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docs.google.com/document/d/1WsLK2mOCvIePLUxW_X7CPa7uT072x3FJEzY7yyN1hXA/edit [New Player's Guïde]
pastebin.com/Y9vRAcwm (embed) (embed) - Alcast/Deltia Guides

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dlgamer.us/download-the_elder_scrolls_online-pc_games-p-19435.html (authorized reseller)

>/tesog/ Guilds
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>Platform poll:
strawpoll.me/10281492 (embed)


>Is this game worth playing?
No (Yes).

a true knight could

>spell Triumvirate right
>know that it's Tribunal, not Triumvirate
>know that the Tetrarchy of Alexandria, Legend, Eidolon and Hero roughly correspond to Almalexia, Vivec, Dagoth Ur and Sotha Sil

tl;dr: you are the n'wah

whoops, yeah, I meant Tribunal.



What's the worst thing they can possibly do in the Morrowind expansion?

be the size of a DLC, and not an expansion.

Anyone know if it is going to be only Vardenfell or some other parts too?
Vardenfell isnt that big for the full expansion price tag.

Only Vvardenfell. But they're going to scale it up the same way they scaled up Imperial City and drain some swamps to avoid water combat with some excuse about water levels being lower.

it is the size of Craglorn...

about time i found this book.

Hey guys.

Can you become a werewolf as low as lvl 7?

you can become a werewolf at any level and any time

>get bitten
>be werwulf

it just werks

Thanks! You're the best!

Now I just need to find someone who can make me a doggo

any of the addons in the op necessary for newbies?

Is Lycanthropy even that bad now?
I think it's severely underrated for solo play.

>ambush from sneak

I know DW is supposed to be better but 2h is just satisfying.

Harven's Quest Journal
maybe Craftstore+ for keeping track of research.

>That one scene at the end of the AD quest
>Everyone is standing around celebrating victory over the heritage and the colovian invasion
>There's a text option to say Kinmune to Ayrenn
>All the npc's suddenly freeze in place
>Her character mechanically looks directly at you
>Not your character, you, through the screen
>Her mouth ratchets open and unleashes a speaker blowing screech
>The game suddenly crashes
>Restart the game, it reloads with the start of the Stirk island quest
This games so crazy sometimes.

i consider Skyshard and Lorebook addons a must.
some people think it ruins an element of exploration, but i rather find all the books i want to read more easily, and get more Skill points early to have more fun experimenting.

a UI addon is highly recommended because the default UI doesn't show a lot of stuff.

loremaster and kirkbride are best buddies now

those are a must on alts, but first time? yeah, naw

My only complaint is that it's got a timer on it when it should be a toggle.

i don't see why not.
it's just like the other icons on your compass.
it just makes sense to see where skyshards are.
and i think it makes the game A LOT more enjoyable in the beginning since you get to spend more skillpoints, experiment, and unlock shit.
and you won't have to backtrack later.
i don't see the negative, it's not like finding a skyshard is some amazing feeling or something.

keeping an eye on the compass for shards is very different than keeping an eye for that glow to the sky.

same as looking up quest ends before you experience them, like the time traveling glenumbra one that genderbends the quest giver if done right. it's great to find out on your own, it's meh if you just it looked up what happens with your choices on a wiki before.

I installed an add-on for backtracking missed quests and the skyshard one, but I only use it to verify an area I've quested through. I think it's more enjoyable this way than just chasing quest markers on the map.

Why does this game have terrible fps?

finding some collectible that gives you skillpoints and looking up spoilers are VERY different. as in not even the same thing.

Lorebooks might be a good idea because there's no clues to find them, but skyshards I'd pass on the first character until you've gone through all the zones and are maybe still missing a few and have no clue how to find them from the clues given in the achievements.

I think it's fun to find things by a clue though.

But after the first time.. well, you will already have a decent idea of where they are but might have forgotten some so an addon might be a good idea, if your memory isn't that good.

I don't use it anymore though since I pretty much have them all memorized at this point.just from having gotten them on multiple chars.

Treasure maps is the same way for me. I like finding them on my own if I can, but if I don't recognize something and don't have the foggiest idea, I'll look it up.

post erp logs

Go back to /wowg/ or /ffxivg/

i think the stam regen bonus while slotted should be bumped up to 20% too. if it was i would switch out from vamp in a second

it really isn't.

sex happens in the world of TES, user. it's not healthy to ignore that.

because you're running it on a toaster? I'm running it at high settings (though I didn't max particle effects or view distance) on an i5 4670, with a GTX 750 Ti and it's locked to 60fps most the time.(can drop in crowds down to the 40's admittedly)...

My problem is the damn latency. I'm in the continental US on a 64mbit cable connection, and I get pings similar to what Aussies play at.


What addons are you using?

ESO is canon. sex is canon

interracial relationships should be avoided though

>not telling lvl 6-10 Bosmer/Altmer to /playdead
>not going in for that quick /pushup rape
step up your molesting game user.

Should I play this game, ffxiv or bdo? Helpeme

ESO if you play a lot of Solo
BDO if you like a lot of Economy stuff and grinding.
FF14 is probably a better complete package, but it's also more expensive due to subscription and expansions.
ESO also has some Elder Scrolls Lore to support it. it doesn't have that cheap asian look.

Yeah, i'm talking about big fps drops in the cities and cyrodiil battles. Changing graphics maybe gives me a 5 fps boost. I go from 60 outside cities to 30-40 when in a city with low population to under 20 in pvp battles in cyrodiil and when cities are crowded. I mean, I expect a fps drop, but not that much.
I'm running it on high with particles on lowest, and shadows on medium. I tried turning the shadows off and gained about 2-5 fps. If I put everything on low I don't gain much fps.
I'm running it on i5 6400 and r9 380x
MM, skyshards, lorebooks and that, some crafting addons, guild store, FTC and another ui addon. But disabling addons doesn't change my fps. I know that minimap has quite big impact on fps but i don't use it.

How does the DLC affect the game? Do I need to get all of them to have as much fun as anyone else?

if you a buy a sub which is $15/mo you get access to all the dlc until your month ends

You'll want them. If you're buying ESO get the gold edition.

FF14 and ESO are different enough that I don't see how you'd compare them. The combat is really different between the two. I've tried to give FF14 a go several times but level scaling and the more action-oriented combat in ESO have spoiled me.FF14 starter areas are also filled with bronies and I don't like that.

>Do I need to get all of them to have as much fun as anyone else?
What you see is what you get. If you like stealing then Thieves Guild makes it more intriguing while adding a new area and story. Same with Dark Brotherhood. If you've a boner for orcs then Orsinium is a must.

Yeah, ESO is all action, FFXIV is falling asleep during the GCD's.

i wish they would make it so your back bar weapons show on your character

I remember reading a post on the official forums that went into great detail with illustrations how something like that would look like. Can't find it but there was pictures of all kinds of combined weapons on your front and back bar.

Worst part was that you couldn't block to reduce damage taken or roll-dodge.

>actually liking rolling in MMOs
i didn't think people like you exist.
also blocking is an unnecessary feature.
basically if you would remove blocking, nothing would change.

>also blocking is an unnecessary feature.
I'm sorry what?

>remove blocking
>all points for all tanks must be in health
>health doesn't scale to damage
>tanks can't pvp
>no one plays tanks, even more than no one playing tanks already
>dungeon feature ceases to work entirely because queues never match up because no tanks
>game dies instantly

>literally defending passives.

Active blocking and dodging is what makes tanking actually fun. MMO's where RNG does your damage mitigation for you is fucking boring to tank in. All you're doing is spaming your threat rotation and saving your oh shit cooldowns for emergencies.

I play all three
FFXIV has content droughts if you stay up to date, so you're only really active in that game every few months and then only an hours a day or so afterwards, maybe less or a little more. If you just get started there's a fuck-ton to do, though. Pretty well designed, I think, and very easy to get communicating and playing with others if only because half the shit you do is automated to make you interact with others.
TESO I only play casually. Can eat a lot of time, but doesn't need to. Lack of sub means you can go on and off at will. Mostly depends on what kind of community you get yourself into. Daily shit seems pretty forgiving so you can skip out on shit if you don't feel like it or just do the bare minimum.
BDO I got back into, eats most of my time if only because of traveling and grinding. Also no sub, and is practically a single player game. Mostly comfy adventuring, trading, some crafting, and massacring hordes of fauna. Avoid chat, as it is full of ebins even without Veeky Forums influence. Cash shop can eat a lot of money, but isn't necessary.

>purple quality fencing items can't be displayed

Seems a lot of people are complaining about that.
Thing is it seems most, if not all, Homestead stuff was pre-existing assets.Time will tell if ZOS makes the effort to make new models for some of that. Hopefully they do, that stuff is really nice.

>basically if you would remove blocking, nothing would change.

It's really surprising how group unfriendly BDO is. You are either Solo or in a Zerg.

What's bdo?

Yeah, it's weird. You only group up if you happen to be farming in the same spot as someone else and don't want to keep stealing each other's kills, or for some bosses. The latter apparently only improved recently. I'm still only really in it so I can be a merchant wizard with my own horse-drawn cart. Destroying mobs with explosions is also kind of nice.

Black Desert Online.

Altmer mag socr here. I have 2 destruction staves, 1 for single target and 1 for AoE. I use lighting for single target and fire for AoE. Am I making the right choice?

No. Altmer get a boost to Lightning dmg while Dunmer get the bonus for fire. Stick with lightning for all.

Altmer's buff is to Lightning/Fire/Frost it doesn't lean one way like Dunmer.

Depending on the Destro skills you are using is really all that matters, the new passives mean that the AoE bar will get buffed by a Lightning destro skill being there and vice versa with a Fire skill.

Is the dmg higher or lower for fire on an altmer?

It's the same, its all 4%. Dunmer is just better at Fire at 6% with Frost/Lightning at 2%.

Single target skills

Crystal frag, destructive clench, force shock, mage light, surge


Crystal frag, wall of elements (chose the longer time morph), force shock, magelight, pulsar.


Lightning can be better for aoe if you have 75 points in thaumaturge so you have the passive to do 10% more damage to unbalanced enemies. Your wall of storms (whichever morph) will unbalance enemies as long as you're light attacking them to get concussion as well.

also, ancient knowledge increases damage from aoe spells when lightning staves are used and single target damage when fire staves are used. Use fire for single target, lightning for aoe. Besides, your class aoe skills are lightning anyway. Liquid lightning, unstable wall/elemental blockade and your endless wrath execution on your lightning staff bar, your force pulse flame clench, and crystal frags on your fire staff bar.


don't double on crystal frags and force shock, switch your bars more effectively.

Single target: force pulse, crystal frag, power surge, hardened ward or harness magicka, inner light or bound aegis, Energy Overload

AOE: Liquid Lightning, Lightning Blockade (or unstable wall of storms), Endless Wrath, Harness Magicka or Hardened Ward (whichever wasn't on your other bar, so you can stack both), inner light or bound aegis (whichever one you're choosing to use, aegis more defensive, inner light more offensive), Thunderous rage

Overload bar: Structured Entropy (I like it anyway, to trigger might of the guild, I wish I could put it on other bars without sacrificing something else), Liquid Lightning, Hardened Ward, Inner Light, Bound Aegis

Something along those lines. The only thing that should ever double up is either bound aegis or inner light, whichever you are using. It'd be nice to use both really but because they need to be doubled up to keep the slotted effects it kind of sucks losing 40% of your skills to passives/toggles.

pls respond

is this good? (ill switch out the staff later)

is there any mention of the Tribunal in ESO outside of what we know of the upcoming Morrowind expansion? doesn't matter how small it is


Sat in a bank and attempted to engage people in erp

made 100k jewing people out with furniture and motifs.

I want to level an alt character (I'm cp 240 on my main and only character). Wheres a good place to level up this alt? orsinium?

maybe i should try another technique to have this question answered


You literally meet Almalexia user.


chased around a thief calling him a disappointment

sat in the last chamber of the glenumbra public dungeon and told some newbies I was the final boss

won a random duel

told someone I liked their bow

helped a bunch of people finish some worldbosses

started learning to tank


Almalexia is the only Tribune that features prominently. Sotha Sil and Vivec have a part of a quest in Deshaan, but aren't featured too much. You meet Vivec's swordfight teacher in Orsinium, and see a part of the clockwork city. But they've saving Vivec for Morrowind, and Sotha Sil is being built up majorly, we won't see him for a while.

I have a directional compass around my target reticle, how do i get rid of it?

burned through my enlightenment doing some quests on bleakrock.

Did my writs on my 2 characters that are actually maxed on crafting, did 2 sealed writs (first times I've ever gotten any sealed!)

STEALING EVERYTHING THAT ISN'T NAILED DOWN (and that isn't being watched)

I will have about 50k gold left to go on Hunding's Palatial Hall by the time I'm done, I hope.

I'll add that she pathetically asks you to help her out on several occasions, showing that for being a Goddess, she's quite falliable, and she's worried about her believers seeing how powerless she truly is and losing faith.

Also, for a goddess, she's got cottage cheese ass.

Clockwork City is going to be a future DLC.. we've known they were working on it since 2014.. like Murkmire (I think Murkmire is delayed and being overhauled because the whole "Adventure Zone" concept flopped)

Yes, I know. What i'm saying is that it's being built up as the next big step in ESO's storyline. The final part of Morrowind will take place in a brief section, a single workshop is tough enough to be considered a trial, it was teased at the end of Orsinium, that sort of thing.
Thank god it's a full zone too, and not just a single dungeon.

they at least do lipservice

>hey big fancy god person why the shit am I doing stuff you could do with the bat of an eye
>because I'm handling way bigger shit you ponce now get to work

i love this game
i just love it so much

will passives from skill bars work if they are in the secondary bar?

well if you keep pressing her on it she admits that simply maintaining her elevated level of consciousness (being able to hear prayers made to her and communicate with her acolytes all over Morrowind and being able to sense things going on all over the world) is pretty much pushing the limits of her powers and she actually needs you because she can't maintain that and do it herself, but she doesn't want her believers to know she has limits to her powers or they'll lose faith.

I'm glad you're happy.

No. If you have inner light slotted you only get major savagery and the magicka bonus when you're on the bar that has the skill on it. Switching it will drop the passives (and if it's a toggle skill it'll also drop the toggle)

Think we'll get to meet the man, the mer, the city, Vivec in the upcoming expac? Would be pretty cool to chill with him and the Buoyant Armigers

It literally says we do in the description of the expansion.

Yes we get to discuss metaphysics with the warrior poet.

What an awful character model.
