>What is Conan Exiles? Conan Exiles is a survival game made by the devs of Age of Conan, and it's currently on the Early Access fun ride.
>Official Premium Veeky Forums Servers old server (wiped feb 16th!): (Veeky Forums videogames) new server : (Veeky Forums hyena funhouse)
>Server not showing in the list? Go to your Properties for Conan Exiles on Steam, and open the Launch Options, then type in : +connect or +connect
>Helpful hint of the day Max height foundations are out of a dragon's reach, somehow.
Is PvE even worth it? I can't decide wether I stick for PvE first or go straight to PvP.
Jaxon Bennett
Get on board, I'll call it in.
Blake Ward
>same Helpful hint of the day as last ree, i'll just post my own then...
You can get a dead body out of shallow water so you can loot it by placing a foundation on it to hopefully fling it up in the air to land on land.
also I found "Sandman" base, is he a regular player enough for map?
Blake Cox
We are all Snek on a deeper spiritual level. We just need to channel our inner Conan Exiles autism.
Aaron Brown
seen him 2 times and i live in that region
Caleb Myers
nth for beware the happy merchants
Nathaniel Adams
Who are they?
Isaiah Watson
they're happy...and they know it
*clap clap*
Henry Nelson
Hill jews guarding the river from evil goyims
Elijah Price
"the river" covers half the map
Nathan Stewart
That was funnier to me than it should have been Well I just steel sworded down thier entire base down to the last block. Dunno if they have more bases tho
Nolan Sanchez
What the hell is up with those servers they need so long to load and there are barely any players!
Ian Jackson
im bad at technology but im pretty sure that it's the structures that take time to load in and not peoples characters, so a 30/50 server which was just made will load faster than a server with 1/50 with tonnes of structures on the map
Jose Kelly
Now that I think about it probably wasnt because there was fuck-all inside it.
David Campbell
Meant to say it probably want their only base
James Walker
Man, this game is fucking dead. I shouldn't have listened to Veeky Forums at all...
There are so many options, thousand server, a lot of those servers just have like 2 people playing, I'm from europe so you basically have all those server divided by language, what is this shit?
There aren't even that many people playing in general...
Easton Scott
Just wait for the normie rush tonight
Liam Gonzalez
Its yuro hours, dummy. Play on merican hours if you want more people to play with
Robert Moore
man it feels like a waste using furnaces with no smelter thrall. they process 5 times faster.
Kevin Clark
>tfw furnaces/smelting feels super fast to me and gives me time to go farm XP
Making the iron ingots take forever though it feels.
Christopher Ortiz
>trying to play at 9AM EST on a weekday >expecting servers to be full >using in-game browser
The game isn't ridiculously popular, but there are still people playing even at this time.
Luke Parker
this isn't the good time especially on a Friday later today or tomorrow the population will grow
Gives me an idea for a mod. Permadeath, only way for your body to disappear on logout is to logout using the bed.
Julian Adams
can't really compare them
Brody Bailey
the old skirt was much better
Jace Ross
8, it's hella fun with friends but it's very unpolished. if this wasn't early access and it was the whole game, then id say 5/10
would be cool but everyone would stack stamina to run away from death.. also lag would ruin it completely.
Aiden Anderson
Julian Hill
>waterskin still broken
Ayden Cooper
drink from foreskin instead
Luis Taylor
this, a lot of american players don't know of the power of the foreskin in game
John Baker
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this game and the hyena spawns?
Jacob Ward
the only casual filter in the game
Christian Lee
>he didn't build a well to circumvent the bug
Nathaniel Robinson
>he didn't praise mitra and made a spring of refreshment for 10 bricks instead of 300 tar
Caleb Jackson
Colton Powell
>he didn't praise yog and create meat that replenishes thirst
Ian Clark
>he's monoreligious kek
Logan Harris
Server seems to rip when I was doors
Jeremiah Peterson
>he isn't pious and sticks to one religion like a true believer
Caleb Sanchez
but who was doorframe
Chase Wright
Justin Rodriguez
They won't be able to fix it. They'll just patch out the waterskin and remove the ability to build in singleplayer.
Nathaniel Bennett
server wipe?
Jaxson Nelson
serber whype whrn
Xavier Sanders
Not before they patch out textures and the inventory interface.
Nathan Torres
Server hype
Jack Brown
fate nunu wont spawn on hyena, pls restart or force spawn him
Sebastian Thomas
James Morgan
Hanrej is not raided.
Grayson Torres
Luis Morgan
hanrej raided to heck
Jackson Wood
I bought into the meme. No turning back now.
William Thompson
actually you can still refund
Jackson Sanders
Why must you turn this into a general into a general of lies?
Logan Brooks
i still have his thralls
Oliver King
The Exiled Lands seem like a punishment given by Crom, for a man must do by what he is given. therefore, Crom is the superior religion
Joshua Johnson
>set bracers on all exiles >thoth amon sending people here >controls the ring of set >giant ass set temple with set worshipping ayylmaos in the middle u wat >moonbeam communicating set worshipping nignogs
Charles Hughes
set was created by Crom tho
Michael Ward
no he wasn't.
crom's described as the god who doesn't do shit but nod at people that struggle a lot
Jack Martinez
agree to disagree
John Moore
i'll to agree to u being dum and wrong
Jack Nelson
I noticed that there arent any archer thralls there. Maybe because the Ayys killed the all?
Austin Watson
There are stat changes since the patch. Wtf funcom, document this shit. The strength calculation has changed. Your damage is now .45(points in str) + weapon damage.
I wanted to test accuracy as well but my game crashes everytime I try to fire an arrow. I expect they made a similar change to accuracy, though.
Liam Foster
thank u manaena
Andrew Kelly
That's strictly worse than it was. Good for lower damage weapons, but higher damage weapons (Ancient Khopesh) 10 points would have been 83.6 damage, with .45 per STR formula it's just 80.5.
Matthew Gomez
I wish walls were ever so slightly taller so I didn't feel like my characters head is about to hit the ceiling all the time
Carter Reed
>think i found good spot to climb and drop into someone's cliffbase >invisible wall
Luke Torres
Yeah, that really bothers me too. It's the same in rust and Ark right?
Adam Johnson
It's worse in those games iirc
Jayden Smith
No server wipe until Funcom forces a wipe via a yuge and worthwhile patch. The owner has stated this many times.
Jaxson Morris
>Veeky Forums videogames still dead
Fucking hell.
Elijah Ramirez
>tfw you set a werehyena loose in 3-dot lands be free, pupper
Ayden Jenkins
why are the official servers dead?
Blake Allen
>buddy from other games joined server >ran to my base after dying about four times to hyenas >gave into his pleas and created a 2-man clan just so he can use my base (my biggest regret yet in Conan) >he forgot to set his spawnpoint on the bed >then died to hyenas and tried to venture back a couple more times >he gave up and stopped playing after half an hour in the server
I should have known better than to let him join me, now I'm stuck in a stupid fucking solo clan and can't leave it or else I lose access to my base, not that I have much.
Joseph Diaz
because normies only play to grief and have no admins to sort shit out.