/fhg/ - For Honor general

>New players:
pastebin.com/55KZTiUK (embed) (embed)

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Conqueror: pastebin.com/d3qQXKGa (embed) (embed)


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>War of Factions:

>Story mode collectibles:


1st for epic turtling gameplay where you can always force a time-out if you want to

> (embed) (embed)

Play Kensei

>people who abuse LB's animation fuckup when he chains CB into shove into CB and you have less than a split second to react if you don't want to get shoved off the map from any point in the map basically

post em

These fucking people can't OP right

Good thing I'm awake now, leave the making of nonshit threads to me.

t. Normal OP


I should but it doesn't have cute rabbit ears

nobody cares stop being a fag before you turn this place into some shithole like owg

I want to. What does his high level gear look like?

>dat nobushi art

>Ubisoft will never fix GB
>The game is doomed to die a slow agonizing death as the meta eternally shift to a turtlefest

I'm in the middle of tard rage, let me have this one

Mama is not the law. I am the law.

Roma invicta!

I was wondering how long it would take for somebody to make a Pepe emblem.

>captcha is a stopsign that says "RARE" on it

>that leddit thread about the fanart
holy shit

Holy shit that's cute. What rep?

Gonna play fem roach til I get those.

>tfw thought I'd level up Nobushi as a sub
>getting raped by Peacekeepers

I don't know what my second character should be. Playing exclusively Kensei may be fun but I fear I'll get bored of it eventually.

I meant GB, sorry.

>shiny flashy gold

just another faction to get deus vult'd

We postin our /bigboys/?



How do I get my webms to stop looking like shit?

no rep just 3k metal

I was actually in the middle of that shit man.
Bitch couldn't appreciate handsome men and didn't know the difference between opinion and fact.

would you mind sharing how to pepe?

Is there any way to get the wings that this guy from the story has?

wtf is this shit... not a single knight field

>playing one of the most broken characters right now with the highest amount of animation bugs associated with him
>he thinks he's good too

Yep, ornaments on head. Costumizaçao stuff

Fuck ME law blows ass so much. As a lawbringer I just faced my first opponent in 1v1 duel that countered ever guard break and dodge every long arm I threw at him. I legit felt fucking helpless. Especially since he parried every heavy I threw at him. I couldn't even combo my light to heavy because he ALWAYS saw my heavy coming and parried.

How the fuck am I supposed to win against someone who can perfectly defend LAW's GB and shove to long arms? I have never been so fucking helpless in a fight as the one I just had. I'm starting to see why people call LAW shit especially with those painfully slow heavies. His parry->light riposte is the only guaranteed parry combo which is bullshit considering this dude is supposed to be built around parrying. His fucking reach is a joke too considering he has a pole-arm yet I have to be within short sword range to get hits in. Even fucking kensei has a longer reach.

Am I missing something here? Am I missing some kind of other combo that does guaranteed decent damage off a parry? Or am I fucked if the opponent knows how to defend?

>helmet is not a bucket

>guy from the story
you mean "DAUBENEY!" ?

>one of the most broken


Nah man, the wings that you can select from the ornaments are not the same one that guy has on his helmet. His are larger and more feather-looking.

Your faction isn't fighting there, Hans.
Back out and place your assets in one of the 2 areas your faction is fighting in.

oh boy, im guessing you started playing today?
you feint and you parry into light attack, or into grab side heavy
you can also shove them around after block and if you get them in a wall you get a top heavy


How new are you?


use that pointy straight line as a background, and the rest you should figure out

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence




So lemme get this straight

Lawbringer, Shugoki, and Valkyrie were all absent from the closed and open betas because they were being rebalanced.

I honestly cannot tell a lick of difference between them. I feel like Lawbringer was not made more viable; his issues with speed, range, and damage are still ever present. Shugoki feels exactly the same and Valk feels a bit weaker.

My biggest gripe is fucking Lawbringer because he takes so much effort to be rewarded compared to other heroes. I mean a fucking Nobushi/Roach both get guaranteed top heavies off a guardbreak and they do more damage than anything the lawman can do without getting raped by parries.

Probably some on-disc DLC you can't access yet then.
I'm pretty sure most things from the campaign are either high level gear most players can't access yet or not available.

congratulations you have found out that a class described as counter attacker is bad when it tries to attack first in a meta that already favours counter attack

i like the top right, nice and simple

"Ouch, that hurt, meatball-san! However it's my turn now hehe :3"

Hear that?
That's the sound of the Law being broken somewhere
I cannot rest when I hear it
And I hear it all the time

user were you playing against a Raider? That might've been me sorry

the wings you can get are called "wings 2"
they're holding out on us , can't wait for the story pack dlc™

god.... what if they look at the data, and see lawbringer dominate idiots cause they don't know shit about the game
and then they see him doing alright in higher levels cause people who do know shit can at least feint parry and push people around
and theyll think that hes fine

Additionally, they are doing nothing to him in the upcoming balance changes. Meaning he had little to nothing done in two test phases and is due for another steaming hot pile of neglecting shit.

>you feint and you parry into light attack

Warden has a faster light attack. In fact I'm pretty certain law's light is one of the slowest in the game so good luck getting it in.

>or into grab side heavy

He countered 95% of my grabs. It's almost like he know grabs into side heavy are the only thing law can do for decent damage and even then that's fucked if you can tech it.

>you can also shove them around after block

The most that'll do is deplete his stamina which means fuck all if he keeps an eye on his stamina bar and doesn't swing like mad.


but you cannot guard break into shove, you can only shove after a dash, a block, or a heavy. dash is very slow but both heavy and block cut the time down to make it more of a guarantee.

Keep deploying war assets against the Vikings.

Reminder: Tier lists don't matter as anyone who has/posts a tier list is only relevant to them.

>parry into light attack
also top light is fast


who's the most footsie character?

>go into duel
>it's an orochi
>beats me first two rounds
>not bad doesn't cheese
>third round he ledge kills me says good fight and quits
What the fuck?

You got it Varg.

No, it was a conq and warden. He switched between matches.

>5 different elimination contracts

kill me now

>those red devil eyes
fucking hell Nobushi's masks can be scary

unironically orochi

How the fuck someone isn't playing with Knights

warden is objectively the best character in the game and you are wrong

lawbringer is the only fun character in the game

Problem is their core design, they only work as turtle counter-attacker
If you buff the numbers, you further buff defense, and you dont want to do that right now

They need actual work, aka new fucking attack, options and opener

So yes, Ubisoft didnt change shit for them on release, any change done to them would be really big and I'm not even sure they'll be fixed in our lifetime

Parry into light will always hit, user.
Parry into gb will always hit as well, meaning your follow up will hit if you don't do a top attack
Pushing them into a wall stuns then long enough for you to deal some damage.

Why did you just ignore half the stuff that user said to you?

All of the assassins, Valk, Nob, and Rad. It really depends on how you play. Some are more about spacing and others are russian rush out

>lose fights constantly to being guard broken
>haven't landed a successful guard break counter since the tutorial
>figure it's just me being shit and go on
>finally decide to try to get it on the guard break ai
>20 minutes later and not a single successful guard break counter

What the fuck, I've tried spamming the button the moment I see the shield, I've tried hitting it when the guard break hits me, I've tried doing it BEFORE I think he's going to use it, I've used it where we both recoiled away but it wasn't a counter, and of course I've failed many times due to being late on it

What the fuck is the timing, because I've tried all of them

Stop quitting elimination matches

>he thinks LB isn't broken
>has more tools than fucking Warden
>is far tankier than Warden
>has more reach than Warden
>has natural throw distance of a greek god
>can basically do whatever he wants to people
>pretending this isn't the case and people think Ubisoft reads Veeky Forums so they won't nerf him

Keep pretending, guys.

No idea what you're on about. Parry into light does pathetic amounts of damage. There's no way that's my only choice against a strong defender. Top light is fast is horse shit, wardens twirl light attack is faster and his top light always takes priority.


I just told you he techs EVERY FUCKING GB I THROW AT HIM BECAUSE LAW HAS NO VERSATILITY. He fucking knows lawbringers have no choice but to spam grab to get damage in.

Reposting: I really think that LB is simply bugged. Ubi wanted to make him a slower moving char, but fucked up and made him slower on everything he does.

Reminder to never trust the dishonest knights.

where can I see these stats?

>We are sorry but our servers are shitting their pants right now, fuck your progression, come back some time in the future to see what you got

After every single match. Thanks ubisoft!

>focus on deflecting, can't gb counter
>focus on gbc, can't deflect or parry
I'm not sure it's humanly possible to be ready to react to both simultaneously
every time when I'm preparing for a deflect, if he does a gb, I always dodge and immediately know that I've fucked up

>>he thinks LB isn't broken
>>has more tools than fucking Warden
2 lines and I'm already tired of reading you



>playing against Nobushi bot as Lawbringer
>can't get close enough to do shit
>poked to death

Jesus fucking christ you would think a guy with a polearm would not have an issue touching someone with a similarly long weapon.

Ah okay. I had a match today against a level 13 Lawbringer that didn't look like he knew any of the specials.
All he would use were heavies and I parried every single one for 6 matches before he quit

No. With her 7ft spear you'd think that she'd have no problem keeping assassins at range and even square up to the Nobushi but in fact you'll spend more time trying to get close than actually attacking.



>Parry into gb will always hit

Can't they tech out of every GB? Are you saying gb after a parry guarantees a side heavy and they can't tech out of it?

>Pushing them into a wall stuns then long enough for you to deal some damage.

That only works if I manage to corner them into a wall in the first place and I can't simply throw them either because he techs every GB I throw at him.

Being delusional and refusing to admit to something must be great.

get better with time
also taking a break for a day helps me sometimes
makes the reflex set in

Tips for Nobushi vs. PK/Orochi? I personally don't have a problem killing Nobushi (as Kensei) but I have no idea how to deal with these slippery cunts as Nobu.

Go to customize > the class > view progress

elimination is easy because people are dogshit. I only play it for the orders though

>Can't they tech out of every GB?
Not from a parry.
>Are you saying gb after a parry guarantees a side heavy and they can't tech out of it?
>That only works if I manage to corner them into a wall in the first place
If you cannot force the enemy to an area that gives you an advantage than you are a poor warrior.