World of memecraft general /wowg/

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1st for fallaa!

I want to fuck a worgen woman


fuck off lanky faggot, 2 out of 3 shaman hidden skins are troll shit

fuck off anduin

Is Nazgrim the only minor character that ever became a raid boss?

Stormkeeper, Icefury and Frost Shock.

Micro-managing comes from trying not to cap maelstrom while keeping all of the big hitters on CD.

What makes them not the same server?

>891 hunter with double MM bis just raid logging and a few shit left and right
>Roll a MW monk to kill time and stuff something else
>Velen trinket this morning


how do i get my gf to play wow with me?

we played rift a lot and some other mmos but she's sick of mmos now and says wow looks like cartoony bullshit and has no cute girls with black hair

She has taste

If you force her to play boring time wasting shit like WoW then you are a bad bf. Instead of playing video games go out and take her somewhere fun

if she had taste she wouldn't be dating me

I post here too you know

excuse me?

just fuck me already

>implying anduin isnt after dragon bussy

>using icefury

it's like you hate fun homo

>tfw no guild
>just stuck doing lfr hoping for titanforged
anyone on dalaran-US looking for a holy priest?

Why don't you come to bed, user? ;]

Why do meleetards all stand right next to Helya and other big bosses?

>dalaran us
I thought i was the only one.

>not making heroic EN groups and getting people to carry you by only accepting people higher ilvl than you

why did blizz pander to furries with worgen and then pandas? disastrous mistake

Btag? I may have something of interest. Im on dal us.

I'm not furry but I like Pandas. They're cartoony as fuck so fit right into WoW. Plus their zones look pretty and questing/lore is very well done.

Worgen suffer from horrible models and animations.

but they had everything else covered

you don't need a guild for reddit+ and flex NH
just make your own groups

They could have made something interesting like Mogu playable

>leveling my warrior in stormheim
>run across some mage on the same quest
>then a druid too
>first thing the druid says is "I hate ally, 2 just ganked me for no reason"
>make a party with all 3 of us
>15 seconds later run into a 100 dk and 105 pally
>Druid: "that's them!"
>gank and kill
>Druid "YES! OMG!"

I thought it was cute

>party for questing
>nothing serious no strings attached
>say I'm done
>"wait! add m-"
>log off

yeah, no

>join a pug for heroic guldan
>waste 30 minutes finding perfect two people
>wipe on phase fucking 1
why are even the "aotc only" groups progging on this shit

Cause they all bought carries.

>invite a person to quest together
>invite another
>invite a third
>invite 10 more

nice game dotards

>people who bought carries
>people who got in with fake achievements
>tfw these people never think they're the problem

How do you even fake achievements?

>being horde

>be ally on a 90% horde pvp realm
>doing WQs
>a group of horde attacks me while i'm low from fighting a boss
>they all start /dancing around me before killing me
>they all start defiling my corpse

>don't bother linking anything I will armory u
>got in anyways without AOTC

how about THIS?!

>be in Dalaran
>see someone targeting me

n-no! stop it!

does everyone at high level play use retarded looking UI with big ass icons in the middle?

does anyone just use default ui with some edited locations + grid + dps meter + dbm?


>use coin toy to become female troll in Dalaran
>people use their valentines day shit on me for the achievement

>that interface
It's pretty good, tho.

>does anybody just use the basic stuff
Yes, and that's also fine.

Addon or website. Google it, haven't used such a thing in a long time, so can't recommend anything specific.

Because unlike you they don't have fucking autism.

I think you have it in reverse

How do you create random big icons for your skills that are on their own?

or whatever those are in the middle

and what is the main bar, his mana?

and the bar to the left his hp?

>insisting on doing some a particular way because it's familiar despite being less efficient isn't autism

yeah ok bud


i just got all my traits for my arms artifact, including the 1st level of unbreakable steel

should i continue dumping AP into it? or should i start spending AP on a different spec? if so, prot or fury?

>tfw no response

lol'd @ this lad

No one cares

What does the extra AP do?

What is objectively the easiest class or spec to play?

Uh, looks like weakauras. Check out the video/stream, he probably has a link to it.

If I am playing a hybrid class I would put some points into the spec that would give me easy queues.

have fun being a shitter :^)

Get your weapon to 54 if you plan on doing anything major with your spec. Otherwise, 35 is fine.

tbqh I would ask for 890 if I am opening a group as a 890+ equipped character

How is it less efficient to have default UI looks rather than this retarded borderlands looking shit?

5% increased damage per rank
i really don't enjoy tanking though

as in level 54? are you crazy? that'd take years

>see 880 for a +2 COS
>Have 14cos key
>join group
>go to summoning stone to summon everyone
>type ":^)"
>put in key
>leader whispers me hate for 20minutes after that
Totally worth the depleted key

>how is having less information available to you in a more visible size and location less efficient?

gee I dunno

>one big sword
>instead of TWO big sword


>tfw we're grinding maw all day while the neckbeards of the future will be grinding maw all day in VR with full 7 senses support

example, default ui for the player + target, it's not bigger than the other one, shows same thing

he does have the bars very minimal but this one feels alot less retarded

>5% increased damage per rank

Only first rank. 0.5% after that. 14.5% total.

>as in level 54? are you crazy? that'd take years

Only 65m AP. All the cool kids are doing it.

To answer your original question: Fury is doing better than Arms, but play what you like.

Post cute rogues pls

our boy Asmon just uses Bartender and Recount

no dbm or anything else just all skill

>How is it less efficient

There's a lot of irrelevant information in the default unit frame. Portrait, dedicated name bar, target level, etc. can all be communicated much more efficiently.

It really doesn't matter what you use, but pruning irrelevant information or information displayed elsewhere is efficient by definition.

>with full 7 senses support
>smelling stale seaweed and rotting shit 24/7

people would legit puke if the grind maw like that

>like the idea of troll shaman
>hate their casting animation
>alright fine an orc shaman might be cool
>oh wait they look dumb in shaman armor


best race it is, I guess.


r8 my shitty mog that I made in 15 minutes to go with my sweet helm.

Going for that fallen warrior of the light feel.

I wish my DK was a forsaken.

>tfw we're grinding maw all day while the neckbeards of the future will be grinding hov +10 all day

7.2 is gonna suck dicks.

>hate HADOUKEN casting animations.
Fuck off

Not him but it looks dumb as hell
Arms > fury aesthetically any day


>tfw people are mean to you

>enjoying hadouken casting animations


not sure if serious but if you are this is 0/10

Nothing matches at all


>purple gold and red don't match


really I laughed

How can they allow blood elves to be so lewd?

hand over the halls of valor keys

it just doesn't sound the same. 7.2 is going to kill towellieeposting

Youre an idiot or blind

What the fuck? I would kill for a 14 CoS, especially with this weeks affixes that's easy as fuck

Wasting that on a troll, come on

>shits pants
hand over the hov keys
hammers up in the chat

nevermind, towellieeposting is SAVED

*blocks your path*

>tfw no good wow streamers exist
Asmongold gets annoying fast, and everyone else is just boring


How can one man be so based?

So, I really enjoy Unholy. However, apparently nobody likes them in PvE, so I don't think looking for Mythic groups is really all that viable for me.

BUT, supoosedly they're great in PvP. In general, how easy/hard is it to get into PvP these days? In Vanilla and early BC all I would do is play Rogue in BGs, but I haven't done shit in PvP since then, so it's been a long ass time and I'm incredibly unfamiliar now.

Is there a good addon for Afflic locks to dot most effectively?

>towelliee is the only good streamer left
what went so wrong?

>main was a troll for almost 10 years
>try to make a troll character now
>updated models have this cartoonish bob as they run

brace yourself

there's a little something called
