PK is laughable edition
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PK is laughable edition
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Valkyries are for ______.
Is Valkyrie the most underpowered character at the moment?
Low damage, low health, and atrocious recovery time. You need to make zero mistakes in order to win a fight while your opponent can afford plenty. Also once they get used to parrying and dodging the legsweep combo, she's so easy to wreck. I suck when I play her, and whenever I match against her it's a free win.
>tfw trying to make a Slaanesh emblem but I fucking suck at these kinds of things
Why do people say LawBringer is bad? I think hes really good and can 2v1 easily
no, that would be lawbringer
>guy calls me cheater because he can't counter GB
How shit are people in this game?
Buffs to Warden sprint speed when?
only guaranteed damage is light attack after a parry. Everything else can be teched or parried.
>PK with red connection
I'm fairly convinced you actually cannot win these fights
What's the deal with light attacks, like when I'm fighting a Raider and sometmes I block their shit and they get pushed back and their combo stops, but other times I block and they can just keep going for like seven or eight attacks straight but I'm still blocking each one?
In the opening cinematic, where deathwing is shattering the earth or whatever, what exactly is supposed to be gushing out of the castle well? The logical part of me says it's supposed to be muddy water (with a zesty hint of human poo) but when I turn my brain off and go by what I see alone, it looks more like the swarm of nanomachines from The Day the Earth Stood Still, hellbent on consuming the awful, warring humans, and reverting the planet to it's prime, virgin state.
I am an avenger
Shitty nobuchi player only spams the same bleed attack then starts screeching and spilling his spaghetti when I start rekking him with lawbringers charge
What are you talking about? After a parry you can up heavy most of the time and get rid of half their health, but i guess some people have faster recovery
>Rebind guardbreak to r3 to have it on the ready all the time without moving my thumb away
>So extremely used to pressing x that I still do that instead
>Sometimes I am even slower now because I go for x and then remember r3
>Low damage
This is because she has a fuck ton of ways to inflict it. Her defence is pretty good too - the thing that sets her aside from PK in the ways that they do damage is that PK's defences are really fucking shit. Valkyrie's aren't.
>Low health
Very true, but again, she has pretty decent means of mitigating damage. Shield tackle is really fucking nice as it lets you turtle up for a bit and protect yourself. Her dodge counter is hard to do but lets you counter attack real fucking nicely, with a bleed too.
>Atrocious recovery time
I've never actually had a problem with this. CC them, then when they recover, GB and heavy. It's pretty spammable and since she has so many CC options your opponent may not know how to deal with it.
She does require you don't fuck up a lot but that's what I like about her. She unironically has a really high skill cap, and I think I'm working my way towards it. Dodge countering is still a pain to get used to, and so is her superior block attack timing, but once I get it, I feel like I'll be much better at her.
t. rep 1.7 valkyrie
It takes a while to get used to it. R3 is a shitty placement for it though, it's much nicer on a trigger.
Not only can it be parried, but it is super easy to dodge. Only shitters allow that to land.
how do you think i got all those wins
Nothing more satisfying then pinning some filthy fucking roaches/nobu/pks against a wall and fucking them raw with pure VERSATILITY
this map is the worst if you're playing against a shugoki haha
is it just me or everyone is like warden now?
She's just shit. The only reason you win engagements is because you're fighting people who almost never face her, and don't know any of her moves.
OR it's because I'm good at her, and she's not bad in the hands of someone that knows how to play her. Stop being butthurt because you can't gitgud with valkyrie.
And everybody is a shitter, so whats the problemo
Which looks better on knights, painted metal or bare metal?
Easy as fuck to play, in the top 3 of best classes, and in my opinion thee best class by a decent margin. EZ plus very strong are a combo that attracts many shitters. Its why roach and nobu are so popular.
The problem with "atrocious recovery time" is in 2v1s where you're the 1. If dealing damage takes a lot of TIME, it means you'll never be able to pull it off when facing 2 or more opponents - no matter if the combo is guaranteed against one opponent.
just you, I've been in an ocean of orochis
I'm so sad. I really wanted to like Valkyrie to save me from being a nobushitter, but I have to work so hard to do peanuts damage. Not to mention when a fight takes so long your opponent can learn your playstyle and adapt faster.
Meanwhile in Nobushit-land I can combo a bad player down to less than 1/4 of his life remaining before he's even landed an attack.
I love it. They look at a youtube video that tells them to fish for pokes with top lights, but they do those at such a predictable pace that it's easy crush counters in a Warden mirror.
They also delete all their stamina with overuse of zone attacks.
>everything 90+% winrate.
Quitter shitter detected. Those sorts of winrates aren't realistic because you'd end up playing against people who would stomp you eventually. A "legit" good player winrate is 70-80% at most. And that's if you're REALLY good.
Considering people did this shit in beta to have 90-100% winrations, and they still haven't put in a disincentive to quit in games, I'm calling you out..
T. retired esports player
I keep seeing Berserkers I think, the dude with the twin axes
>got rematched against this retard 5 times
Just fuck my whole life up.
Is warlord honest?
>don't mind nobushi's
>hate facing valks
what is wrong with me
i wish peacekeepers mug was available to put on a shield
then i could cover it with a crossed red circle and kill those fuckheads with even more joy
get out of me swamp
"Character that takes a long time to kill someone" is a distinct and real problem in 2v2s and 4v4s. if you can't leverage your superior skill to quickly end a battle, the more likely it will be that you will find yourself ganged up on.
There's a point where it's still okay and playable, but Valkyrie's damage to time ratio is SO bad that it sinks her very low in the character tiers. She's VIABLE (not outstanding) in 1v1s, but trying to play her in a team mode is fucking suffering.
I had a duel winrate of ~92% in Beta without quitting. It's dropped to ~74%.
Free weekend when? I miss the total stomp duels from the open beta, now most people at least put up a fight.
Stop deploying war assets against Vikings.
Are you sure you are playing the right way? She has block properties on her dodges and lights.(I might be mistaken)
If it strue, it is Really good she has low hp.
Also this
Wanted to like Valk and play polearm classes. But she couldn't suit my preferences and nobushi is just way to good to play. Dropped her until they do something with her. Right playing Nobushi feels like easy mode.
How do you cancel shoulder charge in to grab as warden? I can do it but only right at the start when I've seen people charge forward then switch to a grab before.
Also how to get good at guard break counter?
You're right. The key to 2v1s is CC then run away
Again, I can't argue with that. I might be biased because I really like playing her. If the opponent has no fuckin idea how to block then it's a swift win but other than that it's an uphill (but not impossible) battle.
That seems even more annoying desu, at least r3 is a button I never normally use
What's some safe site to find this game at less than 48$?
>teammates are always dead 4 seconds into the round
>me gud
>tim bad
nah fuck you, they pushed the line too far
how do I hit someone who parries my conqueror?
if I attack first I lose and then they never attack
Who's a good character that's not warden?
I'm maining LB but I want something real, and something that can survive versus multiple people in the shitter game modes.
I got pretty good with LB, but im reaching the level where wardens mixup properly and feint. Hes faint is a bit slow to be competitive i feel like.
just so you know, there's no one defending or attacking on the samurai front for knights.
You men berserker right? And I don't know desu Im guessing it's blocking a heavy rather than a light that causes the recoil and reset.
lemonparty org
I'm interested in buying FH. How's the gameplay exactly? Kinda like Dark Souls or something completely different? Wasn't able to get into the Beta because work. Could some kind user elaborate a bit?
You know they say that all classes are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Nobushi and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another hero, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Orochi to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way, at Citadel Gate, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Orochi KNOWS she can't beat me and she's not even gonna try!
So Nobushi, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. See Nobu, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Citadel Gate.
>have to parry and poke Orochi to dead as LB
It's like a third person fighting game.
There's more to do than in a game like Dark Souls, for instance you have to decide what direction you're blocking in, and this also determines the vector of your attack.
you could try kensei
I love how most Peacekeepers can't even do the triple stab
And after that?
Any tips for kensei? His finisher is really slow and can be dodged easily even if you cancel into light.
Warden best girl
like darksouls made a baby with street fighter
This game is extremely simple for a fighting game, and there are people who know instawin tricks that others don't.
90% is completely possible.
the warden is canon man though,
Liam O'Brien is better than the female voice
*teleports behind you*
Implying this isn't annoying as shit
I can't do eliminations with randoms without having one fucker who goes the entire game never getting a kill
Post 'em boys, don't be shy,
Ignore dom, shit teammates REEEEEE:
only simple things are large windows for teching grabs and not having (complex) motions for abilities
And add a lock on system, easily the best part of the game
he has mixup side/overhead and dodge attacks
also good range, good hp and good lights. Long reach doesn't let people gb you after parry most of the time.
and yeah, you can roll out of his 3rd hit in the chain but I doubt you would be doing his long chains on good opponents anyway
How do you play this guy? all i do is guard break and hit people off ledges..
>GB spamming lawbreaker getting guard broken off the ledge
Perfect every time
>He bought steel
user come on
>cinematic is a main girl warden and loads of malae wardens dying
>main character is a female warden
>default gender for warden is female
I can't be the only one annoyed by this
>every grill in this game make me hot and bothered and they are all covered from head to toe in armor
As soon as the animation starts just feint the attack, you can guard break if you are close enough
>not having (complex) motions for abilities
This is objectively a good thing. Letting the person immerse themselves in the gameplay fully without forcing them to focus on controls is good game design, and overly complicated inputs focusing on arcade control schemes are archaic and traditionalist.
I'm a sucker for customizations
>Removing the fucking helmet
You cancel it into the heavy sideswipe to beat side steps and light attacks, feint it or the unblockable if they're playing hard defense and go for the mix-up
>he has mixup side/overhead
tell me more
>dodge attacks
really quite useless
>but I doubt you would be doing his
doesn't grab link into side heavy into finisher?
Jewbisoft is winning anyway, may as well shortcut to cool shit
Is this the best launch Ubisoft has had?
Bruh i'd be more worried if you weren't turned on by Peacekeeper she literally sticks her bust out and has pronounced hips.
Give anything her figure and you'd want to fuck it. This is the premise for most "weird" porn on the internet.