/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous:>[Subspecies Singularity I: Malignant Isolation Demonic Realm Shinjuku]
Release date: Estimated late February ~ early March

>[Rerun: Uproar of the Chocolate Ladies]
From 2/8 to 2/22
Expanded version of the previous Valentine event
5* Berserker MHX (Alter) is on rate-up every day

>[Valentine 2017 Female Gacha 1]
2/17 MHX (Alter)
2/18 MHX (Alter) + Valentine 2016 CE
2/19 to 2/22 MHX (Alter)

>[Valentine 2017 Female Gacha 2]
2/17 Quetzalcoatl

>[Valentine 2017 Male Gacha]
Tesla, Arjuna, Karna, Enkidu, Ozymandias, Waver, Vlad and Cu (Alter) rate-up

>[Craft Essences]
5* Cute Orangette / Street Choco Maid (+5)
4* Choco Angel / Kitchen Patissiere (+3)
3* Blissful Time / Valentine Dojo of Tears (+1)
5* Chocolatier Arts (+5)
4* Bitter Black (+3)
3* Composure of the Victor (+1)
5* Sweet Crystal (+2)
5* Fondant Au Chocolat (+2)

- Latest changes fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- Melty Sweetheart CE can now be bought with Rare Mana Prism
- Secondary Archival Storage can be expanded with Mana Prism
- Epic of Remnant to launch on late February or early March



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Grand Time Temple Solomon and General Profile Translation

>Fate/Grand Order Material Book III

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


I can feel that this singularity will be shit.
DW always find a was to disappoint


This hole is not for a head.

It's never too late in life to consider becoming a eunuch.


Do we fear reddit?

I can't wait for Gramps.


naturally, that's why we purge all sign of it.

Can someone who's actually in the facebook post the TL for her Valentines CE?

befriend me


the da vinci ce is back?

Sorry, all I can do is post this nerd.

Fatefags would eat anything, even a boring designed grandpa.

1 rare prysm to unlock it on the mana prysm shop

In the rare mana prism shop, you can buy the right to buy it again.

Medusa is for ___



but 1 copy or all?

I already befriended you, Alex.

>X-fags would eat anything, even a boring-designed Y

being my wife.

When will be able to save her, bros?

1 Rare prism unlocks the right to buy 5 copies of monalisa CE, for 1000 regular prism each.

/JeanneAlter/ thread.

Who would let his wife dress like that?

Why does it always happen to her?

furious handholding

Alex? I am not this guy, I am the fgogcomic user or Kardis2

I would.

Note the placements of the hand constraints.

Still waiting for her to come back as a servant of sorts

Depends on how many you had.

I already had 1 from before. this gave me the chance to buy the 4 I was missing.

Just don't laugh at how shit my friendlist is.

What is this face trying to convey?

Who else is rolling for this foxy grandpa?

Give me the Hearts pt. 17

You can't save something that doesn't even conceptually exists anymore.

Thor servant when?

I love my wife Scat

Added. Name is William.

Attempting to hide her feelings of affection and adoration.

It will have Emiya Alter. At the very least it will be good for a bit of shitposting until people go back to bitching about the lack of fresh content.

>tfw you will never save anyone

How would a Kojima/Nasu game be like?

Ok retard

Is it already confirmed to be Emiya Alter?

>Still no Scathach Assassin valentines event TL

>2 incompetent writers collab

I want to but I used a ticked in the valentine gacha and rollled MHX so I'm pretty sure my luck is dry

Thanks man, could you do the other part too? I love you

What are you doing here if you think Nasu is an incompetent writer? Please don't be a F/GO tertiary

really fucking pretentious

White hair, dark skin, steely eyes, and a pair of gunblades with the exact same color scheme as Kanshou & Bakuya. It's Emiya.


I know, that's exactly why I was asking

Gareth-chan when?

>implying I want to know how she cucks me again for the second time

NTR is a top tier patrician fetish

Only because you posted the best Assassin.

Since we're getting Bobmiya with Kanshou/Bakuya, when are we getting Saber with a gun?

Best girl, memes be damned.

Befriend me. 409028851

>when are we getting Saber with a gun?
Last summer.


Guan Yu 5* when lads?

Does Saber (Archer) count?

How about you post your supports first.

"Archer's bigger"

At this point I almost believe in T-M possibly funding Prototype anime.

You better watch out or your house will get burn down

FGO can fund cour of anime in a week

Fuck posted the wrong pic

No, super soakers don't count

Would Rin really want bigger tho?

I already sent you a request.

Is that why we don't know who Nasu is?

Aniplex would go out of business.

While they're funding garbage they could fund a Tsukihime anime remake as well!


>Gil only 90 10/6/8
not worth one of my slots

Japan would go out of business if they did that.

They do when they shot energy beams

>Gil not burned or at least out of his support list
This is the real problem here.

We might get a caster seiba so she fulfills all the classes besides avenja

If someone really loves their waifu/husbando, they would keep them out of their support.

Holy shit

>being this possessive
It's just fighting support, they aren't getting more than that.

For me and only me.

>we will never see Herc vs EMIYA or even get an explanation of how the fight went down other than "Archer didn't use UBW"

Only if we hold hands and look lovingly into each other's eyes as I tell her I want to make her happy for the rest of her life

Because it was an asspull

>not wanting everyone to know how much you love your waifu (husbando) by showing on the ALL slot

Also his two cats have been missing since

>he didn't see the only good thing about the DEEN anime besides cu vs gil

>you will ever give a painfully injured Rama an enema while Liz and Nero sing accompanying music

on a scale of 0 - 10 how dandy is this new guy


P-Please add me too 411,826,074

I don't want all these nips as friends