>You wake up as Wilhelm II on the day of your coronation
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>You wake up as Wilhelm II on the day of your coronation
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waggle my willie!!
Tell the British they're mad, mad, mad as March hares. Then ask them what has come over them that they are so completely given over to a suspicions quite unworthy of a great nation.
Not fire Otto. Everything else will take care of itself.
Also, maybe try not to start the most devestating war in the history of Europe and continue the cycle of Germanic destruction of the continent.
strip the navy scrap the steel and all in ground defences a mother fucking dmaginot line around my empire and wait for air tech
Make us really tight with Britain and don't try to stir up shit with France or Russia.
Not try to outproduce Britain in capital tonnage but instead focus on a really nice cruiser force to protect our global interests. Try to align with Britain but also keep good relations with Russia and Austria-Hungary to contain France.
Not make friends with austro Hungaria, and see if I can agree with the world powers to give up any colonies in exchange for Austria.
Also don't modernise the ottomans and make Jerusalem a city state with my co-monarchs
Not trying to get colonies is a dumb move. Germany's ports in China, the pacific, africa etc were very valuable for a growing trade empire. Germany just got too greedy and started moving in on others turf like Morocco.
>listen to everything Bismarck says
They didn't try to get Morocco, Wilhelm just believed they should have their own say in how the country was run
Also German colonies were shit, manufacturing was where it was it. If he'd just negotiated what should happen to Alsace lehraine, first with the French ministers and then with its actual people then peace could have happened so easily.
That or make another copy of the schleiffen plan and burn it in front of the ministers
dont go into WW1
find a young austrian boy named adolf hitler and have him killed
State incentives for reproduction, diplomacy out the ass, industrialize, grow the skilled labor pool, put the military on the technological cutting edge.
Negotiate with France for the peaceful transfer of Alsace-Lorriane, probably for monies and glory.
>Also German colonies were shit, manufacturing was where it was it.
Sure but you need a powerful navy to protect those sealanes, and friendly ports around the world for that navy. Probably the most important German foreign asset was Tsingtao.
Don't bring the greatest nations of the last century who also happened to be the bitterestimate of rivals into a super alliance against you. Find a way to either stay allied to Russia or Ally England, if you do either of these things World War 1 either ends in your victory or it never seen happens
Don't fire Otto
Army not Navy
Save cousin Nichy
Suck it up and maintain good relations with Russia.
Rape the ottomans
The only thing that needed to be changed was the Schlieffen Plan. Germany should have concentrated their forces in the East from the outset of war.
I order my ARYAN GERMANIC armies to REMOVE KEBAB and make Germany GROẞ
Ditch Austria and practically beg to suck Russia's dick.
Befriend France, watch Austria burn, move to a more parliamentary system and the sun never sets on the european empire.
Your picture gave me aids
Warn them about Hitler
You know nothing about german relations if you took the pic of yours seriously for a second,Peter
Hitler wouldn't be a thing without the Weimar Republic.
And Germany wouldn't be cucked if Austra-Hungary wouldn't have dragged them into the war.
That's literally the only reason why Germany got castrated.
Sell the entire colonial empire in exchange for official French recognition of Alsace-Lorraine. Invest in the air force instead of the navy. Work towards the fragmentation of AH and Russia
all these + rape austro hungary and split its empire up into a shit ton of non countries like slovakia
if it comes to it, get briduns support in a war against france and russia and create poland in the peace treaty, then accept giving up most of my power voluntarily and maintain the monarchy
2 world wars and 80 years of oppressive communism gone
anschluss the AustroHungarian Empire
unite all the german peoples under one flag, one nation, one monarch.
send the jews to Russia.
tell my counsins in the British Royalty that they have nothing to fear.
well kill him anyway
you can never be too sure
Let Germany lose WW1 then in 1930 find hitler and tell him everything that happens in the future, guaranteeing a german win.
Give back Lorraine as a gesture of goodwill to France whenever I feel necessary (only if I feel I have to do so to avoid a war with them).
Don't build up a stupidly huge navy to piss off the British.
Destroy Austria-Hungary, seizing the German and Hungarian majority land. Create some border Slavic states to the north. Give Slovenia to a new Croatian state as a buffer against Serbian expansion, although give most of Bosnia over to the Serbs.
Serbs will have their territory expansion and you'll be able to act against them if they try more because they'll clearly be in the wrong. Russia will have to march through their own Slavic brother to get to you.
Everyone should be happy and war should be avoidable.
Also, kill all of the rich Jews.
1.Pre-emptive strike on the Jewish population.
2.Isolationist policies during ww1
4.Conquer europe and genocide the anglos.
All these people saying "we'll just give back Alcese-Lorraine" as if it was just that easy. Nevermind that territory was crucial in securing the agreement to consolidate into modern "Germany". We'll just... give it back.
t. butthurt french revanchist
>Kill Hitler
>Kill the man who tried to reset the board for the nation before Wilhelm destroyed it with his incompetence, insecurity, and egotism
Wilhelm begged Hitler to reinstate the monarchy but Hitler rightly turned him down. The demented exile was probably butt hurt until his death.
Abdicate and let my not-autistic brother take the reins.
is that legit? I thought Wilhelm was overall pretty cool with Hitler.
fuck off hitlercucks.
Search "Kaiser Wilhelm on Hitler." He called Hitler nCo gangs of thugs.
Go to war with Austro-Hungary to become the only German Empire in Europe
I'm not one of the /pol/tards but two years later he sent a letter congratulating Hitler jubilantly because he had taken down France using what he called his (Willy's) army. Hitler wasn't really too happy about that. Wilhelm II really shouldn't be your source for quotes denouncing Hitler.
He also told Hitler not to put any nazi shit on his memorial when he died, which Hitler defied and covered his funeral with as many swastikas he could fit
Expel the jews and imprison all socdems
Also fortify Alsace
Top banter
>Keep Bismark
>Build my own Maginot line
>Increase Navy but not to much to trigger the eternal Anglo
>Let Austria implode and diplomatically annex German majority area
>Keep Russia from falling to communism
>If that fails create a Polish buffer state, allow polish majority areas in Posen to vote on joining Poland to keep the poles friendly
>Above all get strong relations with the UK
start nuclear research
All I got was some very strange old porn.
The look-alikes were dead on, though.
well we're gonna need a source on that sir
>Ignore any idea of forming an overseas Empire
>Keep limited navy and invest in army
>Make friends with Britain but especially Russia
>Fund nationalist dissent in Austria
>Make Italy your ally by supporting both of their territorial claims on France and Austria
>With Russia on your side, time is as well, as the country industrialises, it'll become too much of a threat for the Franco-Austrians to handle, while we loudly support whatever Britain's foreign policy is.
>They will be the one to make the first move or they know they're screwed
>They'll probably have the Ottomans on their side as well, but they're the Sick Man of Europe, so who cares?
>Hold line in France while you, Russia and Italy rape the Austrians
>France tries to go through Belgium and gets Britain to declare war on them
>France is totally fucked
>Annex all of Lorraine, Austria, Bohemia Moravia, and crown yourself Emperor of the Germans completing the job of unifying historical Germany
>France is too weak to ever challenge Germany again. If they fall to any extreme ideology, they can be picked off at will
>Continental Dominance achieved
lol how?
August 1940, at the Reichskanzlei:
>Adolf Hitler, the Fuehrer of Germany, and now conqueror of France, picks up the phone in his office.
>"Ja, Hallo? Is this Adolf Hitler?"
"Ja, it is."
>"Hey, Adolf, old buddy; it's your friend Willy."
>The Fuehrer's eyes narrow slightly
"What can I do for you, Wilhelm?"
>"Ah, Adolf, just like you to want to get straight to the point, just like when you were running letters while I was upon a throne."
>Adolf grits his teeth
>"Anyway, I heard that you managed to actually get the French to surrender
>Adolf puffs out his chest slightly
"Why yes, yes I did."
>"Well, I was wondering if you could do me a favor."
"What would that be?"
>"Can I have my throne back?"
"WHAT? Why would I do that?!"
>"Well, isn't it obvious? I softened the French up for you all those years ago."
>having had enough of this, Hitler hangs up the phone with a slam that can be heard all throughout the building.
Yeah pretty much. I would have him tutor me for when he eventually retires or dies of his own accord, but otherwise I would not have an autistic sissyfit, pissing off TWO of my fucking family members' countries.
High-five my numba one Nigguh Krupp about all those cannons.