League of Legends General -/lolg/

Six Million Dollar Urgot Edition

Porcelain prince edition

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urgot a brogot

Small tits!

xth for Cute Ashe

Apparently there is another thread older than this one. I didn't see it when i made this one when i typed in "lolg"

How do you fight Urgot anyways? If I'm not picking some sort of counter he shits on me. His AoE poison that lets his skillshot auto-hit enemies is a bit ridiculously impossible to dodge.

You dont. Have fun.

Really though, pick anyone that can jump him easy, he has a hard time handling up close targets for extended periods of time.

>tfw I'm more hyped about this retarded vg namefag match than LCS
What am I doing with my life

When does it start

People who deal burst/sustained damage at range
seem to do the trick. Jayce, Kennen, Rumble. Just dodge his Corrosive Charge, and run him down.
Tanky DPS like Renekton, or Trundle work also.

Riven, Quinn, GP, Panth, Keld should all lose. Fiora is a skill matchup. Trynd is a nightmare, a GOOD Yasuo will fuck Urgot. Urgot can buy an 800g item to shut down Aatrox. Surprisingly, I haven't lost a 1v1 against a Camille.

Are we supposed to move to the other thread, thats full of waifu/luluposting and shit? I can't find it on the tracker with just "lolg"


Is there going to be a vod of the namefag game

Diethylamide will be streaming the whole thing.

Thread so fucking dead.

anyone still keeping a running collection of these?

>bully the shit out of jayce as yorick
>only one who does well in lane
>still can't carry

How do you carry a team as yorick now?

Blast lanes with your ulti and zzrot. You can push all 3 lanes at once.

Your job is to protect the damage dealers on your team. Good luck with that.

Veeky Forums custom up

pass: vidya

>Auto fill aids into a 60 minute loss because no one focuses the Vayne or Zed, the only 2 people doing damage
>instead they focus the Gragas, the Leona and the Kled
>feel like i've wasted an entire day of my life because of 1 game.

>Surprisingly, I haven't lost a 1v1 against a Camille.
Can you ult Camille to get out of her Ult? or into it?


If you are already in the ult, both of you will still be in it.
If you are outside of the ult, because Camille ulted someone else, you can pull her out of it.

What's the best way to bait my team into a loss at low elo? I'm tired of these bronze matches lasting 60+ minutes, and it's a lot faster to force a loss than to win. What's the best way to get my team into a losing team fight?

Okay Camille's enemies will be able to re-enter the zone wont they

Force a team fight.

As soon as someone gets CC'd, abandon the group and go "for objectives"

silver shitter

It will fizzle out if Camille is removed from the ult.
I honestly don't now anything more than that because I rarely see Camille at all. She is always banned. There might be videos on the U-Toob on it.

The issue is that at bronze, we're basically pic related. One team might get an ace, and the other team uses that opportunity to farm creeps.
Or one team gets an ace, and only one person from the other team survives. They immediately back.
These matches last for fucking ever and it's entirely not worth it.

>Leona w adds half of its resistances to nearby allies hit with the blaze
>Moakai root cd increased to 17 seconds at all ranks and damage lowered to 5/6/7/8/9%, can be cast once more (1.5 second cd between each cast) after initial cast

forgot pic...
But yeah playing at bronze in just about an entirely different game than playing at any other elo.

>playing Graves
>usually have a kd of above 3 every game
>still can't get the chimps on my team to do what I want when I clear the enemy

I love how rito matchmaking means you can't just play a good game and win, you end up having to play the game of your life just to fucking carry these children.
High elo is so much better than this bullshit, I wish I hadn't moved countries.


I know but thats why Im saying dont intentionally ace yourself;
for your team to die and then hide in a bush. if the enemy team makes a dumb play and doesnt end, then go in and do it yourself or secure an objective or SOMETHING.

Why are there still so many intellectually inferior people in this game?

maokai really needs a rework

>create a supportive, disruptive champion
>turns into a unkillable backline killer

Riot's tanks are retarded and they aren't even reworking many in their class update


Theyre not reworking that many Tanks because the last time we tried we got 78% Win rate Skarner and this Darius.
Dont forget that time that laning against Garen was 100% AIDS because if you lost lane you lost the game to his snowball but if you won lane, the instant he hits level 6 you get a burst of 800+ true damage to the face and you still lose the game.

Bets on the other 2 tanks in the big update? I feel like Mao is almost a given but I can't think of another that fits the bill of "needs a gameplay update without needing a VGU". Naut maybe?

Is fiddle op yet?

>Kogmaw is fun

but is he good enough to play in ranked?

Everything is good enough to play in ranked.
Just play well and anything is viable.

Malphite and ZAC.

Amumu and Rammus need a VGU and I cant think of any true TANKS besides them. Particularly not Vanguards that arent Alistar (already updated) Gragas (sorta updated) or Reksai (receiving an update soon)

>drop from g1 to g5 0lp
how the fuck do I recover from this
I'm losing more than I gain and I can't play properly because I dropped 5 fucking divisions and I just feel like a retard on top of these shitty lp values


theyve already confirmed it wont be Malph, they say he needs a VGU

Maokai and Skarner.

Best supports to carry with low elo? I'm pretty good with Leona and can set up some nice team fights sometimes. I've seen Vel'koz wreck shit before.


I'm happy to announce that I FINALLY have something to share with you guys.

Here's a super preliminary sketch of the Fiora picture you guys voted for:

I've already asked the artist to fix some of the discrepancies with Fiora and Eve's proportions, but other than that I think it's coming along nicely

Press F to pay respect to Master Style

>bind them up and wear a heavy coat
>she's flat XD

fuck off outta here kiddo

How do you account for your opponents mistakes? Like this may sound weird, but i realized a huge reason why I don't climb is that I assume my opponents always know what they're doing. If they do something, it's for a reason, so I can never take advantage of their mistakes because I can never assume they make mistakes. So when im ahead it's fine because I can systematically destroy their team because I know i can make decisions that will work regardless of how the opponent playing really well. However when my or my team get behind, I just kinda slowly lose because I can't ever tell if my opponent is messing up, or baiting. Basically, how do I play like my opponents are low elo? How do I take advantage of their mistakes? I know that's how high elo players smash through low elo, but I don't know how myself to have that mentality. I feel like I almost always have a grasp of what the correct decision to do in a game is, but in my mind the correct decision is sometimes to just turtle, which is what you would do in really high elo, but I can't think of how you play in low elo, because theoretically you should just stomp them because they always make mistakes. I want to know how to spot those mistakes and KNOW 100% that they are mistakes so I don't fuck up.

>33 posters
>stuck on page 7

holy fuck this game finally died

Too busy playing Pokemon GO to shitpost league

There's another thread right now with a lot more posts actually.

do banshees and edge of night stack?

Say I pop up eon while banshees is up and jhin ult, am I safe from the next two abilities sent my way, or just one?

>s3 Silver 1
>s4 Gold 3
>s5 Platinum 2
>s6 Diamond 1

How do I git gud enough for Master this season? I've been bouncing back between d2-d1 for like, a month now. Anyone here in Master/Challenger that can tell me what I need to get there? I've improved a division every Season, I don't want to hit my wall unless there's nothing I can do

i just built him zhonyas runic echoes sorcerer shoes abyssal spirit frozen heart and as long as they dont have to many interrupts on their team you become really hard to kill while still providing decent dmg (take him jg obv)

oh christ no wonder you fucking apes let Zamphira make a thread again.

autism hurts everyone

Xth for Leviticus 20 13

Is Project Ekko worth it?

his W animation is really cool, but its basically just how much you like that Splash.
Or the color green

TFW you find the perfect theme to play a champ.

i like green. the thing i'm worried i'm going to miss actually is the sound effect from hitting people with Q since I know it's different.

>tfw pokken gets it right


so i want to be really good with morde what should i keep in mind ?

Keep in mind that You only need to click ONCE, Fool!

>playing quinn
>in ult
>E auto varus
>he dies

Lethality was a mistake.

Mods are asleep.
Post waifus.

Quit blaming Lethality like its better than armor pen or anything but objectively worse.

Blame the obnoxious AD on Assassin items and how absurdly low cost they *still* are despite it

I once got kicked off a group discord for saying I wanted to fuck Tristana in her dragon rider costume while Wiggles watches

Rylai's crystal sphincter first item every game.

that's because their name is riggle.

fucking auto correct


if you got into a game with me, how would that make you feel?

>playing jhin
>going meme armor pen build
>press R and oneshot enemy AD
>vi starts tanking the hits for their AD
>three shot vi through her 2 armor items
>kill ADC with fourth shot anyway

lethality was a mistake, holy fuck.

>objectively worse
It starts out at what, 60% effectiveness? So yeah, it's weaker early on. Except you can buy a lot more of it than you could before, and it still scales up to be as strong as it ever was. By the time you have ghostblade/edge of night and the guy you're one shotting is level 10, it's back to 80% power, you have more than you did before, and you have edge of night's busted active to boot. Lethality might be marginally weaker pre 15 minutes, but it's a straight upgrade mid to lategame.

I'm going to cry

And you still see people talking about how hard it is for adcs. I ducking hate adc. They always break items and get shit nerfed. They will not be happy unless they are in every last role other than support.

It's not about most kills. Also you guys don't have a tank and don't end it before 20 mins.

>support mf into anything that isnt malz/zyra and especially against that teamcomp
>not dodging

honestly what the fuck did you expect

Er, why didnt you play tank eve when you have PLENTY of damage on your team?
and no Mortal reminder while they have Darius and Rengar AND SORAKA lol

I just love getting MF support as I go support. I always pick all in tanks and they are easy kills if my adc is not stupid.

Because the filth on my team did no damage. I can't push any advantage when everyone is dead because skillshots are too hard to land

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

Name of pic.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>Best hair

I know this feel all to well baby. Hold me.

me too and then I want to swim in you :3

Why don't you spam the other thread?

I long for death.

I love watching Armstrong post results

>being friends with people who can't tell the difference between midgets and children

I boosted them from silver to gold for 1,000 rito points each


Can you win my last 3 placements for me? im 4:3 or 4:4 ... i was 4:1 and before that I was 3:0 but then they nerfed Shaco

My love. :3

>annie bot will never be your gf (male)

Gangplank is so american minions tip him after he shoots them.