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i don't think so, user



>all those sim racing webms in the previous thread
this is pretty dope. I'm gonna join yall once I get a steering wheel.

yeah, i guess this thing looks nice


Happens every week, man

join us on gamepad and fight for low places

If you host a server you can adjust temps to be closer to 0, try it out.
content manager lets you use low temp too methinks

isn't assy corsy temp setting only for engine air density things?

winter race would be super cool though, even as it is

gonna have to check how the tyres actually respond to the low temps in regards to wear and stuff, I had only done like 10 laps in a porsche and it felt good

what's the popular game? anything free?

/ovg/ recommend me some older fun rally games, I've had enough fun with Sega Rally 2 and Gran Turismo 3 (didn't really bother much with tarmac races because I don't like tarmac) for PS2. Colin McRae feels kinda boring, I'm going to try out Richard Burns Rally but those are simulations, I just want to play some purely fun rally games.
I deleted a separate thread and posted here instead.


meh. you should get into tarmac racing.

Assetto Corsa

You can pirate rFactor but it's 12 year old and it shows. Also the free R3E content which is alright.

The popular games currently are Assetto Corsa and rFactor. For more info on them look at the wiki linked in the OP

>anything free
Everything's free if you look hard enough :^)

and if you want a more serious answer, I like Super Sprint. It's probably my favorite.

It still isn't what you want, but there are a lot of offroad super sprint clones to get into. I think it's just what you want.


pic related: Super Off Road

I've had enough of tarmac, and rally is much more fun imo.
Might get it emulated for Android.
Now this looks fun

We won't be racing the winter version. Grip loss is substantial enough to not be a good idea.


but first race on eco tyres was bad too, and yet it was fun (subjectively most fun of all gt86 races)

I feel like street tires make better racing.

You have shit opinions

That's why you're not the one running the series :^)

I'd like to run the Eco tires again but they made the most sense for Brands and not so much the other tracks.


also, paging rally2k guy
not a clean lap but clean enough

If you got the tool to run a pretend PS1, Rally de Europe.

Who /ATS/ here

Broaden your horizons, off-road racing has so much more to offer.

ETS 2 is objectively better

>kei cars

When's the formula one race happening? I can't find the doc, or have I been rused......

Thinking about buying that one as well. Still I like American trucks so much better.

ATS feels like a rip off to me, regret buying it.

>Have to reinstall Forza Horizon 3
>Can't even back up install due to W10 assfuckery
>Have to re-download the entire thing on slow as fuck Australian internet
>4 days later finally finished downloading
>Fire game up
>All my progress is gone
>Have a bit of a google, common problem, zero support from Microsoft, Turn 10 or Playground

I am beyond mad.


How do your balls lay eggs?

mumble was a mistake.


kek fucking lost it

just when i thought the days of mumble shitposting were over

εkπληkτιkό επεισόδιο?

τελευταιο επεισοδιο ειναι?


pay yo damn debts

>wishing a member of the community congratulations for becoming a parent is now against the rules



What did he give birth to

αρεσει kαποιον γkέι......



Nice 8ch image!

what the hecc?

Mikey is very cute. Has he ever done any Shimakaze cosplay?

It doesn't make any sense. What were you supposed to say?

Is that SJ on the triggered pic?

Yeah if you lose your progress for aby reason you're fucked because t10 doesn't even have support. It's literally post I the forums and hope something comes of it. I lost all my fh2 progress and nothing could be done. I still had the achievements and stats strange enough

Achievements and stats are saved on the XBL side of things while game data is on the cloud save side of things. That explains why.

Even in game? Because the ingame stats still showed my highest level, skillchain etc. from before the wipe.

Tbh I just wanted my 6mil back to buy the 250gto. The wipe happened at the time I finally had enough and was considering it :(.

The t10 guy in the forums asked me what I haf lost and when I told him my level and money he never got back to me. Probably thought I was trying to scam them out of money given that the token system had been introduced

huh very interesting

Besides I guess that by playing the game once after whatever caused the data loss you've overwritten your cloud save data.

I kept trying to get the cloud data and it didn't go past 100% for about an hour. Forced it to start over a few times and after the same thing kept happening it stopped checking for cloud data and went straight to new game

I'm still a bit salty over it but I did get back to lvl 200+ so I'm not that mad

If I lost the fh3 data with the unicorns and day one riches I'd never play again

It's kinda ironic though that when I wanted to restart my Horizon 3 "career" I had to jump through a dozen billion hoops to get it to launch offline and overwrite my save data (PC version) yet at the same time some guys get free resets.

This is why we need to go back to basics. I want a save and exit button that will take me to the tittle screw and save slots no this 'streamlined' system where the game saves when it pleases and exiting the game has to be done 'properly' so that your save doesn't get fucked. How exactly you should exit is never explained though



How about that club/tuned/whatever version?

get out while you still can.

Before you know it you'll be spending 200$ on pedals.

wrong webm but whatever

>not wanting the Kraid Edition

Only kraid deserves the kraid edition.

True, the rest of us are not worthy

Kraid edition being a pre-crashed one?

How so? SCS only started making maps good from the Scandinavia DLC onward. Every piece of content in ATS just looks better polished than any stock content in ETS2.

>using the same engine
>map is way smaller
>time scale is at least 3x faster
>2 trucks from the start, now maybe 3 (not even unofficial licensed ones like ETS 2 had before)

Spec Miata dirt track series when

One with an escape button

Aye. Praise be to the bitch nigga, slaying aryan pussy in the nordschleife.

WTF I Cannot play Forza Horizon 3 (XBOX LIVE is ded))!!!!!1111

>it's the real one

Hey, come race with us or something.

bitch nigga is gonna armconox himself

I can't make them because of being at the track when they start. Also for some reason in the doc it says I finished 8th at Mag Park and 24th at Zhuhai, but I haven't raced once.

someone raced with your name and drove like you

mikey is FAST

That sucks. Talk to ranek and promise to be a good girl[male] or something so you can join improptu sessions or something.




what are you trying to say

You derailed the thread already you homo. Just post feet. And maybe some boipussy(no homo)

Nothing homo about shipgirls (male), no need for disclaimers.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with girls (male), especially Shimakaze-kun

this has turned from Veeky Forums into /b/ real quicik

fuck off you faggots

it's everywhere. it's on vee, it's on gee, Veeky Forums was last bastion of sanity

Not everything is /b/ you moron.

It's more like

Reminder that April Dillon is a girl

I mean
how desperate do you have to be that you need to go on an Auto Board, go to a fucking thread for Racing Games and post faggotry shit here.


>Wanting >3D trap(male)

You guys disappoint me

Yet you wanna talk about racing games on /ovg/.
You're more deluded than anyone.If dubs post tubbies. If singles, post minions.

fuck you post tubbies

Which one is this?

Where do I get some real company add ons for ETS2? I have been looking everywhere, and they're hard to find, I think