>death - 1945
>you still cannot wear a Chaplin mustache
How much fucking longer is it going to take?
>death - 1945
>you still cannot wear a Chaplin mustache
How much fucking longer is it going to take?
Mustaches on modern dudes never look good anyway, all the xenoestrogens in the tap water ruined our facial structure.
funny story not worth a thread
i used to deny conspiracy theory shit like that until my buddy literally went to public places and several households and got water and tested all of it and there was a shitload of fluoride in the water.
after learning about cloud seeding we tested that and it had a shit load of silver iodide
whatever you believe the reasons, that is very unhealthy
i hate /pol/tards as much as the next person but this just makes me uneasy
Mustaches in general are frowned upon today if you aren't 40+
you know what else is unhealthy?
being a fuck fuck who spends three hours a day on Veeky Forums
>fuck fuck
what did you mean by this
>three hours a day
Try 18
>never read Invitation to a Beheading
Define a shitload and what is the country that you live in?
Not trying to oppose (I'm aware aswell) but I'd like to have some numbers
I'm not the guy but
I'm from Toronto Canada, our fluoride levels are in the parts per million... Which wouldn't be a concern but - we also have old aluminum alloy piping which reacts with fluorine and chlorine both which are found in our water system
The conspiracy is that it's abt mind control it's not that. It's just a lot cheaper to purify the water with these elements instead of a reverse osmosis filter for example, and the gov't is selfish af so they'll take the cheap route even if it means 20 or so cases of cancer directly related to the chemicals per year
>Death - 1953
>perfectly acceptable to have his stache
The reason is memes, literally.
People constantly memeing the nazis after they were gone was keeping them relevant and the worst thing imaginable to everyone, and since Hitler was the numero uno of 'em, that makes anything related to him automatically shit.
Guilt by association is a real shit thing.
>I hate /pol even though they are right about everything!
Wouldn't these chemicals in our tap water affect minorities more since they are poorer and most white boys i know refuse to drink anything but fiji water?
/pol/ is right about nothing
they were right about trayvon martin
sure, thats why they recently exposed Hillary Clinton as seriously mentally ill despite the MSM desperately trying to keep it under wraps.
Franklin D Roosevelt sat in a wheelchair. /pol/tards have notoriously bad grasp of history and only remember what fits their stormfag world view
we dont need another fdr
And FDR died during his presidency.
>Franklin D Roosevelt sat in a wheelchair.
This still doesnt disprove /pol/ was right about hillary, all it proves is that youre a retarded CTR shill who actually fucking believes sitting in a wheel chair is the same as someone having a serious mental health problem brought on by a concussion/blood clot that causes them to loss their memory and spazz the fuck out.
Fuck off faggot.
Having a beard or being clean shaven always looks better than a mustache. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't
Because of his poor health, FDR died during one of the most important wars in American history.
agreed. the nu males and hitler ruined anything facial hair had going for it
*during his fourth term..
Mustaches are for old Turkish men