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Oops, forgot this. Previous thread:

my boteful is alive

what is my C turret doing

>French BB line announced

I'm about to finish the painful Myoko grind.
Is Mogamin any better or should I stop right now? Or do I just bear with it until I reach the Ibuki/Zao

yoga, obviously

Holy fuck that UNCUM shitter

You can die happy now French BB user.

>painful Myoko grind.

Mogami was once so OP that they had to move it from tier 7 to 8. Then they also nerfed the shit out of it to the point where it'd be trash at tier 7 anyway. Your best bet will be sticking with the 15.5s and spamming at extreme range. Probably best to do it before they remove stealth fire.

if moeoko is painful to you then CAs are not for you

mogami with the 152mm is one of the most powerful CLs in tier 8. get the turret turn mod instead of the accurancy and you will do better that myoko by a nautical mile.

I've had that happen a few times in my NC. It's annoying as shit as it seems it has to do a 360 before it can be used again.

It wasn't so painful as it was frustrating because it kept exploding when any battleship noticed me and I always felt I couldn't contribute enough to the team. I missed the flexibility I get when playing as a DD. In the latter part of the grind I managed to get the hang of it and learned how to use my teammates as shields while spamming HE everywhere.

Thanks for your advice, I guess I'll have to rely on hiding and struggle angling then?

The only other times I've had it happen, the aimpoint splits up from the turret and I can just fire anyway while the turret fucks off and does it own thing

That time though the turret just kept turning back and forth inside the superstructure quite happily if I shifted my aim until I let it escape

I've gotten this a few times in the Roon.

>one turret permanently disabled and the other damaged
>85% hp
Please RNG why.

Pretty much that. When it happens to me I just lock the guns in the position I will want them and wait the 30-40 seconds till it unfucks itself. I find if you change their rotation direction it resets the fucking and takes that much longer to return to use.


I require additional information

Oh my, Win 10 for only $9!


Britcucks on suicide watch

Remember Mers el Kebir


how come "power of friendship" can't add each other on steam etc?



Well that was boring.

Shit nigger you need to get gud and fast if you want to survive Mogami

>No bong BB line mentioned


Gott strafe England!


>Britcucks on suicide watch

To be fair the Brit BB's were confirmed months ago. They will be coming as well, sooner than the French BB's will, just that magazine article finally confirms that French BB's will be coming this year. Its the same as last year with KM Cruisers being announce way ahead of KM Battleships. It was a bigger deal when we saw in that video that KM Battleships were being modeled, but the KM Cruisers still came out first. Gut says RN BB's will be out right around May, French around Late July, August or as late as Gamescom at worst.

too busy being snug as a bug in a rug sipping hot chocolate from that smug mug

>secondary specced Dunkek
>7.2 range

Time to aggressively show my ass to the enemy.


Enjoy your rectal penetrations user

Is Dunk worth getting

Dunk is pretty great. The guns are comfy, and she's well-suited to the current meta.

gud bote

gud sea baguette


She's a pretty fun bote, awful side armor, fast, turns fast, pure bow on or angling all the time, a cheeky secondary arrangement for anyone who tries to flank you, and crazy fire chance.

Only problem is that you have two turrets that are going to take a lot of damage and if you lose one or both you're fucked.

Because of le engine limitations mene, right?


I've only actually totally lost a turret in Dunk once out of dozens of games

Yeah. Sucks, but what can you do?

It's not nearly so bad now that PM is a tier 1 skill, but I've lost one turret several games, and actually lost both one game.

Died trying to ram an enemy Fuso

>Anything more than Scharnhorst food

merricunts have literally the worse footage. zero fucking talent. no wonder the jews own you useless cunts

>team gets two (2) krakens
>we still lose
i hate this fucking game

I really wish shit russian games would stop over compensating and making german vehicles the most over powered shit

>making german vehicles the most over powered shit

you've seen the new ))))) DD ships, right

>all german bb's
>all german premiums
>all german aircraft
>tiger 1
>tiger 2
>all other german vehicles
it's BS
yea and they are bad. basically all the problems of the new german DD's but with worthless AA meme instead of useful HAS. people who think they are good are retarded wehraboo furfags tbqh

>Been chasing this guy and farming damage from him since he was at full HP atlernating bewteen HE to light him on fire and AP for chip damage
>He finally just up and leaves the game after like 10 minutes of this bullshit


>small match
>last man standing
>everyone is watching over my shoulder and criticizing my every move
>they start insulting me in english and german in All chat
>can't defend my actions because I'm busy trying to stay alive
>lose because I'm a tier VIII fighting a tier X
>last thing I see is them saying they'll report me

This was my highest performing Bismarck game

>>tiger 1
>>tiger 2
You can't seriously tell me that the Tiger II is the most OP shit at T8.

german DDs are garbage though

I mean, compared to everything else, at least

>blue lining in a DD
>cheating and statpadding when everyone is playing ranked
>4k resolution

Okay the rest of this is clearly bait. But I keep seeing like 2 people use this term

quack quack

>>cheating and statpadding when everyone is playing ranked
kek, thanks for the laugh user.

>no argument
kek, thanks for the laugh user.

>he doesn't know
New RU DD lines
>t7 shitty worse than lenningrad lenningrad copy to replace kiev the great
>t8 kiev uptiered with nothing more than an HP buff
>t9 trashkent with a no buffs
>t10 the same post nerf Kaaba we already have
retarded meme aa line
>t8ogniboy uptied to 8 for some fucking reason with horrible AA 4 guns with garbage performance and buffed torps that are still garbage
>t9 nerfed udaloi
>t10 z-52 with AA that works but is worthless because noone fucking plays t10 CV's are you autistic yes you are trades a set of guns and is only 39knts slow speede trash
the soviet line switch is a bait and switch meant to appease the german babbie trash players who sperge over these games

>tfw hate to solo play the game
>tfw everyone I know is super good at the game and I am shitter-average tier, so I don't want to ask them to div
This is suffering.

fuck off boog

I am not boog. I wish I was as decent as Boog was.

But what does that have to do with the fact that the German DD line is one of the worst in the game?

Making another, worse DD line doesn't mean that German DDs are suddenly the best.

german DD's already outperform nip DD's easily and outperform US at several tiers. the german DD's are bad meme is a canard parroted by finnish furfags.. kys

>several tiers
Yeah, the ones that don't fucking matter. Nip DDs are way better at torping and smoking, which is what you end up doing for 80% of the time in a German DD. The other 20% of the time you spend getting mangled into cowshit because your smoke runs out in less than a minute.

> Nip DDs are way better at torping and smoking
way to out yourself as easily deluded trash dude. post your stats or never fucking dare to post in my thread again

How do I ruskie DD. I've only played torpbotes and BBs for most of my time. Do I just smoke and pelt them with guns and then torp if they're too close?

>I dont know how to just go really fucking fast and hold down LMB


Stay near max range and pelt slower ships with HE. You should have the mindset of a light cruiser rather than a DD. Take caps cautiously since every DD will outspot you. Torpedoes are more of a last resort and shouldn't encourage you to rush in on anyone at 4km.

post your stats kiddo

>and outperform US at several tiers.
But when those tiers are 2 and 3 it doesn't fucking mean anything.

just ask them man, most of them don't mind playing with average players when they're not playing with friends

I only mind playing with actually completely braindead meme lord fucks who would rather go for the epic lolz XD than maybe sorta try to win.

But ive only encountered one player like that here.

Yeah I should have mentioned that, people don't mind you not being a unicum so long as you're actually enjoyable to play with, which means actually trying play your best.
It's people that just kill themselves and don't even try to play the game, or just sit around raging at not being carried that nobody wants to play with.

Well I'll be damned, it actually works.


>german DD's already outperform nip DD's easily
No, the PLAYERS that play them perform well. compared to the old data averages.
If You look only at the stats data from 2017 the picture would be quite different.

f.e. 99% of Gaydes are performing mediocre in random and poor in ranked.

I'd be really surprised of the Ernst was doing much of anything in ranked.

Oh yes, it's the Maass. Same difference though,
Other dd's tear them apart.

>and then torp if they're too close?
If you can torp them they are TOO CLOSE, considering low and mid tiers have short range torps. It's guns only unless you knifefight a very stupid enemy DD.

>WG thinks the large amount of BBs is what's causing long, drawn out battles
>rather than the ships that can easily hide or create concealment from nothing

What are they hiding from, I wonder? It couldn't have anything to do with the ships who could delete them in 10 seconds being the most populated class.

gee who knows maybe it's fucking both of them

>tfw can't ever get a smoke

thats preposterous. youre preposterous. get out of here.

>Be a Hotel with AR
>Get to 50% HP
>23s reload


It was too hard to model bisected turrets.

>What are they hiding from, I wonder?
Every other ship class including other dd's or they get sunk. And how fast can a torp cripple a dd again ?

Or maybe it's not, since ships that can hide and smoke up exist at all tiers. The problem of shitty passive play they're trying to solve is at its worst at the highest tiers. What's changing, because it sure as hell isn't a cruiser's ability to take a hit.

>exist at all tiers
Show me that t1 ship which has smoke.
> because it sure as hell isn't a cruiser's ability to take a hit.
Hey look, why do those cruisers have heal pots ?

>give out smokes all the time
>can't ever get one
Fuck this.

AR is so good on BBs that you'll gimp your damage output if you don't have it.

AR also encourages more proactive play as a BB to get the benefits of reduced reloads and I think that's a good thing.

>torpedo polisher is no longer polishing the torpedo
wtf change it back, game is getting worse and worse with every patch


I wish I had realized that when retraining was on discount

It's random. Sometimes he's there, sometimes he's not.

>tfw it all comes tumbling down
>just making mistake after mistake and playing terribly
>all the games are one sided stomps either way
>games are just crashing
>tfw one of those days where nobody has any fun
If only I wasn't contributing to the problem too.


I want to feed a duck.

Fuck you, Anu.

>play 50 games without a CV
>get fed up and remove all my AA
>5 games with a CV in a row
