What the hell just came out?

what the hell just came out?

Fish brains.

Looks like what's left of Schumacher's brain

Did that come out of your engine sump or radiator?
Typical water-oil mixture

>mmm creamy baileys

Seriously though, thats going to be a pain to flush out.

I'm no expert but I think the entirety of your wallet is gonna have to come out next.

>tfw too intelligent for this car



That honestly looks like congealed fat.

You've got serious fucking issues.



you might need that. just say'n

A reason to buy a new car

Old oil and boiled radiator fluid mixed together?

Can someone explain what's going on here?

>asking for a friend

>That Repco plastic oil pan
Ausfag detected.

Coolant has mixed with the fuel. This really should never happen.


This. It's a very, very bad sign.

What does it probably imply as the oroblem

That the coolant keeping the engine cool is leaking into the oil supply, and circulating through the engine.



Underrated comment

Salty milk and coins.

jesus christ man thats rough lol

brain fluid


A blown gasket at best, a cracked block at worst.

>too intelligent

Im going for blown headgasket

Holy shit. I'm dying over here.

Blown gasket? (Engine oil + coolant mixing)

I advise you check your head gasket and cylinder liners

Rip in piece headgasket

I'm leaking a very small amount of coolent into the oil, am I ok?

>am I ok?

You are fine. Your car is fucked.



Your car has cancer

Is there any logical reason why you would fucking say that post is underrated? Has anybody expressed any kind of dissatisfaction or criticism at all against it? Are you delusional? Are you reading replies that are nonexistant? Maybe you come from communities with voting systems, but there is literally no way that you could know what other people think of that post you just replied to here. Maybe it's psychological. Maybe it's your own post you're replying to, like a 12 year old fucktard liking his own facebook posts thinking his swelling autism is going unnoticed. Maybe your self esteem depends on you tricking yourself into thinking someone out there thinks your post is worth something. Or maybe you are just a retard, the worst kind of retard, the one who thinks he's smart, the one who thinks he's the only one to have gotten the joke, to have understood the post. Well, guess what, faggot, that post is by no definition underrated so why don't you do the world a favour and go check out what the bottom of your toilet smells like?

you can't even shitpost correctly lmfao

to smart too drive

I fucking hate you

Time for a new head gasket


Bullshit. This user's head already blew.

your ad on craigslist

>blown head gasket
>brains drain out

Pure pottery