Was the Third Reich the closest thing to a utopia mankind has witnessed?
Was the Third Reich the closest thing to a utopia mankind has witnessed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>No anime. (which for you autists is a dead sentence)
>No vidya. (see above)
>Constant invigilation.
>No chilled atmosphere, everyone tense.
>Everyone speaks kraut.
>Race mixing(because they would need their people to be obedient and without culture of their own, just the reich).
>Atheism, Shinto and Islam left. Rest of religions banned.
>People are born to work for the reich and fuhrer.
>No individualism.
>Central planned economy.
>A lot of jackdaw logos.
>Ruling nazi party elite has it all, others are divided to workers and mid class and cannot go higher than that.
That's pretty weak bait, but it should work on other boards. Good luck.
Considering 1/3rd of its existence was spent going to war with the entire world, I'm going to go with no.
>Considering 1/3rd of its existence was spent going to war with the entire world, I'm going to go with no.
He had them all
An extremely articulate and rather epic response, m'goodsir.
does anyone else smell a /pol/cat?
weak, bait is weak
The only nation Germany declared war on was USSR. Every other nation declared war on Germany so I don't get this whole "le hitler wanted to go to war with the war with his aryan race xD" meme.
>The only nation Germany declared war on was USSR
False but it's funny that you think this.
>the netherlands
>"evil" Jews
>somehow against a country waging wars so it could deplete its population
That's not how conspiracy theories work.
Those nations were used as a strategy after Britain and France declared war on Germany.
They entered Poland because of German minorities being persecuted.
>They entered Poland because of German minorities being persecuted.
[citation needed]
>They entered Poland because of German minorities being persecuted.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8
Bloody Sunday
>Third Reich
>They entered Poland because of German minorities being persecuted.
>source: Metapedia.
German minorities had legal seat in Polish Parliament, as worthless as it was.
>immediately after the German invasion of Poland
Bloody Sunday was in Ireland you twat.
>when Germany executes peasants for partisan activity: legal reprisals against treasonous criminal actors
>when Poland executes peasants for partisan activity: horrific persecution to the levels of crimes against humanity
>attacking neutral countries is strategy
So is declaring war on Germany. :^]
It's almost century by now and idiots still gulp propaganda straight outta Goebbel's books. Fascinating.
You were not allowed to openly be an Atheist in Nazi Germany. You could be Christian but the Nazis basically made he Churches ignore the Old Testament because that was about Jews.
Hitler also openly stated that he believed that Atheists were scum and he didn't want them in his Riech.
Most of them just suffer from lack of affection and love. So they turn to hate. Best thing to do is ignore or give them a hug and tell them it's going to be OK.
Nice source there.
This is such a shitty bait. It feels like a parody of stormfags.
But it is what they literally believe.
>W-wie dindu nuffin'
>all the things we're blamed for were REALLY committed by the Poles and Soviets
There have been more than one massacre that were called "Bloody Sunday" not just the ones in Ireland.
Yes, that's my point.
>The atrocities of the SS were REALLY committed by Stalin! See, here's the order he gave!
>t. metapedia, stormfront, r/NationalSocialism
But it doesn't even make sense. It happened after Germany attacked Poland.
Sorry, I don't remember exactly where I heard that from. I'm sure if you do some looking around the Internet you'll find something that shows that I am correct.
Since when have Stormfags ever had a problem with cognitive dissonance?
I find their mental gymnastics astonishing.
>Holocaust didn't happen
>Why do you love Hitler?
>because he killed Jews
> said no one ever
Hitler disliked wordly Jewry, and that is enough for most right-wingers to go on. Everyone knows Hitler killed no Jews.
It's not even about holocaust. They try to justify every single Hitler's action and blame everyone except the Nazis for WW2. It's like in their version of history the appeasement policy doesn't exist.
Thanks OP.
Finally a thread on Veeky Forums that I can love because I can handle things... I'm smart! Not like everybody says! Like, dumb! I'm smart... and I want respect!
No it was shit, the true utopia was the slav paradise of worker rule by the great Stalin, nothing can compare in terme of facial quality.
no, there's a better one
brave enough to survive decades
big implications
Poor Fredo. At least he got to bang those waitresses in Vegas.
>Was the Third Reich the closest thing to a utopia mankind has witnessed?
Just gonna drop this here
Germany specifically declared war on the United States.
Sounds pretty good to me.
Only because US declared war on Japan.
an eye for an eye
Because Japan attacked them directly. You just said 'Hitler only declared war on the USSR' and I just showed how that was patently false.
Because the US declared war on Germany?
Are you a fucking retard or what?
When the spartacists attempted a putsch twenty years ago that becomes carte blanche to deport all der juden, but when german guerillas attack polish columns and are executed well then ach mein lieben thats an ethnic cleansing.
The spartacist putsch was worse than either the German guerrillas, or the Munich putsch, because it was more successful.
Spartacist uprising wasn't successful at all.
It actually managed to gather enough support to cause battles in the streets of Berlin.
Still more successful than the Munich abortion.
But Germany declared war on the US
Yeah, but that still wasn't successful. That was like Ferguson levels of street battles. It was put down in what, a week? After never even getting close to controlling Berlin?