/fhg/ - For Honor General

Assassin edition

*teleports behind you* >New players:


>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

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Okay why is Raider the only fun class though


A reminder that all of us Peacekeeper players are butt sluts who want to be dominated by big strong men!

Would it seriously be that difficult to make a separate search for elimination and skirmish like they have with duel and brawl??

Unironically, who should I main /fhg/

Who's fun and who's not in the shitter

What the hell does he scream for his unblockable?

For anyone interested, here's a good written guide for all the collectibles in campaign, they haven't done the last 3 chapters of the samurai campaign yet


Fighting Wardens and Kenseis are the most fun, I have to admit. The good players can really push your shit in but you always have a fighting chance and any mistakes is entirely on your part. There's no way to consider them cheap at all. I wish the other heroes received the same attention as these two.

"I'll rip you apart" I think

Not that one. Valk can go into a sweep after the 2nd light attack. So it goes

Light > Light > Sweep > Heavy > Light > Sweep > Repeat.

This combo can go all the way untill you run out of stamina.

If you get a grab you should just heavy off of it and then try to pressure into the above sweep combo.


Uve yet to face a good one.

i think Warden and Conqueror are the best characters to learn the game with. Both force you to focus on the essential mechanics of the game, which in turn translates to all other characters.

Missed the thread change

Kensei has the least gimmicks, so it's more Ryu-like than Warden. The problem is that "fundamentals" in For Honour don't let you attack, because the fundamental gameplay is super defensive.

If you want to do more with Kensei than just the wait and parry game which every class can play, the trick is to get to the very edge of your light range. The first hits of Kensei chains are too slow to be useful with the exception of top Light, which is predictable because it'll only ever come top, but if you get to the edge of your light range you can deliberately whiff your first attack.

Try using back+topLight from a range where regular top light would connect, so that you miss on purpose. Now you can use a fast follow up light in any direction, and it's fast enough to poke people who thought they could get initiative after you missed, or tried to parry your first light. You can do the same with side dash lights from the edge of range, which will count as the first light in a series so you can follow them with the same quick stab in any direction. If your positioning is good, you can be quite safe after a parry, as many classes won't be able to parry>GB you from the edge of your range, which lets you keep trying with followup lights.

If you hit that 2nd light attack, you can go into unblockable/side heavy mixup, which the other player will avoid completely by just dodging backwards. Repeat while hoping they're stupid enough to corner themselves and you might get damage off it. If all of that fails: Unlock your aim, turn your character to the left, and manually aim the first swing of a zone attack to hit somebody behind you before the indicator pops up. This is the silliest shit and you're really straining to make the guy viable at that point.

how do i become raider or is it a lost cause?

C/D: The 4v4 modes should have dedicated servers.

>getting my ass kicked
>perfect connection no lag 10/10 servers
>start doing good
>connection drops

Can confirm. It's more like "I'll rip you to pieces" though

saved, was looking for something like this
thanks mate

RIP lawbringer.

Jesus he is bad. Slow, predictable and weak. The counter attack class is easy to counter and you have jack shit to follow up with after you parry, except the light overhead tap with the butt of the pollaxe.

Buff fucking when?

On an unrelated note I am fucking sick of roaches.

>lawbringer has the unique feature of dazing people on top heavies
>his top heavy might as well be the easiest parried attack in the entire game and there's no way to guarantee it



What do you mean? I've faced plenty of good ones but the key point is that they're legitimately good instead of merely relying on cheap moves. There was this one Warden I fought who was aggressive as fuck and kick my shit in so hard, I still think of him fondly.

The first patch they implement should give you a loss for being a quitter shitter but leave it out of the notes.

Then quitter shits can be laughed at as they keep leaving but have no idea.

Should I main Shokui or Warlord?

>it's another "you guard break at the same time so the enemy lands an untechable guard break on you" episode
>it's another "the enemy slowly walks backwards the entire duel" episode
>it's another "retards don't realize they're literally immortal by spamming roll, it's actually them perfectly timing those infinite iframe dodges" episode

Berserker is a very singular goal kind of character. Mid tier players will parry every single attack you use aside from the fast side dodge light attack which will be blocked and even if it's not blocked it won't matter because if you trade anything aside from your slow ass heavy you'll come out behind. Berserker is very strong but without the versatility you'll be blocked and parried to death. Berserker doesn't even have a reliable feint and follow up. Despite the flaws people will still get absolutely ruined by Berserker, You'll stand there and watch in disbelief as people take 80% of your slow ass up heavy's to the face instead of blocking/parrying

This helped a lot. I feel like most of my shortcomings are that I'm going too offensive and trying to land that sick top unblockable. I also read that helm splitter, side slashes and dash grabs are great but I can't combo them for the life of me since their swings land before mine.

Daily reminder that Stealth and Sharpen Blade are the best feats of all time

best hero counter to orochis?

>orochi 4v4 feats

I wish Apollyon was my mom


Anyone have Warden tips?

I feel like if I attack im wide open and because Warden attacks are so slow and telegraphed its easy to just dodge around and counter.

How do you play this shit?

>shoguki on the same level as lawbringer

nice joke

how does stealth work?

Shugoki is fucking top tier, along with Warden and Warlord. Also what is the point of the entire lower half of this chart if you don't use it?

Is quitting over shit teammates considered being salty? If I'm the only fucking person on my team able to get a kill for multiple rounds in elimination I don't feel like I should take the loss. I've been in so many situations where no one can kill their fucking guy so I end up being 3v1

Use the infinite chain, user. They're devastating and fast as fuck. Just be sure to mix up your directions and don't settle on a predictable rhythm. Most will end up panicking when they go critical, letting you score an easy win. Best part is that no one can dodge roll out of it mid-chain. Even blocks won't stop your chain, they have to parry it and I don't think it'll stagger you either. A parry is considered a regular block when you're in a chain.

Yeah but that never works. I always get blocked or parried after the initial attack. Even if i change the attack angles for every strike i can't get the second strike to land. Are you only playing against complete idiots?

oh fuck thanks user!
Was delaying the campaign till I could get those with minimal time wasted.

Shugoukis blow me up more than anything else. Such a stupid fucking character. All gimmicks.

>Try to GB someone.
>Count as failing a throw tech instead.
Fuck Ubisoft and the tech timing "fix". the lag makes gb and teching even more retarded. Now even more people are spamming gb for free damage.

get good.

Clearly ubi is balancing around dominion. He has a lot of CC

Just started using sharpened blades. I can't believe I went through the betas using the crossbow with her

what are the rewards again?

use zone attack, it does great damage and is very fast
learn how to shoulder bash mixup for combos
learn fundamentals (git gud at parrying/gb)

those tips should immediately put you above the majority of shitters. once you start getting good you use feints and shit but that's not necessary at the beginning













Side dash light is punishable on block and parry fodder. It destroys new players because they don't expect it to come from the opposite direction or they constantly light into it and miss, but you shouldn't be throwing these about constantly against decent people. If you want to use it then it either needs to be from the edge of range, where it's safer, or on reaction to a particular attack like Warden charge.

None of your initial swings are fast enough to catch anybody out because people can hold up to stop helm splitters and every other direction is slow motion.

I can stomp Rep 3 Orochis and Peacekeepers just fine, but any Shugouki fucking rapes me and I have no idea why. I try to whiff punish and dodge and I just end up eating a guard break or a big hit.

>Up against an Orochi in 4v4, a few rounds in so everyone has unlocked their feats
>Immediately hit with a shurikin
>He then backs up and tries hitting me with a bow
Come the fuck on

Lawbringer has a long ass fucking chain you mongoloid, just because you're too retarded to use it doesn't mean he's weak. It's you. You are weak.

yeah is that bugged?

>Apollyon, are we the baddies?

Alright guys figured out what my problem was with Nobushi vs Shugoki. I was trying to link parry into top light but I didn't realize that the side lights are significantly faster.

Now to go cut me off some nice pork belly.

Also weak characters should be buffed to be able to compete with high-tier characters like Warden, Kensei and others, not the other way around. Nerfing things at this stage is NOT the way to go.

*inchoate bellowing intensifies*

why not one of her male concubines?

The only buff he needs is to have Blind Justice connect off of a parry and make his side lights faster. Maybe extend some range on his strong attacks but that's it. He has a strong tool set, just no way to reliably use it.

Use the stun mixup, GB, side-heavy.
Try using the unblockable occasionally, when they least expect it.
Charging heavy deals good damage too, but it can't get executes nor can it be combo'd with.

Only thing you have against good players who're going for the parry game is your quick-as-fuck lights.
Good luck, you'll have to mind-game them.


This was happening to me last night, I as duelling as Lawman and had a like 15-0 win streak going on, met a really good fatman and he fucking plowed me, feels like a tough matchup for lawboi.

The guy was a bro though and fought me for 3 games in a row and he was chatty, good practice, I still can't dodge the grab for the fucking life of me.

You're retarded. The only chain he has is the smash - gb - side heavy, and that can be countered by someone who knows how to counter GB. Literally everything else in his toolset can be parried easily.

Just because you can beat shitters with the smash mixup, that doesn't mean Lawbringer is suddenly good.

To prove that balance is relatively tight and that most characters are viable?

We all know the correct answer to this.

oh and if they're spamming GB feel free to punish with your heavy combo.
They'll feel it in the morning HA

>5 levels until rep 3
>5 levels of boring dominion
I cant even imagine the grind until rep 10 for those materials

>Valkyrie bottom
Wasn't she god tier?

Why are we here?

Just to suffer?

What is Warden

Ok fine I'm going to drop Valkyrie
Far too hard character to learn

Want to know how plinked zone attacks work? The zone attack has a fixed direction, and is performed by hitting 2 buttons, but people rarely hit 2 buttons at exactly the same time, so the game has built in leniency. If you hit heavy, keep it held and then roll on to light immediately after, the game will do a zone attack, but not before it sends the beginning of a heavy attack.

Put your guard in a direction your zone attack doesn't come from, hit heavy and then light immediately after. The other player sees red coming from one direction which instantly changes into a different direction. This is why Warden is stupid, but roaches get to do it too, and it's their only quick attack other than top light.

Unless you are directly on top of an enemy or have landed a first hit on them, Stealth means you completely vanish from the HUD and radar. Aim assist also doesn't work on you, which renders the ranged attack feats useless against you.

>playing with controller means no push to talk
>join game
>"hey user you have a cute voice"
>look over at mic on my dresser
>it's on and has been for a while
>tfw you occasionally laugh or comment on what happened to yourself and then realize your partner in 2v2 heard it all
I really want to die.

All heroes I can't beat.

That's the reason I'm using her.

I will be the true elite

are you invisible or can they still physically see you?

Warden mains.

No I just catch people and react off what they do. It's how you play fighting games. Going in the same way every time is a great way to lose.

>the cosmetic you want is rep 17



Somebody asked for Conqueror revenge-fucking/raping Peacekeeper.

It's a bit shorter than I like to write, but I had fun writing it after about a month and a half or so of being in an utter writer's block, so I'm not complaining.

The tense issues spawn from the fact that I usually ERP

Should be fixed, unless one slipped through the cracks.

Apollyon did nothing wrong.

except youre wrong, because if you block one of the light attacks you get get knocked out of the chain and you can be punished and the heavy attacks are all slow as piss and easy to parry. the game even tells you the light attack part

i think that might ahve been me user, a lot of people struggle with shugoki and i always play a few extra matches and spam attacks they have trouble with so they can learn

When are ubisoft going to fix the million errors? I just want to finish 4v4 matches without getting booted for no reason.


If only you can get to use those chains fuckface. Everything he does is easily countered they need to increase his speed.

Gays get out

so is your voice really cute?

They can still physically see you, but you aren't flagged as an enemy (or as anything).

>Apollyon wanting to fuck SHEEP and not Wolves.

>cannot join because lobby is full


My only complaint

>Armor off

Ya dunne do dat

>leave mic on by mistake
>realize that it's been on


really wish you'd fuck off you creepy little degenerate

>We have a history.
Did they fug?

I've been using the chain all day. Heavy attacks are only slightly slower than the light attacks in the chain and a regular block just mitigates damage but the chain keeps on going. A parry will throw you out of the chain but it won't stagger you.

so whens the first date?

I agree but nerfing should be done when something is so ridiculous it pratically ruins the game. All the unblockable rushes that can combo out of attacks are insane, except for Lawbringer's since it barely stuns them.

I assume this is going off of 1v1's and even then it's still bad. Nobushi lower than Warlord? Orochi higher than Peacekeeper? Kensei higher than Conqueror?