/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

>Summoned the Untrue White Ring wearing grapist:
>1.10 patch notes:

>Ringed City DLC stuff
Announcement trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=igomOLwqsV0
Screenshots/art: imgur.com/a/83M79
Gameplay footage: youtube.com/watch?v=j8Ke647-xsU
Vaati's notes, trimmed (MAJOR SPOILERS, read with a grain of salt): pastebin.com/Y7MTapKN

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Sunbros r fags

>he thinks there was Japanese voice acting
>he doesn't think the English voice acting is miles better than what you can find in 90% of other games

Wands > Staves

what did they mean by this?

How do I disable anything Cheat Engine did? I was dicking around in DaS2 and now my file seems to permanently have infinite i-frames, stamina, and can walk thru any door.

very obviously trolling but in case you actually are a retard, the game has english voice acting in every language.

Why are there cathedral knights in the the king's garden?
it's still Lothric right?

The two monkeys fighting on that pic is a natural result of FROM reacting to aotababies whining and the massive negative feedback, and reverting any possible good additions DaS2 introduced, I see nothing wrong with it.
DeS and DaS1 are simply irrelevant games now that noone even bothers to talk about here, and BB has it's own general. So yelling "WHAT WERE DEY THINGING" and jacking off to sulyvahn/mommy rosaria/painter loli is the only thing left for us.

sl35+ forest pvp best

fume knight is really something

I'd actually prefer spellbooks or sicknasty crystal balls like those of Crystal Sages.
Sticks are fucking lame and not whizzurd-y at all, but if I had to choose I'd pick a rod over a long stick.

I did it! Waifu achieved

will /dsg/ please forgive me if I admit i killed Ornstein first (rip ;_:) with the help of Solaire

>killed ornstein first
sure whatever
>with solaire
fuck you

>queen of sunlight

wait did gwyn fuck his own daughter? is that why he has retard children?

>king is gone
>princess is the oldest available heir
Queen by default.

Dark Souls 1 still had the best PVP. Invasions were better when they were cat-and-mouse games. Gank spanks are fun but I really miss when hosts were actually afraid of me and tried to avoid me instead of just spamming emotes at me with their fag squads.

Wish I could go back in time and play Dark Souls at release again. I just want to spend hours invading Upper Blighttown and ruining people's days.

Congrats pal. You're missing out on a great item (Leo Ring) but you can always get it in NG+. It only really matters if you ever decide to try piercing weapons.

Solaire is optional easy mode, though. But at least you seem sufficiently ashamed of yourself. Next playthrough, do it alone until you get it right. It's a great feeling that you are missing out on.

DaS1 is responsible for the "kills boss block invasion" bullshit, fuck that.
I'd prefer if everyone was invadable, hollow or not, boss alive or not.
>Dark Souls 1 still had the best PVP.
Fuck no, the variety was restricted as fuck.

I was like "holy shit I can still stop this, get shovelled by Smough and do it right" but then my scrub senses just took over and I mashed R2 all over smough's backside

I'm more upset about not getting Ornstein's armor and seeing that fat fuck crush my boy over and over. I wanted it to end ;_;

alternatively, I get to be with best fake girl

I was doing it all for her

>can only invade if the boss is still alive
>mostly invade people who just have excess humanity from kindling bonfires
>immortality if you beat the game at a low enough level and upgraded your armor enough

>faith gets chimes and talismans
>intelligence only gets staves
Annoys the shit out of me senpai.

Weirdly, there's an unlisted distinction between staffs and longstaffs. Longstaffs have a higher STR requirement, more length for things like Flashsword, cost more stamina to cast with, and go on your back instead of your hip when two-handing. Unfortunately, they have the same shitty weapon art whereas Faith gets two different really useful weapon arts to choose from.

What the hell is sticking out of her mouth?

She's actually called Princess of Sunlight, afaik it was a mistranslation. Although it would kinda explain Gwyndolin. He called her Godmother too, maybe he's the god it refers to

Well if you ever do try to solo it, I recommend it. The trick is learning to keep them both in frame at all times. If you can always see both of them, they're much easier to deal with. Having one of them leave your field of vision is what gets you killed. That's why they feel like such bullshit.

Also, getting close up to them is what you have to do if you're doing melee. Ornstein does less damage at point blank range, and Smough's hammer literally can't even hit you when you're hugging his gut. This is counter-intuitive because people's instinct is to be afraid of them and want to stay away, so you're rewarded for working up the courage to just rush at one of them head-on. One of the neat game design things about this fight IMO.

>DaS1 is responsible for the "kills boss block invasion" bullshit
Actually, that goes back to DeS.

A condom. First time seeing one?

That felt like a fair compromise to the fact that invaders were usually strictly more powerful than hosts, though. At least in terms of the PVE experience of being invaded, it improved matters because you had to decide whether to deal with an unknown factor (the invader) or just suck it up and face the boss.

DaS 1 FC when?

First time seeing one that small, maybe. I honestly thought it was a worm.

I don't get it

it's a tentacle you sperg. nips eat a lot of seafood

Cathedral Knights are probably from Lothric.

Special guards or similar.

>tfw most of the worlds I invade have three fucking phantoms
why from

>horsehoof ring and knightslayer ring stack
>makes it possible to break Milwood knights' guard with one kick

Velka records and punishes sin, she doesn't actively participate in it.

Also forgives sin
And procreation isn't sin you doofus

Except for the whole sending out people to murder the fuck out of some sinners part.

>dumb anime autist spouting stupid shit again
You have fun in your dead, shitty game. Bet you only did this for (you)'s, you attentionwhoring spaz.

So does poise work now? How do I work with it?

Get off my anime website you shitter.

Because those people need to be taken down. It's well designed honestly. If you summon, enemies/bosses get stronger and you have a sharply increased chance of getting invaded. These people need an extra obstacle in the way, and you can tip the scale in favor of the mobs.

So, god impregnated her?

fume knight is really giving me a run for my money
any advice apart from learning his attack patterns?

Flash sweat will make your life easier.

Killing sinners isn't a sin, heretic.

>she doesn't actively participate in it
As far as you know. Since when did the Sable Church do anything explicitly sinful, anyways? As Yuria says, the gods are all gone so they're just passing off the First Flame to the last group left: humans.

Consider the following
>velka's talisman was a miracle tool that scaled with intelligence
>caitha's chime explicitly mentions that its intelligence scaling makes it dark
>das3's archdeacon staff says channeling faith for sorcery is a terrible sin
>gwyndolin, who previously had a staff that scales with faith in das1, started giving such a staff to his followers before das3
>also his darkmoon talisman is now dark scaling
>vow of silence was previously one of velka's signature miracles
>it is now being used by the sable church, who also have three other miracles that share the same purple rune ring used by vow of silence in both games
>velka's miracles always looked purple and dark even in das1

She was a dark witch from the beginning. She's just finally executing her master plan now.

God is a dragon and he wants revenge

Stake the Ashen Idols.
Equip quartz rings for Dark and Fire.
Use physical damage.
Never chug unless he's still in the middle of an attack animation.

Technically, that part was Gwyndolin's doing.

Use armour with poise and hit things

Why not now on PS3? I'm sure the Mule Saves would still work.

take off all your clothes for fastroll

>wanna play ds1
>got a couple of builds in mind
>every time i look at the icon i know it's gonna lag and skip frames everywhere
>play ds2 instead
good thing i'm getting a new pc

Had a grand time doing a bows-only run with a friend in DS1, good times

You can force him to stay in Phase 1 (chug estus and he will do his overhand chop, this will make his sword glow yellow for like 30 seconds, this will prevent him from buffing it and going into phase 2, you can keep him in phase 1 indefinitely by baiting that attack)
You can force him into Phase 2 right at the start of the fight if you find that phase easier for some reason (Best Knight Raime hates Veldstad, equip dark macemans helmet and fumebro will buff his sword right at the start of the fight)
He likes to follow attacks up if you try to go for more than a single swing after a combo, his backhand is also among his more damaging attacks
He really likes punishing chugging, don't think running to the end of the arena will save you
You can roll through the fireballs his aoe blast creates

What's the most fun DS3 build for PvP you can think of? I really need something new

No she doesn't. She strictly catalogues it. Normally Dark Sun Gwyndolin oversees the punishment of sinners who offend the Lords, Velka doesn't involve neither herself nor her pardoners on it

Fuck I meant PvE

>fume knight hates chugs and uses warmth
Is he /ourguy/?

It's been working since the game was released, the youtube fag who "proved" it didn't was massively retarded and didn't know how to read what he was looking at.

Poise got an overhaul in the 1.08 patch. Explaining it takes massive walls of text. The general idea is that you have "poise health", enemy attacks deal damage to your poise health, your poise stat acts as defense for your poise health and reduces damage to it (rather than being your actual poise like in DaS1/2), poise is only active during great weapon attacks or big weapon arts, different attacks make your poise health shrink or grow (current damage changes proportionately but incoming damage stays the same) which makes them easier or harder to interrupt, attacking with a great attack resets your poise to 80% and using poised weapon arts resets it to 100%. If you have enough poise so that your 80%+poise is enough to not be staggered by your opponent's weapon, you can R1 spam against that weapon all day long.


>this part of AoA with the fucking twin milwood knights raining arrows down as you have to fight two other milwood knights and their dog fucks
fucking conniptions

Have you tried hiding behind the walls?

seathe's crystal cave is a facsimile of the oolacile incident, but with soul crystals instead of humanity.

that's not velka you fucking retard.

>make my way through Irithyll Dungeon
>pick up every droppable and kill literally everything in my path except for the giant, sitting on 30k souls
>reach Gilligan, warp back, hand in shards and ashes
>see new fashion, buy it, and end up at almost 0 souls
I'm never going to level up if I keep going after fashion, am I? I'm not even going to wear the Xanthous shit, I just want the fashion for putting in my item storage.

He's making shit up, user. The only thing that might remotely be comparable on that list is the first one. Obviously, crystal golems have nothing in common with wild humanity, crystallized hollows are just crystallized hollows instead of distorted ape men, a butterfly on a crystal spike isn't a bunch of humanities off the side of a cliff, and Seath looks nothing at all like Manus.

i did it /dsg/
along with beowulfing the fight, I inadvertently prolonged his phase 1 which gave me enough time to kill him

Crystal infestation seems like the far more innocuous of the 2, but yes, the underlying events are similar, except that Seathe is doing it on purpose and Manus was made into what he was.

the major question is that if the events are similar, the end product would also be similar yes? and since seathe was actively working to replicate it, what aspect of the oolacile incident did he find so alluring?

>black hair
>probably Gwyn's daughter he gave to the Pygmies
>Purging Monument is said to be in The Ringed City by Rap

Who's the retard?

Post crusaders

Enjoy your soul, feel free to craft the FUGS since it has a special attack that blocks while you hit along with amazing scaling.
No go fight Sir Shining Floor and you better get that special death animation

White souls stick together to form sturdy structures
Dark souls disperse and corrupt, even their own kind
Just like people

Are you also part of Oroboro's covenant, friend? :)

amazing tracking*
Although the scaling isn't anything to scoff at either (only really outdone by the IKUGS and KUGS)

>implying the crystals weren't just a byproduct of his research

Seath was looking for scales, not crystals. He just kept getting crystals anyways.

There's a stated relationship between crystals and souls, but clearly a crystal isn't literally a soul whereas the dark soul/humanity is a soul and physically mutates people affected by it. Until we see crystals mutate people instead of just stick crystals out of them, or until we see crystals produce actual life instead of golems and artificially produced creatures like the butterflies, your theory is nothing more than hogwash.

You're also trying to imply he was digging through darkroot to find the abyss, except we have no reason at all to suspect he was looking for anything other than more general knowledge on sorcery.

You both know there's already a statue of velka in the game, right? That picture doesn't look much like her, though. If nothing else, she's wearing different clothes, which is pretty significant in a game where everyone is apparently always wearing the same clothes all the time forever.

That does look like a wedding dress though, so the idea that she's Gwyn's brand new old daughter is pretty sound.

>No go fight Sir Shining Floor and you better get that special death animation
i'll try senpai

Nice find.


This is the statue from 1.

I'd bet on it being Gwyn's daughter in the least.

short explanation:
weapons with "hyper armor" are actually weapons with "active poise"

poise affects how hard it is to stagger you out of that hyper armor, but unlike ds1/2 0poise doesn't mean you always get insta-staggered

Who's the father of all the Man-Grubs? She no doubt pops them out.

You mean like nameless and his statue? OH WAIT

What does that mean?

Didn't know Oroboro was around in 1095

>have to
That's where you're wrong, buddy

He's referencing Oroboro's vicar rip off.

man grubs are the result of being reborn too many times, that's why she limits you to 5

user, nothing ever called that the statue of Velka. You're just assuming.

Man-grubs are people who used too many rebirths


Is SL 120 pvp any different from pvp around SL 90-100 area?

>statue of the character who didn't show up until two games later
I think that one probably doesn't count. All his statues in ADP were wearing the same clothes, though.

crystals allow one to store bonus soul power like a capacitor, with the crystal soul capacitor discharging on impact doing loadsadamage. they say that souls, crystals, and sorceries are deeply intertwined because of the structure of the soul -- souls are essentially crystallized fire, and so you can store bonus soul juice by re-forming the crystals

please help

as opposed to velka appearing in 1 and 2

did Velka enjoy her time as Queen of the Dark Soul?

>a virgin
in what universe?

at 100 you can be matched with 120 anyways