Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Guilty Gear PC Online Tournament tonight at 8PM EST
Prize Pool is 50 Canadian Dollars!



>But I feel like anyone who didn't play her pretty much hated her
Who the fuck really likes characters besides their own?


It's just me or does S2 feel overall slower to anyone else? I remember FChamp reporting similar impressions.

Viper is the original gorilla

>le -1 on block forward moving armor breaking buffer able and chipping and cancelable move


More thinking and execution in Melee than SFV, just saiyan.

Also, your picture proves you think it's a fighting game, or else it wouldn't even be in the comparison. Really makes you think.
Meanwhile, 3d fighting games require more thought than all of those games combined. Yes, even Dead or Alive.

I don't know, I feel like people don't mind or don't have a strong opinion on most of the other characters
But with characters like Viper, El Fuerte, Ibuki, Seth, etc, you either loved them or hated them

Official Cammy


Doing combos offline is more fun than playing people offline. Prove me wrong.

im pretty sure the patchnotes said they slowed down the game

which challenge is that

Who's your main



Maybe if you are depressed. It feels good to drill shit when you are feeling down.

What game?

you're just saying that because of that one yoyo webm

See me in any SF(except turd strike) or kof

you wont

Melty and USFIV, though I don't think you play any other game anyway

Why is her butt so big?

Are you one of those people that make AMVs of your combos?

who dat is

t. button mashing smash baby

Looks like dash infinite

preorder my game

Why do you people say this and not even give out their screen name?
I play good games like VF. Smash is just watered down 2d VF anyway, what with the ringouts.

I don't, but I plan to start doing so, but I don't know how people create combos. Like in marvel vs capcom 3, how did people find out the doom infinite, especially if your execution isn't good?

Name one C. Viper doujin that isn't full of fucking weird and gross fetishes, I dare you

who likes this dirty slut?
get some taste, pleb. Futa is the best. I bet you don't even like scat.

I don't really play sf4 either, I just played it a ton in the past so I know some stuff and I can more or less do things the one time every 2 months I play it. I wouldn't really say I have a main for that reason though the character I played the most the last few times was Sagat. My best character is probably Ryu though because I can just do Ryu things.

In melty I main F-Ciel and she's definitely by far the character I studied and learned the most stuff for, but I can more or less play a ton of other characters.

I'd kind of like to know this too

Bu-st Time

Kiyohime, from Fate/GO

violent mashing

Is there a character like chun-li in melty
What characters have really strong normals or good footsies


>mfw they still haven't made another fate fighting game

>smash players actually believe their game is "intellectual" and requires skill.

Gets me every time. Now beat it kid. Mash general is that way.

Surely you could become the world champion if you played it, right?

Please stop. You're only fooling yourself at this point.

F-Ryougi or C-Warakia

Warakia is stronger

Also have this

I've played more games of GG in a week than I have in the 9 months I forced myself to play SFV.

thanks m8s

I love brickposts because they're always cute and positive


Reminder that SFV's concurrent player count is inflated on Steam.

Man, I was remembering the excitement back when Nash got revealed.

I had so many hopes for this game.

That one where Chun-Li fucks two young guys and C. Viper gets along.

Yeah. I could also become the world champion of guilty gear but I wouldn't be caught dead playing that gay ass weeaboo shit.

Out of Kyo, Benimaru, Terry, K', Hein and Robert which characters should be my team in xiv fgg?


Go top tier or go home

Are you fucking kidding me? Even if you voted every hour of your life to GG, you'd have no chance of beating someone like Woshige. You are nobody. Want to know how i know you're nobody? You post on /fgg/. You probably can't even beat the gay furry in MK.

>want to play 3d fighter
>don't feel like fucking around with my old consoles to do so
>developers won't put their 3d kusoge on steam besides doa

>plays jap games
>surprised they're on outdated hardware

This stick came in today if anybody wants to know anything about it. No noticeable input delay. I can only test shit on pc also.

>his main doesn't have a DBZ SCOUTER
how does it feel to play a poorly designed character???

>no chance against Woshige, a literal retard who can't make video games or even tell when a match of the very game he's playing is over

If that's the quality of top goober players, I think I'm good.

>tfw I only play fighting games to do combos
>too smart to fall for the comepetetive meme
Are we the only #WOKE ones in this thread?

hang on, I'll arrange a money match for the two of you

>likes Code Gayass
>is a retard that thinks he's smart
Like cockwork

That gay furry is pretty much unbeatable tho

Geass, had some of the best pacing in Anime History. The only thing that kind of ruined the iconic ending was the announcement of the third season.

>started as '10er
>was always in training mode because it was too frustrating to get bodied repeatedly vs real people
now training mode feels like a huge bother


It will break down in a year, I know from experience

Why do people keep buying these poverty sticks instead of Qanbas or hitboxes?
Randomly shoving tits in a serious scene is pacing? Also
>director got his budget slashed and put the real ending in the first season
>suddenly got the money back and tried to flesh all of that shit out and pretend the last two episodes didn't happen
>Protagonist is a super mega genius that can somehow cheat at chess
>protagonist has a super duper robot that can stand up to actually trained pilots as long as he gets the drop on them
>"tactics" boil down to "BUT WHAT I ACTUALLY HAD PLANNED WAS THIS"
>"tactics" get trumped by having an ace that may as well be a Dynasty Warriors character
>Kallen is just reskinned Domon Kasshu
>Knightmares are just reskinned Scopedogs
>Lelouch got cast out of Brittania, yet still has money and the fame of royalty for some reason
>Suzaku thinks he can fix racism of the Britannians from the inside by being a good boy, not realizing he's just a nigger dog to them anyway
>Kallen hates Brittanians and is in an anti-Brittanian terrorist cel, but still goes to Brittanian school to "spy".
>obviously tacked on fanservice to sell to the horny fanboys that can't think about plots or care about characterization
and so on and so on

You know the manga didn't have mechs in it right?

Fucking awful balloon tits

that's my phone wallpaper
new samsho when?

What's the best moon for this semen demon?

kof14 kind of fucking sucks

Every single character is trying to do hitconfirm into max combo all day. It's like they looked at focus in SF4 and decided the entire meta should be based around it rather than just be a supplemental mechanic

Shit is insanely dull

I'm not worried about stock parts, I'm replacing the buttons and stick in a bit. This also isn't the old one.

>$100 for sanwa buttons + stick that can be used on both new consoles
idk you tell me


the hop c into genei jin meme is real

>that gif
And they say Japan is not anime

I like how poongko has basically become the Asian LTG these days

Superior PCB. Also, hitbox is a whole different, even more superior animal.
Yes, I've read the manga, and we all know that's not what him or most of the retards that like CG are referring to when they say they like that shitty series. It's also nothing special. You can take out the parts about the Votoms rehash mechs and it's still an awful story. You can take the ninjutsu out of Naruto and make it about samuai in the edo period and it would still be the same awful shit.

On that note, Tales of an Alternate Shogunate also sucks ass.

What dead game on fightcade should I play?


Isn't XIII just as bad with that?

the viper x el fuerte doujin is one of my favourites, it's cute.

Good man

A hitbox is also $200. Also no noticeable delay from what I can tell so its superior enough for me.

I was referring to its sustainability, but fair enough. I've just had some bad experiences with Mayflashes in the past where the PCB randomly breaks down for no particular reason.

How the literal fuck do I stop Ken from jumping in on me as Yang in 3S apart from parry? My st.MP, st.lp, cr.HP all lose.

Tell me about Cammy and Rashid, why do they wear the scooter?

If someone jumps more than 5 or 6 times in the first round I just leave. You should do the same.

jab anti air for your free mixup

If they jump in real life or in game?

can you imagine discussing anything with chris"9-1 matchups in sfv" tatarian

*jumps on u*

You don't. Welcome to 3S aka SFV pre alpha.

>antiairing in turd strike
don't tell him

Anyone EU want to melty?


id: MeltyBrick

So is he like some kind of crazy Christian or is he referring to skipping class for Evo?

probably a creationist because Evo is during summer, unless he's taking summer courses

I can play some

I'll have to take a quick pause in like 10-15 minutes but it will last only like a minute