/fhg/ - For Honor General

Knight/Viking Alliance(?) edition

>New players:

>Hero guides[NEED MORE]:
Conqueror: pastebin.com/d3qQXKGa


>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:


First for weebs are the best

How do I win as Lawbringer against a Nobushi? I literally cannot close the gap no matter what.

anyone got the picture of an emblem where there's a bird resting on a sword handle? blue and white background

Knights > Samurai > Vikings.

xth for Weeb Removal

xth for salt

Literally just wrong.


>can i 1v1 you then? i really want to play somebody whos actually really good
I said top 10%. That doesn't mean I'm good.

>parry into gb near a cliff
>orochi disconnects
>bot kills me during the black screen and i get a round loss

fun game

no its
Knights > Vikings > toilet paper > Samurai


Why are Nobushi, Orochi, and PK the most salty players in the game?

If you see someone whining about another character's moveset, ganking, or ledge pushes, it's almost certainly one of these people

Are we posting salt?

Any good Valks? How do i play her i know about sweep and the light counters but im so shit with her. Also how do i do the bleed move.

Dragons are more versatile than that.

shhiiiieeet, this thread moves to quickly

The saltiest I get is when I lose to one of the above and realize I'm not skilled enough with Lawbringer to take them yet.




yes, yes

>Play nothing but lawbringer
>Go to brawl
>Ally picks lawbringer before me
>Play like complete shit on anyone else
Fuck I'm too used to him

Walk toward her. Block high. Occasionally dash left and right. That's it.

I like the weebs more than the vikings because they don't shitpost as much. When the knights won the open beta both here and on the ubisoft forum there was fucking crying and autistic screetching from the vikings claiming WE WUZ ROBBED


as a sugoki what can I do against any fast attaking enemy? like orochi, peacekeeper or the spear woman?

get your health low on purpose and grab them niggas

And you think the same wouldn't have happened if another faction had their victory robbed?

I want some porn of peacekeeper and nobushi

>love knight faction
>terrible with all the heroes
>i'm actually better with the samurai

I fucking hate this stupid shitting game

Orochi aside, there are some legitimately good players among the Samurai.

Same as usual, never swing first, parry their gay dance moves

>Peacekeeper or Nobushi
Quit to World Map

>high tier
Haha thats a good one. Mid tier at best

If you guard break your enemies they win

it was a fellow lawbringer
what a shame


Force a trade. You have uninterruptable lights, make them fight you. Read their moves and use your armor to get a grab off.

>t. I only play garbage players

light attacks and headbutt. It's' slow but it works so long as you keep your hyper armor up. parry when you can

How'd you get white paint for your armor?

Bleed is heavy attack right after a dodge counter. Her damage is shit, so you want to get people stuck in a vortex of light attack, light attack, leg sweep. Failing that, heavy attack, shield bash, leg sweep works too, even if the heavy attack doesn't do any damage. You can also do the shield bash after the bleed attack, so you can turn defense into consistent offense. Also, guard break is another easy way to get the leg sweep, but you have to get the guard break first. A couple ways to do that: guard break -> heavy -> leg sweep, guard break -> push -> leg sweep. If worse comes to worse, you can try to get them with full guard into headbutt/light attack.

>t. roachie/pk player

What's so attractive about peacekeeper? Why not nobushi, or valkyrie?

the top 10% would mean youre pretty good user, though i guess 90% of the people i play against are shitty so maybe you have me there

im stealing this, though then i wont know whether to use my emoji emblem or my zaku

i really really like this image

acquire a modicum of ability

do you consider yourself very good? if so itd be really great to have some 1v1s


Fuck weebs, kill them all.

>Peacekeeper smut
>Not delicious femzerker

Any tips as valkyrie or combos other than the sweep heavy sweep spam?


meant for

radioactive decay paint pattern
it's unlocked by default

Why is the Knight Beta reward Emblem border so goddamn small? You can't create anything good with it

then she dashes backwards twice and has the span of a football field between us again

Admiditly only played against about 3 good pks but i find good orochies consistently and they are no where near top tier. Compared to warden warlord or nobu

I've always played a lightweight character style and I love knights, so I'm fucked for choice

>He's still assblasted
The victory was not robbed, we were a fucking hour into the turn. That's 5 whole hours that anyone could have taken advantage of.
And the vikings won the open beta because the beta ended before the turn, if they counted the current turn the knights would have won. Knights weren't autistically screeching then, and the vikings were thrilled for the win

Reminder that weebs say the same sort of thing about the knights when it suits them.

So I took the user's advice about playing Shugoki in Dominion, stuck to a single point, then proceeded to get repeatedly pounced on and guard broken by Raiders and PKs. I can hold 'em off with parries and guard breaks of my own but my teammates are usually mentally handicapped and just shit around while I keep messaging for help.

Ah. Looked brighter than that. Thanks.

>People actually play Dominion
The gamemode is literally just everyone running around trying to gank each other. Its pure shit. No one actually fights, everyone spends 90% of their time getting a single jab on someone then running away. Revenge is a shit mechanic since it only delays your death a little longer and doesn't even remotely help when you bump into the gang of 3 players that always fucking end up near you.
Teammates are virtually worthless since they bail from any fight the instant they take damage and you either end up going 1v2-3 or chasing down a faggot who spends 2 minutes sprinting around the map.

No one uses any combos, movesets or anything outside of light attack spam in the same direction and the second they find out you know how to parry they just turn and sprint around the map.

That set is aesthetic as fuck my man.

oh rithg, thanks, should I do the charge attak when I have the armor up? I think they still hit me twice before I can hit them

What mode is best to farm XP?

Whats a good emblem to let everyone know im a cute girl?

It gives the most XP/Steel/I keep getting missions for it

I don't really enjoy playing it, but I want to unlock all the cute equipment and costumes for my Warlord

This was already answered. A cute feminine penis.

Both Orochi and PK's have something of a "skill valley". At low skill, Orochis are scary because they have strong gimmicks you can't deal with. At medium skill, you realize that 90% of Orochi are retarded weebs that can only spam one chain, and find them easy. At HIGH skill, you realize that good Roaches are some of the scariest shit in the game.

No way Nobu is top tier, she gets shat on by assassins heavily and range is irrelevant when everyone blocks/parries anyways, her mixup game is quite poor compared to other characters.

He is like little baby.

The mystery of whats behind the mask does make it more exciting.

>trying to win player vs AI elimination for order
>teammates keep dying and leaving me 3 or 4v1
>always a conqueror not

>He can't take out two or three plebs at once

lewl casual

Seconding this, please let us add you I wanna train

Am I cute yet /fhg/?

but you aren't

what if it's a boy

It better be

French maid outfit DLC when?

then it's even better


>get fucked regulary in the game
>always angry when i play
>almost always leave the game angry
>whenever im at work or somewhere always get the urge to go back and play even though i know ill get angry and wrecked again

we have two lewdfics, we need more.

Requesting Nobushi or PK x Raider

Why would you pretend online

I'd put Ken on par with Conq, but still on the versatile side.

I don't usually heavy unless it's a feint, if I manage to push them down, or if they're cornered. Basically, heavy if you know it'll hit. It takes getting used to

god yes

but only if it goes on over her armor


>You can start guardbreaking someone before they even raise their weapon to attack

>Their attack still cancels your guardbreak


>I don't know why, but I really want to play Raider, even though I know he's fairly bad at 1v1s and anyone with half their brain working will destroy me.
How do I cure myself, /fhg/?

>tfw no femLAW

>you cant interrupt enemies attack with a grab

Shit game

get gud

>that helmet

Does anyone have a source for this?
Because the knights & vikings relate two different stories- that the knights were about to win & that the vikings were going to win anyway.

Well which is it?
Who's fucking lying?

I just started maining Raider, any tips?


It's how it works in every fighting game.

You can grab someone out of the START UP of attacks or the end frames. However, when the hitbox is out, if you try to grab, you get hit.

It's the fucking same as street fighter.

jesus christ stap
that guys so bad and annoying lol

U fukin kno it

Added to my list, though we'll see when/if I get to it. I already had a PK gangbang planned but I can do a single raider as well.

>max attack
>max revenge attack
>max revenge defense
>knock them down with activation
>1 shot with charge heavy

I'm not!

>Kensei that high
>Roach that high
>Peacekeeper higher than warlord and conq
>Raider that high
>Lawbringer higher than anyone
>Valk worst character in the game
End yourself my dude