Is "oem looks+good quality and features" an impossible combination when it comes to aftermarket head units? Almost every radio available has that ugly glossy glass over black finish.
For example pic related looks good, but it's a 2x15W radio.
Is "oem looks+good quality and features" an impossible combination when it comes to aftermarket head units...
Oh look it's this thread again.
what's wrong with this thread
Wasn't this thread up less than a week ago?
Not really, the usual thread on Veeky Forums sets the bar much lower. OEM looks isn't enough for me.
He's just being a faggot about it.
Not really.
>not really
But yeah really. It was. You even used the same OP image.
>Not really.
Yeah actually, it was started exactly a week ago and last post was literally yesterday (). We have these same threads once a week, and given how slow Veeky Forums is I really doubt we have someone new asking this question each time. Honestly we need a sticky for good head units just like we have one for used cars, with different price points and everything. It's a worthy topic and better than shit-posting but it still gets old quick
so you gonna find a new thing to bitch about every week until someone gifts you the perfect head?
trying to get the basic gestalt here
don't you people have somewhere to go
you gripe about this sometimes multiple threads at a time
a) buy a new car with an integrated head unit that matches style
b) replace by buying the OEM part
c) look at one of the many looking nice options from prior threads
but seriously stop, make a wiki oro something but it's fucking annoying to see the same thread over and over again
> 2017
> Not having a Alpine
I just downloaded the pic minutes ago. Shouldn't be a surprise that images get repeated since there are so few HUs with a matte black finish.
That post asks different questions, as I said Veeky Forums usually sets the bar much lower than me. It asks "cheap and not ricey". I ask "oem looking and good quality". I even posted in that thread, see the Bosch coach units. I also made this post . I've given up on navigation since I'm located in South America right now and there's no SA maps for the Becker and VDO single din navi radios.
>the perfect head
Probably PCRN tbqh. I'm not paying 1.5k for a head unit though kek.
You want shitty 80's looks, you get shitty audio.
You want better audio, you get retarded futuristic head units.
You want best audio, you get a good head unit and run an amplifier and aftermarket speakers into your shitbox and stop crying.
Those were ricey before rice was a thing.
Perhaps these threads will stop being made once we find a really good HU that isn't discontinued as the MB-VI from Nakamichi is.
The best I've seen so far that aren't discontinued:
>Kienzle 1016 (red illumination, everything is in German)
>Kienzle 1116
>Jaycar Response (Kienzle knockoff with green illumination)
>VDO/Continental (available in amber or blue)
>Jensen Heavy Duty (bad quality)
Discontinued ones that look the part:
>Denon DCT-R1
>Nakamichi MB-VI
>Nakamichi CD-300/400/500
that thing looks horrid there m8
and I don't mind 90s looks btw
also I've heard good stuff from the Kienzle sound quality and they look the part while not being expensive as fuck. The caveat is that they have all the menus in German, can't tune to American AM radio frequencies and they can be pretty elusive to get. Also no CD.
Oh, something I forgot to say, Rennlist, VWvortex and Bimmerforums have great info, I found most of the models I mentioned in threads from those sites that came up googling for OEM looking stereos.
Now fuck off
Did you even read the OP?
>Almost every radio available has that ugly glossy glass over black finish.
Would be great for one of these with their speedboat looks.
>not buying an ugly but well featured unit, taking it apart and modding it with an oem faceplate
I thought this was Veeky Forums, not some normie website
Let's see how you did that, sounds like an interesting, needlessly difficult way to go about it
joke's on you, I never had to do it
>buying new
>OEM audio quality
what a cuck lmao
Fusion still exists? Fuck me
modern car stereos are ricer as fuck though
also fuck touch screens, i regret that shit already
Just so you'll be more informed in the future, what you suggested would be so much needless work and I doubt anyone has done it. Modifying an old deck for modern inputs is pretty easy though.
Why? Because a methhead stole your radio? Maybe you should consider moving to a better state
wew LAD
i regret it because touch screens are a shit and have no feedback, luckily there are buttons on the steering wheel to control presets and volume
Are double din touch screens with Navigation worth it?
Navigation and adding a backup camera seems pretty great.
Im talking about a 4-500$ pioneer or kenwood or something, not just the 100$ ebay ones
What's wrong with the stock one?
Say no more senpai
>4x40W peak
>looks good
what else is there to ask?
>You get shit audio
Not if you run an amp, which is what your dumb ass should be doing in the first place if you want reasonable audio out of a fucking car.
A signal is only as good as the worst stage in the path
Not if you're even slightly competent with wire splicing. You have to have some communist trash from the 70s to have shit audio from the deck itself.
>sounds like shit
>makes you drill a hole in your dash
>lacks power
>lacks functionality
>lowers your car's resale value
>only redeeming quality is that it's cheap
You have to be deaf to be unable to tell that most modern stereos sound artificial as shit and color the signal in a negative way. Aren't you late for the vape and scrape meet?
>Modern stereos
Not even in the slightest. Like I said, run a preout and beef up the wire gauge.
What the FUCK kind of shit stereos have you been using where you're getting altered audio from the deck/wires? Are you just inept at wiring yourself, and blaming modern decks for this?
Dude, digital processing fucks up the whole signal. Listen to a good head unit some time and you'll never want to go back. That is, if you can tell the difference.
If you're so dead set on implying modern decks are shit, and now implying that digital processing "fucks up the signal"(protip, it doesn't), then why not bypass it all? Like previously stated, if you're using a stock head unit for sound, then you're a retard and a half anyway. No head unit ever made will give you good sound. This is what amps, DSPs, and EQs are for.
I never said "stock". Try some Hi-Fi head unit from back when they used good components. Tube Stromberg-Carlson for example.
fucking tryhards
I bet not even yourselves believe your bullshit
>03 honda
>has "premium" stereo package so 6 speakers, an amp, and a sub
I dont plan on changing out the amp, just replacing the stock head unit with a new one with bluetooth.
Will I be ok with just a ~$100 walmart pioneer/kenwood/sony?
Will a higher priced head unit be diminished returns using the stock amp or what?
Spotted the deaf poorfag
wtf did I just watch
What I have in my R129
Doesn't seem like that much needless work and it looks much better than anything else. Alftermarket quality, OEM looks. Seems worth it to me.
>tfw too smart to buy new
He's right though. Most new decks are made with such shit components that they sound absolutely horrific.
Bought a used CR-V for my wife that had an almost new Walmart Explode Sony in it It sounded like a muffled tin can. It was so bad, I honestly thought the speakers were blown.
Speakers were fine, it was just the "quality" of the deck. I replaced it with an old school Alpine I had laying around, and it utterly transformed the sound. It was so dramatic, the wife asked me if I changed the speakers, too.
>1000 American funny bucks for that
It's like you deliberately tried to find the worst one to post
This site is your friend, OP.
Posting rare photo.
friend had one of those in his Dodge Omni
a headphone reviewer listening to very expensive headphones that suck - pretty much what it looks like
I need something with cassette and aux, what are my options? If it's got DAB that's a bonus
>good sound quality
I thought he was jizzing
So it wasn't an audiophile having an orgasm produced by his own suggestion
Caliber RCD120BT
Thank me later
why have this board at all, just make a sticky on /n/ "all of you wanting to talk or buy cars: Honda civic"
This entire board is retundant.
tl;dr. Go fucking hang yourself you salty fucking busrider
lol fucking destroyed that faggot
Any Alpine deck that starts with the letters "TDA" will work. For the aux, you'll need a $5 adapter that turns the CD changer input into either RCA's or a 3.5mm phono jack.
That's pretty aesthetic for an alpine, no huge array of green lit keys
Just fucking buy the trim package that gives you the improved audio option
I don't think generic shitboxes from the 90s had any audio package
Those audio packages are obsolete by now. Even AUX was a rarity back in the day since it made no sense to use a portable music source.
My dad had a FIAT Tempra with a very nice interior package in the 90s, It was the first car he bought brand new because he's a jew. I miss being poor.
>ynw have a leaky roof again
Jesus dude...fucking Germans
>implying it isn't aesthetic AF
I ain't implying shit
Its ugly as fuck
nice shit taste pleb
Thanks fag ;)
>liking good looking things makes someone a fag
really makes you think huh
>implying actual fags would appreciate something as horrid as that interior
But there's nothing horrid about it, the only horrid thing here is your shit taste. And fags are known for their shit taste. Hell, they like Miatas and they don't like women. Taste can't get any shittier than that lel.
>nothing horrid about it
>blue fucking suede interior
>not even a good shade of blue
>says others have shit taste
Threadly reminder, cars are dogshit tier listening environments. Any attempts to get better sound out of a car stereo is just putting lipstick on a pig.
That's alcantara you fucking plebeian scum
Same difference, and its fucking hideous, get your fucking eyes checked and maybe some taste on your way back from the optometrist m8
Might as well trash talk Mansory too while you're at it. Why do you think the uber rich pay the amounts they pay for these cars? You just don't get it because you have no class.
>not a disgusting nouveau riche meme
Please tell me this is bait, they make disgustingly tacky modifications for rich Arabs, who are notorious for having shit taste
See the calculator on the rearmost part of the center console? It helps the driver calculate how many Plebians Per Hour (like yourself) he's passing on the freeway.
forgot pic
Shit b8, see me after class
Ahh, so not the mansory
Please stop posting that image, would appreciate if you didn't make me puke on my keyboard
Jokes aside, it's gorgeous in real life, it just doesn't translate well to pictures. And touching that alcantara is just... orgasmic.
>Please stop posting that image, would appreciate if you didn't make me puke on my keyboard
Not the same pic, in this one you can see the calculator. I wish I had some pics taken with my camera, they'd probably look better than those vintage ones. Saw it in a show.
>I want to feel like I'm driving a basketball shoe
Say no more, I have just the interior for you!
them cassette holders
The calculator was in the original image
>spending money on car audio
>trying to make a metal and glass box sound good
I'm an audio engineer and let me tell you...
It wasn't
Oh you're right, but what the fuck is that in the console behind the shifter?