>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>tfw you still don't know what Sophia's 4 or 5 stat up quote is
How's my Effie? I can't figure out her IV
Nino is cute and strong!
Lucinabro please calm down with these thread, you'll upset a bunch of whiny faggots at this rate.
>FE12 chapter 8
>If you send Marth to the village to pick up Bantu, he gets to Jeorge right as Hardin and Astram begin their assault
What should my gameplan here be, do I use a Rescue staff to get Marth to the castle a couple turns faster, or do I just ignore the southern reinforcements completely instead of having a defensive line holding them off
why is it Robin fucking Lucina OP images now?
How do you defeat tome teams?
Why do healers do half damage? seems kinda arbitrary.
It's hot.
I want to fuck Lyn for a week straight to make up for not being able to marry her in FE7
>They implement IV reroll mechanic
>But it can only make a unit average in all stats
How would you guys feel?
With your own tome users or units with high resistance.
kill yourself and take your fuckboy with you
Not as strong as Julia.
none o dem fucks have close counter
just hit em wit a sord lol
Post teams
I like Ike
Be sure you're on your Wi-Fi if you're rerolling! Don't end up like this!
Stop making early threads you autist
We get it Florina, no need to say it all the time.
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that the new unit arena usefulness ranking is
Eirika > Julia > Who cares, it doesn't matter any more.
by running 4 tank units so you literally never have to see one in your life while ranking 4.6k+
Pegasus knights
Debunked already. Julia is shit and the only good new unit was Eirika
I love Veronica!
When people say they get rolls like that, do they mean in one file he got three really good ones? Or he slowly got three good ones in separate sessions on the same save?
You just got a dancer use her.
t. Ninofag
Fuck off with your early threads and your shit waifu.
Go find your imouto right now! Go and fug her now!
Felicia is the cutest! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! Keeping her safe and making sure she has no worries or troubles! Being there for her always! Holding her soft hand and giving her little kisses on her cheek!
She means everything to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
Lucinacuck keeps spamming early threads
Reminder that Lucina lost to this.
It's no SS tier team, but with luck I'll have Ike taking a spot down the line. I'm sticking with my 2nd favorite lord and favorite Fates girl until then.
I'm going to play through Fates/Revelation. Any tips?
What characters are worth investing in?
step up ur game bro
That's not what a fag OP is.
When are they going to add the joke characters?
Use Corrin, Xander, Ryoma, an S rank support partner for each, and no one else, bringing more characters only makes it harder
Royals, Azura, and Ashura.
no shame in losing to best girl
I bet their sex was fucking amazing
>Chuunibyou hikikomori who can't even commit to a full eyepatch.
> + SPD when she's already had Wary Fighter
Thanks though
They only had the one though.
Make it fun/interesting and use only girls. Princes are dumb
They probably had more in the main timeline
>top 1000
>more reasonable to get
>tfw ran outta lights blessing due to lunatic maps
Anyone else know this feel ;_;
What's literally the point of this game? Pay 100 bucks for a few hours of play time and then what? What's the endgame?
Azura and Fae are the real MVPS with sing and draw back. Will try Nino instead of Fae when I get a decent iv of her
she is cute
(You) are the reason Est reconsiders her life with Abel and eventually abandons him.
(You) were the ntr villain all along and the whitewings are your harem.
Lived long enough to become the villain it seems, eh Mark?
Once you've cleared lunatic, what do you even need them for? You'll get more from next month's quests by the time they actually add new content hard enough to use one in
Lucina is not hot.
No you reroll until you get a good team
arena autism and getting bumraped by IVs
what determines whether you get +3 sp from defeating an enemy?
Then you reroll for new hero banner and start over
Would you have gotten exp from it?
Can't speak for anyone else, but I'm just playing it as a fun character/waifu collecting simulator while also playing the best I can with what I'm given.
Circlejerking over the memes spawned by the game is more fun for me than being obsessed with arena score and tier lists.
Also not spending money (yet)
Yeah Lucina is cute
My only problem is Catria is -Def. She still wins a lot of fights but it still hurts.
I want to help Sumia with her self-esteem issues and become a loving husband who cares for her!
Hope you also used Camilla and maybe brought another flying unit.
Is this an incest Owain?
Selena's place on the team got sniped when I pulled a 2nd Tiki. Hopefully I can get a better +/- on my next Selena so I can actually convince myself to bench a +1 Tiki.
Dumb hamsterposter.
Kys Caeda
Go away Chrom
Fuck off Catria.
I see. Did you guys ever make a tier list or something for revelation?
I don't think I'll do that but I do try to use my favourites. How viable are Nyx and Mitama in a lunatic ironman run?
but Chrom is for Olivia.
Well you are not going to get top 1, 10, or 100. Last season I was around rank 2-3k with a 4star on my team and 1 or 2 deaths. A perfect run with units with higher stats will do better.
I'm so, so sorry.
Yeah I got it
>I foresaw that... today would be a good day
She must not foresee that very often but I'll level her up anyway
Does a team of Olivia, Lyn, Robin and Julia work for arena?
If that's true then who helped sire my wife Lucina?
Level difference, you get only 2 if they're too low, and none if they give no exp from beating them.
But Chrom married Mark.
Nope, didn't need them, Camilla was Ryoma's support partner but she never switched to primary attacker, and I had Azama as a Wyvern Lord but not even dank weed man could compare to the royal brothers
>so many 5-stars
So how does that work? What did you roll at the start? Can your units go up in stars? About how often were you able to go grab more after starting?
>Nyx in Revelations
Just completed the first generation of FE4
My pairs were
So how retarded incest baby is Gen 2 going to be?
>How viable are Nyx
pretty good, just reclass her to witc-
>in a lunatic ironman run
Forget about her
Let me put it this way: In Revelation Nyx starts with the exact same stats as in Conquest, but 6 chapters later and without her Fimbulvetr
H-hi dad in law.
Yeah we did someone may have it.Also, don't use Nyx she's beyond unuseable.
Sounds decent
>During development, consideration was given to making Maiko a playable character with a Dancer-class Mirage partner.
Looks like Olivia missed the train this time.
Should've done Holyn Brigid desu
I love Pieri and so do you!
The fucked up thing is that Shura joins in that same chapter, and they boosted him to level 10 when he came at level 1 in Conquest, but they didn't change Nyx's stats at all, they could've at least made her level 15 or something
What goes through their minds for this shit
No I don't, Laslow