any interest in a van dwelling thread?
Any interest in a van dwelling thread?
who would ever want to sleep curled up in a ball also no storage and no sink or stove
Someone who respects a good budget.
I should really start stripping out my van, owned it since September and haven't started converting it yet
Still, as the saying goes, Rome wasn't build in a day.
my back hurts just thinking about that
>not putting the bed front to back
holy shit look at this retard
What about people who own a house, a car and a van?
or maybe hes just shorter than 5'11 aka hispanic
>leaving your lens face down without the rear cap on
>tfw you will never be a manlet
my knees and back are killing me senpai
this is fine.
hell i want a van i can live in for short periods of time for roadtrips, but living in a van all the time is just ultimate poorfag
john mayer lives full time in his earthroamer
>not wanting to sleep comfy in a fetal position while confined in the close cozy space of a closet
you have not ascended to master level sleep consciousness
im coming up to 6month full time in a van now. can not imagine going back to a house
Genuinely curious, where does one park a van like for sleep. And what does the van dweller do for hygiene/meal prep and water? Also shitting?
>I don't have a sink but at least I have my guitar collection and camera lens collection
is that gatorade for drinking or just a piss jug?
I'd love to give it a try, especially for the comfyness and the fact that it's comfy as fuck for week long road trips but I simply can't fucking live without a clean bathroom and public ones DISGUST me. Even hotel ones are borderline.
The ones that have a tiny bathroom in them are perfectly fine but then again only the really expensive ones have a bathroom and not just a little shitter in a drawer.
I'd love to do this, but it would mean having to drive a van.
>inb4 buy an RV
Fuck no.
Get a 24/7 gym membership to use for showering.
Portable stove for meals.
Shit in the forest when you need to shit.
The ultimate kikery
Work colleague has like $1200 a week disposable and lives in a shitty ford van.. Just a mattress on milk crates
For months he didnt even have a mattress, just a sleeping bag
When he showers he goes to where all the hobos live and uses the mobile shower van things
Strangest part is his girlfriend goes through it all too... Fucking europeans I will never understand them
>any interest in a van dwelling thread?
>dust cap off
Seems like you would use the gym toilets my man. Isn't that the obvious choice over shitting in the woods?
Why not just buy a camper or RV and save yourself some time?
I've got a 15 Passenger ram van (pic related). I've since put a twin bed and an armchair in the back but I want to get into some real conversion. What should I start with?
Strip it out, real insulation and replace the windows with sheet metal. Clean walls and floors, make some storage.
Buddy you fucking btfo me I thought the same thing, way of the road.
yea but they at least worked hard everyday, you're just being a lazy cunt.
I would love to live in a van shit would be cash
Are you Russian by any chance?