>NOT /Pol/
What went wrong? Europeans and Arabs hate them so much. Was it because of their economical system? Their faith? Or what?
>NOT /Pol/
What went wrong? Europeans and Arabs hate them so much. Was it because of their economical system? Their faith? Or what?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jealousy of their superior iq
Complete dishonesty.
History of attacking Christians (Persian conquest of Jerusalem in the 600ads)
Greedy money policies
They were the only religious minority in most of Europe
>Judaism’s associations with worldly power and subversive rebellion are closely linked, for what is rebellion but an effort to seize power? So Jewish bankers can rule the world and Jewish Bolsheviks can aspire to overthrow and replace the bankers. In some alcoves of the Western imagination, the two groups can almost appear as co-conspirators. The populist anti-Semitism of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (what August Bebel called “the socialism of fools”) has a long history. One very early example is Saint Ambrose’s response to the emperor Maximus, who punished the leaders of a Christian mob that burned a synagogue in the Mesopotamian city of Callinicum: “That king,” Ambrose said, “has become a Jew.” What made Maximus a “Jew” was not that he defended the Callinicum Jews but that he ranked enforcement of the law over the demands of the spirit (and the religious enthusiasm of the mob).
>Often in the Middle Ages, Christian rulers were accused of Judaizing by populist rebels; the accusations had a curious doubleness. Tyranny was, first of all, imagined as a feature of Judaism, both when there were Jews at court (as physicians, advisers, tax collectors, and money-lenders) and when there were no Jews at court. The Jewish “seduction” of princes was one common way of understanding tyranny. Of course, Jewish seduction was often princely exploitation: the Jews were allowed to collect interest on loans to the king’s Christian subjects so that he could then “expropriate a considerable share of the proceeds.” It was a kind of indirect taxation, at a time when the royal power to tax was radically constrained. The indirectly taxed subjects resented the Jewish money-lenders, but, Nirenberg stresses, the resentment was politically acted out, again and again, in many times and places, though Jews rarely predominated in royal financial affairs “and then only for short periods of time.”
>Anti-Judaism also had a second and rather different political usefulness. Jews were imagined not only as tyrants or the allies of tyrants but at the same time, and more realistically, as oppressed and powerless. Given their rejection of Jesus Christ and their complicity in his death, the oppression of the Jews was justified; but when a tyrannical ruler oppressed his Christian subjects, he could be accused of trying “to make a Jewry” out of them, which obviously wasn’t justified. “We would rather die than be made similar to Jews.” That last line is from a petition of the city council of Valencia to King Peter in 1378. So tyranny was twice understood in Jewish terms: a Judaizing prince treated his subjects like Jews.
>Populist rebels obviously did not think of themselves as Jews; the construction of subversion and rebellion as “Jewish” was, and is, the work of conservative and reactionary writers. Among modern revolutionaries, the Puritans actually were Judaizers (focused far more on the Old than the New Testament), though with their own supersessionist theology. The use of the tropes of philo- and anti-Judaism during the English civil war made some sense, even though there were no Jews in England in the 1640s. The French revolutionaries were neither Jews nor Judaizers, though Burke and others understood them by invoking the “old ideas and fears.” But it was the Bolsheviks who, more than any other group of rebels, were widely understood as “Jewish.” It is true that many of them were Jews, though of the sort that Isaac Deutscher called “non-Jewish Jews.” Judaism had nothing at all to do with Bolshevism and yet, if Nirenberg is right, the Bolsheviks would have been explained in the language of anti-Judaism even if there had never been a Trotsky, a Kamenev, or a Radek among them.
This is the most likely answer.
Certainly not the only, or perhaps even the main, reason, but the fact that Islam and Catholicism frowned on usury and the resulting number of Jewish money lenders (and no one ever likes people who come to collect on debts) probably contributed somewhat.
I don't understand it. You don't have jewish terrorist killing innocents yet europeans side with the fucking muslims against them.
What historical context are you referring to? I'm assuming contemporary times?
Stop nurturing your victim complex, jews. No Europeans are "siding against you"
Here's a Jewish newspaper on the Jewish Jihad:
>this is religious-messianic terrorism, committed by people who view themselves as acting according to God's true will. In simpler words - this is Jewish jihadism, identical in every detail to Islamic jihadism
>The Jewish Sicarii, the fanatic political assassins in the Second Temple period, have already led to the destruction of the political and religious Jewish entity, and sent us into exile. This could happen again
>It is important to understand that this isn't about a handful of madmen.
> We must realize that those who set fire to the Church of the Multiplication in Tiberias are also the ones who would burn a Palestinian baby and stab at the pride parade. The weakening of governance and law enforcement in Israel is playing right into their hands, and the government and security cabinet ought to finally convene to decide on serious and effective measures to stop Jewish jihadism.
Now, your entire worldview may revolve around a Palestinian-Israeli dualism, or an Arab-Israeli dualism, but from here it looks like a monism.
It's the same Semitic shit.
We have Jews shklljng for a bigger immigration of Muslims tho.
For shilling*
Jews committed terrorism all the time under Roman rule, it's why the legions would have to go war against them every so often. Just within the last 100 years you have shit like the King David Hotel bombing.
OP here. Thanks for the replies. For clarification the historical context i refer is more to ancient times (Roman Republic until the rise of Islam era, medieval Europe is okay too).
Sorry if pic related might make the question a bit confusing.
Yet Americans do. Conservatives (due to their evangelical background perhaps) have some fascination almost worship like towards Jews and their country.
Most market dominant minorities tend to be resented, what distinguishes Jews from the Chinese in Southeast Asia or the Lebanese in Latin America is that they actively work to subvert and destroy their host societies based on pure ethnic hatred.
In the end, some Europeans hate Jews because they realize all Jews hate Europeans. When you understand that, you see there isn't enough anti-semitism to counter dominant Jewish anti-gentilism.
If CK2 thought me anything it's that taking loans and then expelling the Jews is very profitable.
Aside from that.
Seeing modern antisemitism (non Arabic). It's not directed at Jews as an ethnic group, rather at rich American Jews who are accused of having more power than they seem, controlling most governments from the shadows.
It boils down to conspiracy theories about the Jewish elite being the rulers of the world. Dunno if there's any merit to them, but this is what i've observed.
Then there's modern Arabic antisemitism, this one is directed at the Jewish people, unlike the first one. And it's kind of understandable for Arabs not to like Jews after they pretty much took Palestine from it's previous denizens, other Arabs are probably doing it as a show of Arabic solidarity.
Then there's the religious fuss about the rebuilding of the temple of Solomon starting the apocalypse.
Jews are killing us from the inside
At least terrorists don't pretend to be our friends.
>Mfw the Yuropean taking loan of me and my family
>Mfw the Spanish Inquisition coming at me when i don't expect it
>Mfw Queen Isabella said i need to go back
>only religious minority
>what are Arians, Waldensians, Cathars, Flagellants, Lollards, Hussites, etc.
It starts with Semitism, which is Judaism as a ethnoreligious-centric movement. They considered themselves a clay-less nation and thus would generate discord with any clayed people's they came across.
Islam, christianity and judaism are semitic religions.
Talking about antisemitism implies the discrimination against those grops too, not just jews.