then when i see an opening to floor it and pass people (go from 35-80 in a 35 zone) i go for it and put on a fucking show

here by the most northern school of the CSU system,
I'm a local
>fuck college peds
however unless I go to northtown or downtown i don't have to deal with college peds
>read: I never go into town
however once they get vehicles they drive like shit everywhere
I vote for peds, they crush less signs
>pic related: counter argument

>I feel it's the right thing to do to warn people of an obstruction ahead, whether it be a mobile speed trap or a stopped car.

I don't get it. How would you know if there's an obstruction on the road ahead, if you're behind the person you're trying to warn?

Baiting, aren't you?

No Sir, please enlighten me.

When you're coming from the direction they're headed, dummy.

I act nice to peds, because they are endangered in traffic. Slow down when I have the right to pass them before they cross etc.

Fuck anyone going 0.1km/h below speed limit though.

>a good 20% of drivers have highbeams on everywhere around where I live
Californian traffic sucks, I suspect many of the drivers are actually full on retarded. Not just aggressive assholes, but actually so fucking incompetent and brain dead that they don't realize they're doing anything wrong.

I'll be fair, when I first started driving and got my car I didn't even realize I had been driving with my highbeams on for like a month

Lol when I was 17 me and my girl at the time were with her friend and her respective boyfriend. He drove us around and after like 5 minutes of trying to figure out what was off i said "Dude do you have your fucking highbeams on? That's super dick."
Turns out he did. And he had been driving like that for 2 years.
I gave him so much shit.

but user dont you know that people have to speed to work so that boss goldberg can make extra shekles

also important to text stacy to make sure doesnt forget about your date tonight (which she will because she was too busy fucking CHAD)

I'm a very aware of my surroundings type of driver, I like knowing which cars are around me, which ones drift in and out of their lanes and which ones swerve around in their lanes, as well as who's on the phone and who's talking to people and moving their entire body, or turning around to look at kids, or whatever.

I am only kind to those that are kind to me and to others, in other words, those that are driving properly and not drifting in and out of lanes, swerving in lanes, on their phones, or just generally being a douche, or putting mine or others' safety at jeopardy.

> Respect is earned, not given
> Treat others how you want to be treated
> Be nice to those who are nice to you, ignore those that aren't

Because some people are sadly just taking their own insecurities out on others. That tend to manifest itself in dickery and doucheness, because they feel safe enough to do so with impunity in their steel bubble.
Traffic just flows better if people would chill their tits once in a while and you might just make someone's day a little better. Pretty win-win in my world.

women are raised to believe that they are the center of the world and should be treated like princesses so they take acts of kindness for granted. men realize that you didn't need to do what you just did, so they show appreciation for it.

I have a contradicting story to tell, one that took place about 20 minutes ago

>driving on highway, going speed limit in right lane
>never leave right lane
>cars next to me keep matching my speed
>soccer mom cunt in minivan is obviously weaving from lane to lane trying to pass one of us
>despite the fact that I am driving =< speed limit, I end up passing a couple cars ahead of this bitch while I'm in the right lane
>she gets behind me at one point and flashes her lights and leaves her high beams on
>brake check the fuck out of her
I'm not afraid of confrontation
>she pulls up next to me and flips me off, I smile and flip her off back
>she has her cell phone in her hand and almost throws it through her window, but catches herself and pretends she's on a phone call
>see her pull into an ATM a minute later

gee I guess you really had to make it there before the ATM closed huh cunt

I honestly find that most women wave and are just as polite as men here. The problem is Asian women, those fuckers will run you off the road and not give a crap!

>flash lights to let person merge ahead
>they flash their hazards to say thanks

such a warm fuzzy feeling

> Pass an obstruction in the other lane
> Be a good citizen
> Flash lights to warn oncoming traffic of the obstruction in their lane

It's literally one of the basics of being a competent road user. I always appreciate such warnings, so I give them out as well. Especially on nice twisty roads; nobody wants to round a corner at 50 and be faced with a parked van. If you're warned, you know to slow down a bit and be wary.

Can't say I'm a chill person when driving but I almost always let someone merge in front of me, warn about police / animals by the road, use high beams to tell pedestrians I'll stop, flash hazards to thank etc.
We have to work together to make traffic as nice and efficient as possible.
I disagree, in my opinion the majority of women just don't know the "unwritten rules of the road". Maybe they don't give a shit, maybe no one taught them. I've seen women that flash hazards, I've seen women that wave, I've seen women that don't do anything but I've seen men do the same.

I can't understand why women love to ride in the right lane on the parkways where I live, but will never give an inch when it comes letting someone merge into to traffic. In the last few months I've had a bunch of incidents where I'm trying to merge in & some cunt is flooring it to prevent it. I'm pretty sure it's these same women who have no idea how to get on the parkway & drive to the end of the merge lane & come to a complete stop. When I'm getting on a highway it's like a 747 cleared for take off. Once I hit the area you can merge I'm at or close to the speed limit.

I always switch to the middle lane in order to let people merge.

There are no radar police where I live. It's pretty fucking awesome.

I drive a Mustang, so I give and recieve lots of waves and honks. I also get a lot of looks and get a lot of compliments, which is always fun. My favourite is when I'm coming home at the same time the elementary school day ends and a bunch of kids point atbthe car, shouting at their friends in excitement. That always gets me all giddy. I'm sure it's the color more than anything. Grabber blue S550 with black stripes.

Lurkujesz vihen user ?


>keep lane clear ahead
>stop so other cars would have a chance to turn into the lane
>Mercedes driver behind me starts honking
>everyone gets into the lane and I drive off as normal
>light goes red for the merc driver
keks my dude.

All the time. The only time I start to lose my cool is when people do something supremely fucking stupid. In those cases, pic related.

>retard in front of me trying to merge on the 75mph freeway at 45mph
>assfuck merging in and forcing me out of my lane after I give a polite honk to say "hey look m8 I'm here!"
>retard tailgating me even though I'm in the middle/right lane and they have a free left lane to pass
>niggerfaggot texting while driving
>shitbeard pulling out in front of me and not accelerating to get out of my way
yeah, pic related when that happens

> speed limits were set in place in the 1950's
> cars infinitely better and safer since then

Always give a thumbs up to a bro who warns of speed cameras

How does a fine in the mail 6 weeks later stop my speeding frenzy exactly?

I agree entirely, but in my experience I've found that older elderly ladies really like to wave at you should you let them merge etc

Fuck other drivers. There's nothing more beta than letting someone merge into your lane. The streets are a jungle and if you're not a lion, then you're just prey. I'm a lion.


I try to make eye contact with the other driver. If they don't even try to look at me, I don't let them in (usually Chinese). If they have tinted windows and I can't see them, sometimes I let them in, sometimes not. Depends on the car I suppose.

Usually I get no thanks but regardless I always say thank you

Love it

>tfw got honked at for not running over a fucking pedestrian today

>cruising sensibly
>12yo in a molested honda spots you 200 miles back
>snaps second and floors it to catch up to you
>not so he can admire your car or pay compliments
>only so he can try to show of his mad skillz

A few days ago I cruised through a set of lights quit quickly, noticed a GT500 stopped at a red.
He followed me down a couple streets just to have a look at my car, waved at me then did a u-turn and headed back.
Nicest feeling.