getting a latex fetish edition
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>8th day of noriven
Reminder a certain tripshitter actually thinks Infiltrate is literally ever worth using.
With people memeing about how bad Steel Fiber is on Chroma, and with the release of Prime Vigor, I thought I'd do a comparison of EHP for each of the different builds. These comparisons will utilize the build listed in the linked post, with Steel Fiber as the mod slot under contention.
BASE CHROMA (300% STR, Vitality)
HP: 740
Armor: 16,537.5
EHP: 41,532.5 (~41.5k)
PRIMED VIGOR CHROMA (300% STR, Vitality, Primed Vigor)
HP: 960
Armor: 16,537.5
EHP: 53,880 (~54k)
EC CHROMA (350% STR using Energy Conversion, Vitality)
HP: 740
Armor: 22,509.375
EHP: 56,263.125 (~56k)
SF CHROMA (300% STR, Vitality, Steel Fiber)
HP: 740
Armor: 24,255
EHP: 60,569 (~60.5k)
As you can see, SF Chroma is still the tankiest Chroma by a significant margin. The difference between EC and Vigor is quite small. However, although these calculations only calculate pure EHP, there are several things to take into consideration:
1) Primed Vigor build has the lowest EHP, but more shields to help stack Vex Armor (note, however, that base shields is sufficient to reach the cap using Guardian on your sentinel)
2) EC Chroma has the highest damage amplification because of its higher power strength, but EC can be annoying to trigger
3) SF Chroma has the highest EHP, but lower damage amp than EC
Overall, there's no exactly "best" Chroma build, but IMO the two top contenders are EC and SF, with Vigor at third. Personally, I like the SF build because I'm lazy and triggering EC is annoying, even if it's generally reliable on Chroma.
>Sortie pub spy (I'm optimistic)
>First run Ivara triggers vault A
>Use air support
>Solve Vault B
>Watch in despair as timer counts down
>Second run same Ivara is there
>Two Nigguses fucking around at spawn, leeching
>Ask Ivara not to fail
>Ivara triggers alarm
>Use air support
>Accidentally trigger B, the tower
>Attempt to solve puzzle but invis dies and I become invisible half way through
>Die the millisecond before the puzzle completes
>Can't revive fast enough
>Third run
>Solve A
>Pub fails B as I get to C
desu if you are going to do nothing but Spy, there is nothing wrong with using that mod
Infiltrate is worth using, you're thinking of Intruder
That's what I meant
No, it's literally not.
It SLOWS DOWN grineer hacks and corpus hacks don't need extra time.
He was literally pushing for pic related, you fools.
He also can't handle others wanting to go fast.
What did you learn with this?
>Running out of Orokin Cells
>Running out of Polymer Bundles
Where do I farm them?
Yeah, that's Intruder
Infiltrate is Ivara's prowl augment
Many thanks for the info, user.
I'd keep using SF regardless, because I don't want to max PV for like 1 frame
>Sortie Uranus
>Have to get through those underwater caves clogged full of 80+ enemies
DE, why.
But these numbers are wrong you mong.
Case 1 is 50597
Case 2 is 65640
Case 3 is 66838
Case 4 is 60569
And this is how you can easily see why your math is wrong. SF is only a 45% increase in EHP if and only if you have no other additive modifiers to armor (no SF/AA/arcanes/buffs from other frames).
But his math is completely wrong. It's tiertard being wrong as usual.
there's a survival on uranus that's good for polymer. I still haven't found a reliable cell farm.
>Join an Alert
>Everyone is using the fucking free Glyph you get from The War Within
Which Glyph should I buy to stand out from the peasants?
Did Warframe completely break for anyone else after the update? Load times are absolutely awful now and I just tried a mission and my UI was completely frozen and none of my shots were damaging enemies. There's no way it can be lag.
>if you have no other additive modifiers to armor (no SF/AA/arcanes/buffs from other frames).
he did say he was using a build in a linked post. That he never linked. because he's terrible.
you get a glyph from tww?
At this point just report it because he's going to spam that shit day in day out.
I use the Ivara Valentine most of the time, but the Cartoon Mesa is pretty good.
i'll never fucking sell this, will i?
Go earn the Kuria one
Nope, I wouldn't clog my riven list with it, though I would trade you some random shit so you get something besides endo out of it.
I gave most of my crappy rivens away since melee rivens are cumming soon
>spark a giant shitstorm in yesterday's thread by taking a bad roll over a good roll
>this happens
fuck all of you
Sedna's pretty alright for cells; me and a friend were farming javlok capacitors last night and I pulled in a good amount.
Then again, I had a resource booster from a sortie active
>There's no way it can be lag.
It's lag.
But that's good dude
The DD-esque glyph with Mesa
Valentine Frogbutt if it's still available
kuva missions arent appearing for me anymore
N-not to trust pubs
question about a riven mod I got. its a mr 9 with following stats:
+1333.3 % toxin
+221.2% damage
+132.5% multishot
-140.4% puncture
Considering that half of tiberon's damage is in the form of puncture is this riven mod any good for the tiberon? like do the other stats make up for the complete loss of puncture?
>No crit of any kind
Wew lad.
What you must learn is
Expect stealth frames to be always shitters
But it seems pretty good in general though
133.3%toxin woopsie.
Hmm, our calculations differ because of Elemental Ward. Elemental Ward increases armor by 150%. I assume this is a 1.5x multiplier, while you assume it's a 2.5x multiplier (1.5x + 1 for the base).
The wiki supports my view.
>finally get mesa
>no spare potato
>leveling a shitty secondary for MR
I think maybe I was expecting to much from this girl out of the box. getting to 30 is a pain in the ass.
yea typo and thanks
Just plug it in on warframe builder if you're too lazy to do the math, takes like 5 minutes
>subtle gift me a potato please! post
>Ivara joins me since I forgot to put by game to solo
>already halfway through A
>Ivara goes to C
>quickly run over there as soon as I can
>Ivara trips the shit and begins failing over and over on the hacking
>air support and solve it myself
>tell Ivara she needs to complete the last one as I wont let he leech off me and would rather fail
>Ivara fails B
I missed the devstream. Does the Limbo rework look ok?
>+1333.3 % toxin
>+221.2% damage
>+132.5% multishot
>-140.4% puncture
I ran your riven in wf builder, and it looses 5-10k dps/burst or so from the -puncture, but still 70k burst dps
90% willing to bet it was a shitter who always uses ciphers
Quick and dirty chroma ehp calculator:
Congratulations, now you too can make better builds than TQ.
Wow thank you! I am going to take advice and learn how to work with wf builder to check out stats and whatnot
the first two levels give a 25% and 75% bonus, if that translated to only .25 or .75 x armor using the ability would be an active detriment for half of his advancement, how retarded are you?
>the wiki supports my view
from the wiki:
>350 × (1 + 1.1 + 1.5 × 1.3) = 1417.5
>(1 + 1.1 + 1.5 × 1.3)
>1 + 1.1 + 1.5
you're retarded
will anyone ever make a skin for atlas so he doesnt look like gumby?
Is the Attica any good?
I didn't know ciphers existed up until a month ago, used them for a week, back to hacking everything manually with ciphers as a rush button in case it needs to be done asap.
The 1 in the (1+1.5) you're referring to comes from STeel Fiber. Steel Fiber's 110% increase is a 2.1x multiplier, the 1 adds to the 1.1 to give 2.1x multiplier.
But reading over the skill again you are correct, the 25% increase at lv1 won't make sense otherwise. I focused on the wiki's wrong example.
Basically, the wiki was wrong. Please no bully
No, you're confusing it with vex armor.
>increases base armor by 25% / 75% / 100% / 150%
>Since Chroma has 350 base armor, a rank-3 Elemental Ward with a maxed Steel Fiber and Intensify will increase Chroma's armor to 350 × (1 + 1.1 + 1.5 × 1.3) = 1417.5
It's vex armor that is a plain multiplier, e.g. if you get 500% vex it's a 5x multiplier, not 5 + 1 for the base.
No, the Wiki's calc is correct. 1 is the base, 1.1 is just the bonus from SF and 1.5 is just the bonus from EW.
I'm still crying here
Never trust anyone.
Not even your own Froggy.
>put up what I am selling on warframe market
>people keep sending me prices they think I should be selling it for
>they try to bargain with me after I tell them to fuck off or actually buy something
>1 in the (1+1.5) you're referring to comes from STeel Fiber. Steel Fiber's 110% increase
no, that would be the 1.1. the 1 is the base fucking value.
>350 × (1 + 1.1 + 1.5 × 1.3) = 1417.5
350 is his base shields.
1.1 is steel fiber.
1.5 is EC
1.3 is intensify.
if you drop steel fiber you drop the 1.1. if you drop EC you drop the 1.5, if you drop intensify, you drop the 1.3. this results in 350 x 1, which is 350, which is the base value. you either don't know math or are illiterate, and for that I will bully you. hard. in the throat.
in b4 hurr durr default operator suit
>this post
TQ doesn't even understand the meaning of 'increases by 150%'
I fear for the poor patients he gets in med school. He might give them a lethal dose of morphine
hurr durr default suit
show face
>It’s another "pubs forgot the payload at the start" episode
>come out of the water
>trigger alarm instantly
>lose affinity bonus
all frames are the exact same height up to the torso
Oh that makes sense
you dont need to go underwater stupid
>Titania literally has no ass
Remind me again why I should try to get her?
Default suit is best suit
>Doctor Martin Luther Gandhi Parks thinks that a 150% increase is the same as multiplying something by 1.5
>he thinks that he'll do well in med school
Boy, do i wanna kill myself today.
Also, what's up? Who's hyped for the photobooth thingie?
I have a mega zombo dog, taller than my Mesa.
Micro fetish
Oh my
>"our" calculations
How many of yous are there?
glad you could join us at the baseline of this discussion, you queer.
Am I the only one who sees the guy with the glasses and the brown bandana/facemask thing on atlas's side? Cool looking gun though
The left roll was better than this though..
It's strictly worse than Zhuge if you don't have a riven, can be better if you do have one.
They're both alright. I use them for fun, they're not the best but they're better than like 60% of weapons, actually usable.
>Those colors
We like Ivara n shet.
Anyone know if shotgun rivens can get zoom? Shotguns don't have Eagle Eye equivalent, just those aim glide ones that reduce it.
That said, Rivens also have actual usable status stats even though the normal status mods are fucking trash, so never know.
How do you even trip alarms as Ivara? Do people not know about the augment?
I imagine at least some have shit energy management
wat do
gib me dat
but which is better
the first
>you either don't know math or are illiterate, and for that I will bully you. hard. in the throat.
this isn't some fucking secret you idiot.
>turns on Adaptive Exposure
>Accidentally set all graphics to high
>Going to Earth