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Pete's Meat

1st for comfyanon is cute


ey u guys are ok

nth for Hook is cute.

cute trap is just that, cute!

nth for pelting snowballs and cute blue scarves!!

call me when the threads not shit

q cc owns these threads

nth for trap footpussy


On the Saturday 18.2.2016 me Wort and Goy (two mods in osg) a /rs07g/ raid event!

So here few informations about the raid event!

>Whats the time its gonna be?

For Americans
2 pm EST

For Europes
9 pm GMT

For Aussie (Shitposters)
8 am AEDT

>What CC are we using

>Are we using any communications such as discord?
Yes, we expecting atleast 10+ people comming to the raid so it would be nice to join it after the raid mass feel free to leave the discord

>Are they any stats/ skill requirements for this raid event?
Sadly yes there requirements for the raid event
75 Range / 70 Def / 70 (75 Att) / 75 Mage
We did this requirements because we want raid a to be able to be doable not just memeing around

>b-but im a 70 cb champ and i want to raid with you cucks and get a twisted bow split
Read the requirements line again we want it to be doable, if everyone come that have doenst have requirements its literally impossible to kill olm due that low lvl can do nothing at olm probaly instantly die with the supplies we making, also coordinating would be much harder

>What happend if someone gets a unique drop
Since its a raid event its free for all when it comes to loots however if wanna split it with someone from the raid event feel free

>What gear should i bring?
See Picture

>tfw elite clue wants me to go into the legends guild
>dont have legends quest done



Best way to grind 70-85 range?

so i need 75 range and mage AND melee stats other than defence?

ye atleast 70 att and def 70

chins or nmz if u want nmz points

Be thankful that forced memes like peteweathers stay in the containment cc.

3 Rune pouches for sale, 1.5m each, feel free to pm me in game

i dont hang in osg

Everyone wishes you would

make me bitch

haha thats a nice meme haaaaaaaaaaaa

We know. And we like it that way.

cool then we're all happy

>actively remaining around people who don't want you around
Sure you aren't dhargash?

if "people don't want me around" they're free to ban me

sounds like you're just a butthurt faggot

pete is ugly and overweight desu
that's why he is an attention seeking cumstain

You should stop posting about yourself because it validates the people who blame q cc for shitposting (even though there are only 2 people from q cc who regularly get shitposted about)

sorry a simple 2 word phrase riles you up so much

____'_ ____

Don't be sorry faggot, just don't do it.

im not going to stop and you're literally retarded if you think i'm the cause of q cc hate and not the endless deluge of tranny shitposts

>all this cc drama

this is why the cc is cancer, because you complain like little babies all day, the shitposting about the cc and people in it is worse than the cc itself

just dont join

can you even read dumbass it's q cc retards complaining within their own cc
legit kill urself

no meme lad

What the fuck does q cc mean.

queer cc
doesn't matter
fuck off

this is why nobody likes you

There is talk of augury being broken for pvm. People have been testing it and it seems to be doing far worse with trident than mystic might. Anyone here have it unlocked?

cheers buddy.

is the crystal bow even worth investing in, or is a rune cbow with broad bolts just better until blowpipe?

qran cc

fucking google making me look at 3dpd roasties

Not worth it probably unless you're going to imbue it

Even then still probably not worth it

yeah i was looking over the stats again, and its at best 72 gold a shot, and weaker than the rune cbow anyway

I've got it but where do you want it tested, augury isn't a great prayer

Zulrah is an obvious one. People were complaining about it there. But they were also testing it at barrows and said augury was worse than mystic might despite that magic accuracy shouldn't be a factor there at all. So I don't know what to think.

Anywhere else where a monster has some magic defence would be a good test, maybe in catacombs. Most monsters have either zero or infinite mage def.

>weaker than the rune cbow

rune cbow has 10 less max accuracy but you can use an offhand, and broad bolts had 100 ranged strength to the crystal bows max of 70
crystal bow is faster so it may even out, i'm not really sure

i think with lower ranged bonus gear c bow is better

>safespotting north lizard
>some 124 comes up right next to me
>puts a cannon down
>goes and aggros two lizards at once
>is running in circles
>i go drag my north lizard into him
>he picks up his cannon and runs to a corner to logout

What was his plan

augury has an 0.07 dps increase on zulrah's green form and barrows have no magic level or defence so it'd be the same there too. I'd say people just want to say it's not working because they can't see the minimal difference

The dps charts assume the prayer is coded correctly. I think the people were complaining that it might not be coded properly when they tested it vs mystic might, but I do agree with you that it doesn't do much.

Is there a way to train ranged to 61 without cannon that wont bring me close to suicide

what's the worst skill in the game and why is it unarguably firemaking

kill caged ogres
runecrafting or construction

tfw will never play this shit game again

hope you lads are doing well except for the fags

Got 4 tier 7s for sale now, still 1.5m. Pm me in game.

which people have been testing augury?

1m and you have a deal

1.5m is as low as they come lad

if youll be online in a hr ill pm you



is that Leisure Suit Larry

no its kings quest 5

How come no rock cake?

im not dhing and these supplies last me long enough

pretty much online for tonight until like 1am est

if you're at 1 hitpoints and use an absorption the most they can take away from your absorption is 1 hp per hit.

i know but im not going to be playing enough to flick rapid heal

yeah but you can guzzle the rock cake through absorption potions now

wtf thats op

i play osrs while high

>king gizzard

apparently its not leisure suit larry



>he doesn't have preserve unlocked

he's 52 pray, can't even use it anyways

but prayer is burning $$$$$

also calling this to be relish

If spirit shields were 40 def like in eoc i would really consider going 55 pray but solely for a prayer that saves you some re-pots? Nuh-uh.

fuck its been a long day




mega gz lad

just got scammed 2.7 mil for an incomplete ballista lmao guess i'm making gold bracelets for the next 12 hours haha xD


shout out to anyone who thinks icloud nine scams


>when you almost die to a fucking turoth because he landed three sneaky 10s on you while you were looking at netflix

>when the collector doesn't make a single call on the first wave

yfw collector collects no points

Just refuse to call until he does

If there's another attacker call him a cuck if he still calls

come play the game its good

t. reddit

can't tell if retarded or just champing it up....

how the hell do you know which herbs/seeds to pick up without constantly referencing the wiki or some shit

ranarr torsol and snaps are only worth to pick