Nagging Parents

>"I shouldn't have had you take me this way, I know you get nervous when it is busy"
>*asks me some esoteric question about my satnav* "don't you know how to use this thing?"
>"the airflow in this car isn't that great, where do I adjust it? don't you know how to use this thing?"
>"easy on the accelerator"
>"the back and forth motion in this car makes me sea sick"

Anyone have parents that nag and belittle them whenever you drive them around?

nope, even done ebrake turns with my mum in the car

Do your parents not have their own car?
Also just do this
>mom wants to ride with to go see grandma
>drive like complete ass
>brake late
>take corners too fasr
Never asked for a ride again

>riding passenger with any family member driver
>they put the car in Drive while the car is still moving backwards

because im an adult who has his own car, house, and life i see my parents like 1-3 times a month maybe

i dont drive them around seeing as how they have their own cars, drivers licenses, and brain

hell even my 77 year old grandma drives her own ass around

i bet you voted trump because they told you to

>Look at you, such a good driver, you're shifting so smoothly nowadays!
T-thanks grandma, I got my license eight years ago.


2 Cuck Bucks have been deposited to your account.


Mom never complains, dad and I have a running "fight" about pointing out whatever the one driving does wrong just for the fun of it, aswell as a learning experience

However, my dad has borrowed my Hilux quite a few times, or he has been forced to drive it if I borrow his Mitsu due to needing more seats or taking it for a service

Stuff he doesn't like about it;
>too much road noise
>takes turns too wide
>gearshifts are too long
>doesn't have AC
>doesn't have ABS
>doesn't like that its bumpy

I don't know exactly what he thought a 14 year old barebonesy pickup was when I bought it...

He does but he tends to make me drive when we go someplace together. I think a combination of laziness and also his cars are sportscars and not very practical for going to the store and so forth.

My dad is sick so been taking care of him more. I'm still a 30 year old manchild tho.

I miss my grandparents, they always told me now nice I drove. They were a pleasure to drive around.

Driving with my parents is pretty bad for a variety of reasons.

Both of them have driven into/around NYC (mother) or from NYC -> Newark (father) for two decades or more. This means from a traffic perspective they're unbearable.

A control freak. She HATES being a passenger, unless my dad is driving. Way too conservative (wants me to be slower/less aggressive than she is by far) and worried about turns. Thankfully it's rare she'll be a passenger in my car.

Drove 2hrs back and forth from work every day for over 25 years (still doing it). Radio hog as passenger. When he falls asleep it's a blessing, but usually he's awake, lecturing me on the nature of "smooth driving" (e.g. if no one is pulled up approaching to the left turn lane of a right and you're turning left, it's okay to touch the line a bit as you go past). Absolutely horrible at giving directions when asked, then will criticize you if his directions/hand gestures (given directions don't match his intent).

Both like my car (2015 Ford Fusion Titanium) but not so much as they prefer the height/"safety" of an SUV (whatever the fuck that means).

Does anyone else find passengers fucking with the air conditioning and windows annoying?

yes because turning on the AC in my car causes it to stall

I drive my step grandmother with alzheimer's to go to the doctor or to go see her family outta town because she can't do it anymore since she is paralyzed from the torso down now.

It's hell
>goes the recommended speed limit "user, SLOW THE HELL DOWN. YOU'RE GOING TOO FAST!"
>shits herself if a fast car is approaching us from behind, thinking that they may hit us
>grasps my leg everytime i get on the freeway, really fucking hard too, surprised she has that kind of strength
>constantly looking at my speedometer to see how fast i'm going, I have one of those digital ones you'd find in old Cadillacs

it's a pain the dick, but i refuse to let her ride with a stranger in a Uber/Lyft or anything equivalent.

>take a turn even slightly aggressive
>wow son please don't take turns like that
>my stomach doesn't like that
>my back hurts

my dad drives like he's in gta driving as aggressively as possible while trying to not to hit people.

you parents arnt going to leave you anything but debt when they die j.s.

You wouldn't have to worry about any of this if you moved out of mommy and daddy's house you fucking loser.

>I'm still a 30 year old manchild tho.
That's probably it then. Your dad wants to push and test how much of a pussy his son actually is. Don't let him belittle you. Fix whatever it is in your life that makes you seem weak and act confidently.


I just started doing these/powerslides and spun the fuck out today, I'm glad I didn't decided to get cocky with my mom or dad in the car or they literally would've called our insurer and took me off the plan while in the car.

>Fix whatever it is in your life that makes you seem weak and act confidently.
Thanks user.

its not like my parents can take my insurance or car because im a fucking adult and pay for my own insurance.

also only did it on a backroad with no other cars around during the winter after missing my turn

i also dont worry too much about accidently fucking up my car because its an ecobox with full coverage insurance , that will pay out 4k more than i paid for the car as of current, and ive gone so long with out an accident i have 1 major full writeoff accident that will be forgiven