I love Lissandra! edition
I almost have a million points with her!
League of legends general /lolg/
too early
kill you're self lissfag
don't bully supports!
I forgot to put the old thread, my bad.
Old thread:
Post em'
He's the best!
Invisible Monsters, published in 1999, is a classic right?
Why is it standard for the adc to take heal while the support takes exhaust? Why not the other way around?
Do I even need to build armor penetration on this champion? I feel like she does so much damage even without it.
>Someone took the IGN Alas Poor Yorick
>He doesn't even play Yorick
Speed boost and they should be able to heal themselves, I guess. Supports normally have some sort of heal of some sort to use as-is.
I want to passionately kiss Jinx after she facesits and dominates me like the fuckboy I am!
vg up on NA
pass: vidya
It's fun watching the ult do 8/10s of a squshy's health.
Besides that, no, you need the AS for the DPS.
>just had a game where our support picked jg graves and left bot to 2v1 while taking jg farm
that shit should be reportable since champ select
Veeky Forums versus Veeky Forums up on NA
+5 vidya is the password
>decide to play again after 2 year break
>play 50 normal games to get in the swing of things and see new meta, etc
>watch some streamers to further see what's going on
>try my first ranked match today after work
>team has a duo queue on it
>immediate ptsd flashbacks of season 5 when all duo queues fed their ass off because they're bad at video games then blame either the jungler or mid or top
>maybe this time it'll be different
>it's not
1 out of 10 placement matches and I get a duo queue. not off to a good start lads
are they ever not bad?
You know if its not okay for lulufag to do it, its DEFINITELY not okay for you to do it, you cancer
comfy bfs tho~
anyone care for a mediocre read explaining myself? Looking for feedback/advice
I basically play alot of ADC. At first I wanted to always go for flashy plays, which isnt all that good. Then I standard playing more standard. Prioritizing safety over plays and such. I mainly play hypercarries so generally if its a standard fight where our frontlines clash and its a battle of who can melt the frontline first, I win.
But theres the thing, teammates are unreliable and do stupid things all the time that can lose you a perfectly winnable fight.
So I got back to make flashy plays. I now often try to look for openings into the backline myself. If their frontline blows all their cc its often very easy to flash into their backline for a kill and potential zone them out of a fight. And without the carries the chances of winning the fight are extremely in your favour. Of course the risk is that you fuck it up and die, and then it backfires.
But Ive been relatively successful in this playstyle, yet I feel like its something I shouldnt be able to get away with. Maybe the surprise factor is what gets them.
Im basically doing on an ADC what an assassin should do, with more possibilities.
Generally speaking this goes against the philosophy of playing adc and safety over everything.
Is it worth it to pursue this playstyle?
Lethality nerfs fucking when?
I wanna put you in cute clothes and make you feel like the true sissy you are~
>ally picks pantheon top
>jungler picks kha6 into thresh, gnar, and poppy
new kha DPS on tanks is actually riduculous as long as theyre isolated
vg vs vg bets
>gnar and poppy on same team
>pantheon took dft
>morg sup took fervor of battle
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>tfw died in my dnd campaign
My 4 companions were dragged off by witches while 1 was seduced by the vampire lord. I held off 12 vampires by myself but in the end fell. It was a good death.
>league of legends
someone pls advice
i skipped a division friends
i didnt even know that was POSSIBLE
anybody got them 5 oro webm?
only works at low elo (anything below mid plat) or if you're (1) way better than your current elo or (2) fed as fuck
Who's the semen demon?
>leblanc is 0/6/0 in less than 8 minutes, all solo kills
>actually has the balls to blame everyone else on the team
Don't worry they're taking 5 Lethality from ghostblade and nerfing a total of 2.5 lethality from precision at max level (also nerfing the Mpen component).
There we go. The game is finally fixed!
Jinx is so cool
wew its fucking nothing
>xin xao goes in every single time he spawns
>ends the match 0/10
>lol dont report me I was high
if you ever get more than 8 deaths a match you should be prevented form queueing up for 30 min
I just had an ephinany.
The balance team is so shit because they need to create fixes but also problems
If the game is perfectly balanced there is nothing to abuse and no real meta is there
>not just reverting the change back
Fucking dollar store balance team
>>YFW playing a good _______ player
what are you talking about?
the post doesnt exist........
Do any of us really exist?
one was there just a second ago
it vanished into thin air
i swear
the second I close my eyes you all disappear
when I open them you're alive again
I control the fate of this universe hehehehe....
I-im sorry..........
P-please don't k-k-killl me.....
What adc do you play? The stuff you mentioned might work pretty good depending on the context on Lucian/Vayne/Twitch, but most adc shouldn't be diving.
i can confidently say this is the weirdest boner of my life, bar none
i gotta rethink a lot of stuff
xth for breast metal waifu
friendly reminder that this is the most skill demanding champion
irl sona
>tfw grinding game after game, loss after loss
>you finally master your champion and start stomping through ranked
Who is it, /lolg/?
>tfw you lose a base race and the enemy nexus was one hit away from being destroyed
>ult someone
>press all your buttons
>r back out
>get kill
caitlyn and jhin
>tfw no ghost Kled pet
Probably not much. Honestly the people so obsessed with the idea of a rank and not the journey to achieve it are a deceivingly vocal minority.
Selling League accounts is a buyer's market. Everybody who's sick of the game wants to sell and there's very few willing to buy the outlandish prices people think their shit is worth.
At best it's $100 I'd say.
>Have 300k on Orianna
>Still Silver 5
It hurts, man..
Yeah, that's sort of what I was thinking. Appreciate the response.
>rank not journey
Just hit lvl 7 Skarner
jesus christ, are people that fucking retarded?
>have 850k on tf
>still stuck in silver 3
>lost my confidence and I dont like to play him anymore
it does hurt
this BIG GUY right here
120k points and RISING EVERY DAY
what build do you go fellow scorp?
I almost always rush triforce, save few cases where were behind early and they have alot of AD threats,then Ill go IBG
Then i finish jungle item (get better results with cinderhulk over warrior) and then whatever fits.
>pantheon gets a lead, doesn't translate to full dominating game
>kha literally useless compared to poppy, who can peel or initiate fights, can't assassinate anyone
>ashe too slow to use ult and pick someone off when entire team there and one mf
>no one team realize i deal damage and i get no one peeling for me
>not playing the champion that's actually the least mechanically intensive
>no skillshots
>no dashes or blinks
>1.5 second silence just to piss off anybody who uses spells
>free stats for doing absolutely fucking nothing
I love playing bard but I can't win a ranked game with him to save my life.
>ad kennen rushes frozen mallet
garen is now effectively useless except for once every 5 minutes, 4.30 with the right masteries
There are people who still literally lose in vg vs vg.
>obvious photoshop covering up the herps on her lower lip
Sorry user, not even close
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums NA pls respond
land stuns and slows. collect chimes. ez.
Riven was stuck in gold for a long ass time.
blind bets
That's why you don't first pick the guy.
Truth be told, garen gets fucked by every single ranged toplaner, and even some meelee ones, but he's very good against tanks like poppy and shen and squishy fighters like fiora or yasuo.
From then on, you can just turn off your brain, mash your buttons in the correct order, ult once in a while, and win the game.
Normally cinderhulk and iceborn are my first two items with situational tankiness after that.
Very rarely do I rush triforce unless I'm stupidly ahead early game. Occasionally I'll get tri instead of iceborn but only after cinderhulk
I do, I have a really good win rate with him in normals but I never win with him in ranked. Something always goes wrong
hmnid no you're dead
nice screamer retard
>tfw no spider gf
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
Pass vidya
need 2
was playing with a friend who was playing toplane fiora and the garen rushed lethality. Instagibbed fiora at every chance, so Im a reasonably fed cassio mid and Im like "I gotchu senpai" to our fiora. I run top and put my w down as soon as he walks out, he flashed on me, Q's me and I die before the silence is over
try it sometime I think its reasonably strong at the moment, but mostly for memes of course.
interesting. I find triforce very core on him as it allows you to 1v1 squishies
I used to go cinder early, but I switched to rushing triforce as the powerspike is so huge compared to completed jungle item.
Might have to give IGB another go then
Dunno what to tell you. I mained Bard for a bit. It's ez to climb when enemy supports aren't mages. Getting picks and moving around the map are his specialty. If you can figure out how to make that work for you and your team you'll get wins.
oops forgot to post this earlier haha reminder welding is cuck suck fuck and imthem sucks cuck fucks
ez 3-2 dragged it out for the crowd bg no re
Rate me on a scale from 0 to silver 3.
Yeah, your 1v1 power without tri is next to none but I prefer the ability to dive the enemy backline and pull a carry out without dying. Just my preference.
Just curious, do you max w or e second?
how bad do u want it
>turn game around
>my team tower dives instead of just autoing the 30% health turret and enemy gets an ace and wins
I fucking hate people in this game
enough to give you a kiss cutie~
>tfw playing lethality garen
i used to play an extremely offensive garen called "american garen" pre rework, but the standard bruiser/off tank garen build post rework did almost as much damage while not being squishy, but lethality garen is the true successor of american garen.