/wfg/ - Warframe General

Never ever prime edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Avoid the line, join the /wfg/ alliance today! PM killsaw of Warbros NFA for inquiries

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/DZc7JO4.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS
CURRENT UPDATE: The Glast Gambit
> forums.warframe.com/topic/763107-the-glast-gambit-update-19110191101/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


fairy frame and her titanias prime when


300 days or so for the next possible chance

fug u chinkos


So I was bored as shit and I didn't want to grind Kuva anymore so I made comix

first for the original american warframe


this is a good comix

>edo armor

Grab a prisma gorgon, then we'll talk

what skin is this

Idk if I'll keep going, the idea just popped into my head


well it's an obvious improvement, but fuck, -impact is a particularly noticeable drawback on this of all guns


I had the perfect conclusion

they enter a sortie together, the loki tries to block again, but it's a radiation sortie

>5 aim glide headshots
This Excal is an absolute madman to have not already gotten rid of it. burst laser riven incoming

glorious, keep going - we need more shit like this

muh boner

>de adds new weapon
>350p in the market
>clan research, 3k nitain, 1k mutagen samples, 5k oxium

>5k oxium

I could pay for that easily.

If you had to have sex with a Warframe, who would it be and why

Obviously would play with Nova's balls.

those are shadow clan reqs

Mag has tits of ferrofluid and is always internally vibrating.. sooooo

thats graxx, pulse helmet, dendra armor, prime bits toggled on, and grineer jetpack

Why is there no standard shoulder-width cape syandana that isn't a giant slab of coated rubber, doesn't come with a mount that is as big as my frame's torso, or is one of many reskins of that split-down-the-middle silk blanket?

Nyx, because of her dick.


because muh warframe is stronk

why does 100% status before multishot not work for anything before shotguns?

because shotguns have a different calculation formula than rifles and pistols

but if you need it 100% before multishot what happens when you do add multishot after it hits 100%? Isnt it capped at 100?

not that user but I've heard total status chance is divided per pellet

every pellet from a shotgun will proc a status if you have 100% status chance before multishot. multishot increases the amount of pellets so you have even more status procs per shot.

if you are are at 100.0% before multishot and then add mutlishot you stay at 100.0%

99.99% status chance will proc ONE status proc 99.99% of the time

100.0% status chance will proc ALL pellets

From wiki
Status Triggered = Number of Pellets × Chance per Pellet
= Number of Pellets × (1 − (1 − Status Chance)^(1 ÷ Number of Pellets)

If it had 5 pellets, number of status triggered would be 3.744 per shot.

Although you are right about the 100% marker.

>tits of ferrofluid

Can't wait to motorboat dem ferrofluid boobs

>that webm
Neat, a magnetic slime monster.

What is this shit hanging off her hair? Why did DE put it there?

Mesa has been a nigger this entire time and we never knew it until now.


fuck off KJttʏLᴀɴᴀH


>relay dwellers flocking to tcpi purpletext cummods
I get that it's basically an IRC channel with shiny avatars, but come on

>just got meme strike for transient fortitude + fleeting expertise and 150p

it was my only TF but it was worth it

Those are also the colors of the French flag.


I got Meme Strike last Acolyte Event and promptly forgot about it, missing out on tons of plat.

And a million other flags

Other than putting another Forma into this thing to max out that mod, what am I doing wrong here?

>inb4 using the Vaykor Hek

So when's the conclave syandana gonna become a toggle?
It's never gonna become a toggle.

TL,DR: made a shit emblem
>start playing wf 8 months ago
>join clan with friends
>we're a small group but we have all of our research done
>even managed to farm for Hema between the eight of us
>one day playing when someone mentions we don't have an emblem
>everyone decides we really want one
>"user does a lot of art stuff, let's get him to do it"
>say yes without thinking
>fuck me I don't know the first thing about making an emblem
>everyone is pitching ideas at me
>most agreed on a lotus flower in RGB or rainbow colors
>don't have photoshop
>don't even have a pc with ms paint
>download a phone paint app
>make a mock-up following the 128X128 rule
>it looks like shit but it gets the idea across
>send it to our warlord asking for what changes he'd like in the final version
>never responds
>next day he sends pic related
>mfw he uploaded my shitty phone art prototype

Oh well, at least the whole clan seems to like it.
Now to wait months for DE to approve it and add it to an update.

Anyone else having fun with clan/alliance emblems?

Reminder that Seismic Palm is better than Gaia’s Tragedy

should have added more gradient

clan/alliance emblems as glyphs WHEN

Honestly I wish I had the option to really polish it up before my WL uploaded the mock-up, but what happened, happened.

How old is this that it's calling out people over dark sectors, a mechanic which hasn't mattered in like two years?

wait its not in the game yet. I hope you turn down the fucking gamma or your shit will be fucked.

Yeah, I heard about the gamma issue so I used some darker colors for the mock-up. The image doesn't do it much justice because my Warlord took a picture of his crappy PC screen with his equally crappy phone.
I don't think he knows how to take a screenshot.

Pretty sure you answered your own question, bruv

>buying transient fortitude
>guy says he'll sell an r7 one for 100p
>tell him okay and invite him
>not enough creds
>when he put up TF in the trade it was unranked so I tell him that
>"you need to get your eyes checked"
>tell him I don't need his attitude
>right after that someone messages me selling a r8 one for 75
>he messages me back after getting the creds and says "can u do 120"

cucked hard

I am enjoying this skin. Wasn't going to buy it, but if I am going to pay for a F2P game, tennogen is the least goy way to do it. 2k plat is not worth $20, but a skin every two months is doable.

Start on Nidus skin Faven, will give you a chance to come up for air on the graxx works.

Pretty sure Hydroid is next on the list.
And I wanna see how it turns out, I could do with a reason to play hydroid again.

Yeah, I saw his prelim hydroid. I love playing hydroid, but Tentacles needs to work like WoF. He has issues and lacks scalability. My general rule of thumb is to buy skins for frames that scale to all content. Mag, Chroma and Mesa you can take into anything and I have tenno gen for each.

I love you Faven

I hope you make good money off of the skins

>tfw i just run Helene or Hydron to level things

am I doing it wrong? I get weapons to 30 in about 15 rounds usually

for frames I just run some kinda endless mission with void fissure and equip my good weapons and it seems to bump them up a lot

Faven needs to stop doing such a good job with skins
I feel like I'm becoming a good goy

>he took a fucking picture with his phone instead of taking a screenshot
I think he's got bigger issues than uploading a prototype


>Blaming DE for ugly tennogen

It's pretty old from the looks of it, Q isn't bad nowadays. CMP is still garbo-tier and probably always will be.

>q isnt bad nowadays

cringe is more like it

I mean, if you look at things like raid speedruns there's a ton of them up there.
It's not like CMP where the good players might as well be needles in a haystack.
That being said I've still seen some major retards and spergs in Q.

That pic isn't cringe worthy tho.

Anyone remember RainbowFrame? Now that was cringe.

which one dudes


Right if you can deal with the fire rate


its the same people doing speedruns and its mostly just gltich finding n hiding. the current records are unobtainable at this moment in time and probably will be like that for years.

>Nezha is a dude
Didn't realize that until now

Left are you fucking insane?

Did you just assume Xer gender?

I need color palette recommendations for my new frog girl. I currently have it set as a poison red dart frog color scheme but I don't feel like it pops very well.

It's Smite all over again

infested has some nasty-ass bright greens and pinks, and a few good purples

I don't have very many color packs unlocked however, so I'm somewhat restricted on my options.

Left is a god roll you idiot

Since emblems seem to be the hot topic, opinions on mine?

>tfw got memed by the first reply

never listening to any of you again

I like it. Seems regal but not over the top.

akmagnus are shit anyway


What an idiot, holy shit. What even were your brain's parameters for even fucking considering the right one? The akmagnus have a high crit chance and are impact based. -flight speed does nothing at all to hit scan weapons.

>listening to the first reply


I know -flight speed doesnt do shit, I saw that it did more damage so I thought it was a better roll

Ill reiterate: never posting rolls and asking you guys ever again

>Get warned about the fire rate of the right
>Picks right

You're the fucker who didn't wait.

What kind of lack of critical thinking makes you think like 20% more damage (even if that 20% got applied after everything and was multiplicative of the rest of the damage, which it doesn't even close to do) would be worth getting rid of good other stats for shit stats?

That's incomprehensible to me. You can see the numbers just fine. You're the one using the shit gun in the first place too.

>let me just ignore punch thru on a fucking pistol riven that also adds damage and crit damage

You really shouldnt if you are that dumb. Thats an obvious choice. I dont even think you got memed, I bet a shitter literally just thought that was the better roll.

/wfg/ really is fucking full of shitters isnt it? I thought THAT was a meme.

it not an automatic weapon, -fire rate doesnt matter as much

the left was still better though

Yeah because getting 1 shot off every 2-3 seconds is fucking amazing.