Is this accurate? If so I'm failing miserably at life.
Please discuss.
>$19,000 by 22
Eat my ass there's no way unless you live with your parents and either don't go to college or get free college
I feel so poor now.
I have to get to $19K by 25..
hahahah faggot
I have $30k at 20.
tfw 26k in bitcoin alone right now, I'm 24
I have 6k in cash and stocks.
I have 86k at 26
blow me
Zomg killing it
wow I thought I was doing ok and now realize that I'm still poor a piece of shit
I don't see the variable which states if you're dating a woman, or are a woman yourself, to set all values to negative equity.
200k, mid 20s, but its all trading income so its volatile as fuck. beats working tho
>100k liquid
>putting away 65k per year
can't complain
>Savings based of 65k income
If you have this income by 23 and not saving 10k a year then you failed yeah..
Not him but if you worked from 15 (or earlier with oddjobs) then it's not hard to get that much by 20 if you save and invest it, especially if your parents let you keep all your money.
Plus by sophomore year of college there's a lot of technical internships that pay 20-30 an hr...
>tfw 22 years old with like 3k to my name
Nice LARPing I'm impressed
That's a lie, nobody pays 20-30/hr. for beginner internships unless heavy nepotism is involved
65k a year gross is like 43 in most places of the U.S. after deductions. If you live by a major city then it's not uncommon to pay 30k just for bare essentials unless you live with roommates.
If you have student loans, you're gonna want to pay those off before you start saving serious dough. Most people have a tens of thousands in loan debt by the time they graduate. So yeah saving 10k a year would be kinda difficult even when you count 401k matching.
>That's a lie, nobody pays 20-30/hr. for beginner internships unless heavy nepotism is involved
Lol. I personally know 7 classmates who make 20+ an hr during summer internships. All stem majors though, and near a large U.S. city.
The top companies in silicone valley do 30-40.
I'm not saying most college kids will get this much but where I go to school (large state university) it's pretty common to get 20.
>10k saved
never gotten close to earning 65k so far. i undertake too many seasonal jobs and dont have stable work
everyone on Veeky Forums doesnt have to be poor, friend
I had $50k at 23. Now have $12k at 26 :^)
By working since highschool and saving my money, plus christmas/birthday gifts.
Then at 18 started investing. It's really not hard. And it's not much.
>Nice LARPing I'm impressed
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why are your standards set so low?
>implying I wouldn't get arrested for that
You'd have to live like a monk to get those kind of savings.
I'm 25 and I saved 17k over the last 5 months
Stay poor, faggot
hope youre enjoying them bitcoin gainz. id be looking to move more out of the cad tho
22 here. Got a $280K inheritance at 19. Got access to the money when I turned 21. Been blowing through it. How do I stop?
>curate? If so I
4 chan biz, where the 1% hangs out......GKY
Put it in an acct with a massive withdrawal penalty
You don't. Either lock it away from yourself or you will learn about the value of money like everyone else learned it, not having money
33 and honestly still feel behind :/ What should I do next finance wise? Rentals? Side businesses?
buy high sell low!
What is an engineering internship for 200. Anybody who has done more than one internship gets paid at least 20 bucks an hour, usually much more.
>65k income at age 19
I'd be in trouble if I lived in the magical fairyland that this chart was created in, good thing I live on Earth in 2016 and I'm doing okay
>What should I do next finance wise? Rentals? Side businesses?
If you want to go broke and live your 80s on the edge then yes.
>tfw got my life on track
Feels good man