Why don't you stop thinking about the Supra and instead go for a BMW 335i? Strong inline six, six speed manual, attractive, and relatively cheap.
Why don't you stop thinking about the Supra and instead go for a BMW 335i? Strong inline six, six speed manual...
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>cost of ownership exceeds cars value after the first tune-up
No thanks
As much fun as this car can be, it's not affordable on a budget.
Why not buy a suburban?
>shit engine
>shit taking to mods
>insurance high as fuck
>kinda ugly
>uncomfortable as fuck but barely "sporty"
>fuc boi
>not affordable on a budget
This car is actually decent on a budget if youre habdy with a wrench and not afraid to work on nearly anything
Im keeping up with maintenance and have almost every bolt on available and i only spend a few hundred a month on the car
Transmission blows? 800 dollar to swap it out
Turbos go?
400 for 2 CHRA
gitgud and rebuild your turbos
Dme failure? Get six chips for 8 bucks and swap them out
Ive had this car for 5 months. Other than my recent DME failure which only happens to like one year of 335i, ive only had to replace one vanos solenoid, do spark plugs and coils, and one boost solenoid.
Its a factory twin turbo car, so expect it to be high maintenance and for it to punish neglectful owners
>shit taking to mods
>flash tune turns it from a 13s car to 12 second car
Well then a supra probably isnt in your wheelhouse either
>decent on a budget
>price tranny and turbo
See mate, this is exactly what we are talking about. Yes you can save doing it yourself but you still need a buspass on the side because you will be riding it every other week to work.
They are the most expensive things that go, and its not very often. People who blow the autobox are pushing over 550+ wtq and the stock turbos last a long time even at 400+whp
this is the first time ive needed a cab since owning this car and the dme failure only occurs on like, one production uear as ive said before
Just keep an eye on everything as you would a modified car and you can daily drive. Its not like the alternator ever shit out on my lexus and let me down twice
>12 sec!!!!
>much fast!!!!!!
Try to boost it and see what happens. You know everyone is running 10 or better these days with modified cars right? Only faggots get impressed with anything 11-14 sec anymore. Enjoy your blown motor trying to keep up with a stock mustang.
No use arguing with an idiot I guess.
>slow car blows up when you make it fast
>NUHHH UHHH!!!!!!!!!
LOL BMW people actually argue like this.
>bmw outside of warranty
>used bmw outside of warranty
>used bmw outside of warranty commonly owned by "enthusiasts"
Shiggy diggy doo
>try to boost it
>boost a boosted car
>boost a boosted boosted car
LMAO what a retard
>doesn't understand that means to ADD boost
Fucking BMW drivers I swear.
bmw's are good cars yes.
They are good even considering you need to replace/fix every single component of the car a few times at least while you own it.
But here EVERYONE has one. Either bmw or audi. Enthusiast and run of the mill chavs both.
What's the fucking point.
I'll just get a zzw30, join the mr2 owners club who are always way cooler than bmw fags who go on local facebook groups and ask girls to come and ride with them.
The A80 was more than
>muh two jay zee
LSD, brakes and a stupidly durable manual transmission paired with the boost-happy 2JZ-GTE gave it stupidly good potential out of the box.
An E9x 335i is good but it isn't A80 Supra good.
>its easy to do if you do it
He stated that remapping ("boosting") the car adds -1 second for 1/4 mile times (or roughly 100hp), you literally ARE retarded.
As for reliability:
>stock internals
stay jelly poorfag.
>i only spend a few hundred a month on the car
know how much I spend in a year on my rusted out worn and tired piece of shit toyota, other than oil changes?
must be nice being poor.
>shit to taking mods
People are pushing 1000hp on a stock bottom end.
>all BMWs look like the same douchebag grandpa car driven by teenager girls
This, I've owned a n54 535i and 335i and now a n55 335i. I have a book full of repairs on these cars.
Why do you lie on the internet?
Do you want to see the pages of repairs?
Yes all of them and make sure that I cant reverse search them
>few hundred a MONTH
I've owned my car for a year, put almost 9k miles on it, and haven't even spent 100 dollars.
I'm not really poor.
I make 600 a month but after food and shit I have pretty much 450 left over that I do nothing with.
Because this beast of a car exists
It's literally just a heavier supra with a luxury interior
>3858 lbs curb weight
>BMW costs a fortune to maintain
This meme should already die.
Few months ago I bought e39 with M57D25 engine for 2500 usd (4700 levs) Changed all the fluids, rear shocks and brake pads for 330 bucks (600 levs) also paid 100 bucks (150 levs) to repair the ABS module. And guess what. Almost 4000 miles later (6000 km) I've replaced the water pump and the belt for about 100 bucks and inline pump which I bought second hand for 30 bucks.
Note that all repairs were done by my so they were free
So you've done about $600 of maintenance to drive the car 4000 miles.
You know how much my accord has cost me the last 4000 miles for maintenance? $20.
>Buying a car and not changing the fluids, belts, and water pump
>Engine dies at 100000miles
This is a joke, right?
> and i only spend a few hundred a month on the car
I hope you are joking. Most cars these days are appliance... Gas and go. Why is a BMW worth snowflake maint costs every month?
Sure and how much does 4 brake pads, engine and transmission oil, coolant, water pump, belts and rear shocks? I bet it is over a grand
>I make 600 a month but after food and shit I have pretty much 450 left over that I do nothing with.
Sounds like you have a pretty solid job taking orders at the local Carl's Jr. When you grow up, you will be making probably 5x to 10x that amount, but have to pay for rent and utilities and shit. You may also want to spend a little less on marketing dream's car and maybe spend a little-- glup-- on a girl.
I sincerely hope you are a role playing troll, because it would sadden me to see people this dumb in the world.
They're pretty quick. At the time, was just running a 93 octane tune on my 2015 STI, but a guy with a 335xi was keeping up with me when trying to lose him on an on ramp.
>Elliot Rodgermobile
no thanks, I already have a hard enough time with women
Had the m3 version, sold it because it sucked. Got a 335xi coupe in gorgeous white pearl and saddle brown, pretty good. Went fbo and ethanol mix, was fast as shit to me. Got 29mpg mixed prior to ethanol, never checked after doing 1/4 tank mixes.
Sold it for a mpg machine, enjoying not driving like a douchefaggot all the time.
Biggest con is how ridiculously heavy the steering is. It's manageable, but it is quite the surprise. And the weight, especially of an awd one, obviously.
In 200000 miles in a 2000 LeSabre I probably only spent a few hundred dollars on non wear items. A few hundred a month is mind boggling.
>Had the m3 version, sold it because it sucked.
Cant say I have heard this one before.
It's funny how people are saying that this car is too expensive but most supras that are for sale stateside are going for anywhere between 50k-70k and the only cheap way to get one is import it from another fucking country... but you know... """affordable""" whatever.
Thats strange. No active steering?
because all the biggest cunts drive bmw, bmwś are everywhere and are expensive to maintain and it comes nowhere close to looking as good or being as rare as supra.
And supra needs just a wat racing sticker to break 1000bhp at the wheels
>comes to an auto enthusiast board
>drives an accord
stop it benchracer.
Someone who drives some kia can be more auto enthusiast than some faggot who wanks over his automatic diesel bmw that he only drives to work and back.
Car enthusiasm is not what you have but how you drive.
Benchracing is not car enthusiasm, its pure faggotry.
too bad that to the average person, the best looking supra looks like shit compared to the worst looking bmw
no, its just weighted heavy as shit for no reason.
not OP but ive driven both.
who cares
you´ll still be considered as a massive fucking cunt when you drive bmw or audi.
I´d rather drive a car normies consider less best looking than drive a car, and have it constantly keyed or get honked at
>and it comes nowhere close to looking as good as a Supra
>Supra literally looks like s shit brained Down syndrome 12 year old google eyeing a piece of gum he saw on the pavement
>Supra literally has a full plastic interior that reminds you of the HUD speedo and tach from an 8bit racing game
Can this fucking meme car die already, your fast and furious wet dream will never happen.
lol no
all bmwś look same and cost 5000,00000 a year just to keep running and most of the time youll have to daily some civic cause your """pussy magnet""" is sitting in a shop
Supra looks great, goes fast, has amazing dash and is cheaper to run than some german memegineering
really bc the only repair my e39 has needed since I've owned it was an alternator
>base model has a 7 second 0-60
Just from the my 07 335I. I'll put up the rest when I get home. This is just the warranty work. I also had to change a cracked valve cover and charge pipe because they are made out shit plastic. Most of the problems I've had are also a common.
Just from the my 07 335I. I'll put up the rest when I get home. This is just the warranty work. I also had to change a cracked valve cover and charge pipe because they are made out shit plastic. Most of the problems I've had are also common.
nigga did you just fucking compare two cars from completely different eras?
I didn't think bmw fags would be this retarded but no you proceed to surprise me daily
you can buy 2 335i's for the price of one manual turbo supra
The point I was getting at is you've basically owned the car maybe 2 months and you're defending BMWs as being low maintenance.
Yup, I owned it and loved it but it cost so fucking much to fix.
a c c o r d
it's not 13 second stock LMAO
You can do HIGH 12's modded with GREAT tires and a good driver, most people cannot put this car in the high 12s with a tune.
2004 is300 stock pads lasted 10 fucking years. Replaced them for 80$ did timing belt and water pump myself 200$ and besides oil and yearly coolant flushes. I have done nothing to this car. Nothing has broke. BMW are turds wrapped in tinfoil it's shiny but it's still a shit. Don't get me wrong I'd love to drive one but I'd never own one
>I paid 600 USD to maintain my car before I could even fuel it
>Bulgarian intellectuals
Stop fucking talking about 1st gen IS's you fuck, you're gonna get them meme-taxed.
so brake pad wear speaks of cars reliability?
holy shit Veeky Forums never ceases to surprise.
Pretty common for people to drop the m3 due to the 335 being faster with $1,000...saving you money on purchase costs and maintenance down the road.
Or so the "dealer" told me, whatever
Faster in a straight line? Yeah, sure - but that's not really the point of an M3.
I'm mildly interested in the 335i just because of the modding potential, but I really don't want to deal with the headaches.
It's fine if you're in your 20's and got nothing else better to do or if you make it the cornerstone of your life - but the last thing I want on a Saturday morning is to wake up to a BMW that shit the bed. I just want to jump in my WRX and get to where I need to go while having a bit of fun along the way.
unreliable as fuck.
Apparently you don't know shit about these cars.
the stock 335i does low 13s with stock tyres