>be Canadian >go to America >have to pay tolls literally everywhere >toll roads are somehow in worse condition than non-toll roads >pot holes in New York, Jersey, and Connecticut are so bad that destroying wheels and fucking up your suspension is a semi-regular occurance >some toll booths in Florida and Jersey have a literal bucket where you have to toss coins into it >literally 3rd world tier >they don't even detect the coins, drive off anyway >single bridge in lower NY actually has a civilized system where they scan your plate and mail you the toll >doesn't even work, though I'm not complaining about that >tolls into NYC are $15 >wouldn't bitch if it was actually posted before an exit >Some toll booth operator tells me that the lower level of the GW bridge into NYC is free >go there only to find that it's been closed for a year and that I have to pay the $15 to use the upper level >no you can't turn around, now pull $15 out of your ass
God damn it America, you're supposed to be a global super power. Put some pressure on your politicians to fix your failing infrastructure
You went to shitty east coast. No tolls around west coast. Also toll roads are privately owned in most cases
Colton Perez
When I drove to Toronto the roads seemed pretty much the same as America (except detroit)
Maybe slightly worse than Kentucky
Parker Butler
>he thinks everyone pays taxes our own president didn't even pay them right
Logan Nguyen
>he doesn't know that a good chunk of gas prices are taxes for fixing roads
Bentley Parker
>single bridge in lower NY actually has a civilized system where they scan your plate and mail you the toll
All Chicago and surrounding metro area tolls have this, except it actually works and the roads are 99% pothole free.
Fucking Chicago has a better infrastructure than New York. Imagine that.
Ayden Long
Here in the south, almost every state will have some sort of scanner that is universal, or they'll scan your plate and mail you the toll.
Daniel Rivera
Atlanta was actually pretty nice desu, but I've never driven there during the 1 centimetre of snow fiasco
Xavier Perry
If he didn't pay them right then he'd get fined and arrested for tax fraud
Daniel Torres
Why do you think they call it "Jew York"?
I live in Tennessee. I haven't payed a toll since a family vacation to Florida seven years ago.
Elijah Scott
Gotta pay for those those cops extra to wrangle up libtards protesting in front of Trump Tower
Bentley Bailey
Peach pass in Atlanta worked great, bit the fucking EZ pass up north required you to slow down to a crawl for it to detect it
Meanwhile the scanner for the 407 in Toronto works even if you're gunning through it at like 130kmh Expensive but it's fucking worth it since that highway is almost entirely concrete and devoid of poorfags who wouldn't think twice about changing lanes into you and speeding off
Juan Foster
Kayden Thomas
That's what happens when you go to democrat states. They don't have any money and are corrupt.
Mason Murphy
The guy's been getting audited for the last 20 years and they haven't found anything?
Nolan Wright
>people bitch about Trump not paying his taxes >his tax returns get illegally leaked >find out he's been paying millions on his income >people bitch that he hasn't been paying taxes on his net worth
Samuel Mitchell
>cagers getting booty-blasted because their unsustainable transportation method is becoming prohibitively expensive
Gabriel Morgan
>organ donors in charge of fiscal responsibility
Bentley Wood
because they're fucking retarded and don't realize networth doesn't mean jack shit
Nathan Martin
He leaked the one year he actually paid taxes.
David Rodriguez
Did you not see that Trump paid a 24% tax rate in 2005?
Thomas Foster
Christian Parker
Jersey fag here
Don't come. Fuck off we're full. Benny go home
Dylan Richardson
No one wants to go to jersey
Matthew Walker
the fucking jets.
congrats on living in both the armpit and asshole of the US.
David Sanchez
>Da sir Drumpf didn't pay his taxes! >Actually he paid a tax rate higher than Hillary, Obama, and Bernie with a much higher income >So?
Xavier Miller
oh I didn't know where you were going with that. I thought you were gonna get really pissy because he didn't pay some 35% or something
Camden Murphy
You obviously never drove in Michigan. We don't have any tolls, and we have the pothole filled road quality to prove it. None of that paying for shitty roads bs.
Tyler Robinson
>willingly going to Michigan The only people that do that are from Windsor doing some cross border shopping
Sebastian Davis
>go to America >have to pay tolls literally everywhere They are examples of privatization. Instead of the government paying and maintaining the road, the gov't contracts out a private company to have temporary maintenance authority on the road. They charge tolls and maintain the road with any money left over being their profit. So many people say privatization works, and the roads are just another example of the success of american privatization.
Any pothole not repaired is extra profit for the current manager. If he is retiring in a year, he won't fix the potholes in order to get the biggest productivity profit sharing bonus. He will leave the repair bill to the successor to take care of.
Privatization does promote short term profiteering management tactics like that as well as corruption. It happens when managers think their career and personal profits are more important than their duty in taking care of their customers.
Ryder Ramirez
There's toll roads all over the west coast what are you talking about.
Austin Perry
>NYC theres your problem.
Jordan King
>live in midwest >no tolls ever >mix of good and bad roads If it wasn't for the cold it'd be nice here
Jose King
Hah! You wish. A couple of recent examples.
California. Gas taxes placed in the General Fund under Gov. Brown in order to make it appear that the State is solvent. Now wants to increase gas taxes and create a separate fund out of the increase for road repairs. IOW, current gas taxes are now for everything but roads.
Pennsylvania, sold a 30+ percent increase in gas taxes in each of the last three years in order to fund road repairs. Increased revenues from higher gas taxes instead used for police pensions.
There's lots more of course. You just can't give politicians money and expect results other than graft.
Thomas Bennett
Taxes are never earmarked
Jaxon Brown
>his tax returns get doctored and sent to a journalist to illegally leak >everyone knows its bullshit
he's got in, showed some advisors how he's been cheating the system and they've done a dodgy and made it all up
Carter Foster
Jersey fag here >weather sucks so roads are constantly being destroyed by ice and salt >some of the heaviest traffic density in the world causing wear >government in the region is completely controlled by crooked politicians and the mob, who have been ingrained for over 100 years and are impossible to get rid of
Evan Jones
Same thing in New Jersey just last election. That piece of shit Christie raised the gas tax by 23 cents and passed a law saying that the state can borrow money if it "projects" a surplus in the transportation fund. So like California that money is going nowhere.
Aiden Kelly
Jews and burocrats
Adam Fisher
ITT: Canadian gets $100 in tolls mailed to him next month from the rental car agency for all the tolls that he thought "didn't work"
Grayson Lewis
Sebastian Taylor
I drove my own car, it's been over half a year and still haven't gotten anything
Aaron Johnson
canadians gets to drives on toll lanes and bridges for free just fyi.
reasoning is that all the states have not made a deal with the canadian government therefore they will never be able to pull up their mailing address
Lincoln Scott
>NY is shit >Come on America We're called the United STATES nerd. New York is a cess pit of degeneracy and you only prove my point because you were there. If you come to the American South (Not Florida because it's just New York II: Crocodile Edition) the roads are in pretty good shape due to no snow/ice and there's tons of cool cars that aren't rusted through.
Blake Evans
>didn't even read the thread
Nathan King
>He thinks Canadian's dmv will give out address to random private companies
Hudson Robinson
>Conspiracy theorists
Chase Howard
Americans are used to it
Andrew Torres
>Chicago >the roads are 99% pothole free. WEW
Oliver Walker
>You just can't give politicians money and expect results other than graft. Politicians become corrupt. That's what happens when private companies want government contracts. They hire friends and family of the politicians and also make contracts with small businesses owned by family and friends.
Before you say there are laws preventing a politician from giving contracts to his own company, there are holding companies that are twice removed and "owned" by a puppet president. That makes it legal. The president can't cheat because the directors only take orders from a separate corporation which is wholly owned by the politician. A variation of these for-profit companies is the non-profit foundation version such as the Clinton Foundation. While it does good, it also steers contracts to "deserving" individuals and "deserving" corporations.
Henry James
>Also toll roads are privately owned in most cases The toll roads in washington are run by the government and seem to do pretty well. They generate a surplus which is used for road repairs not just on the toll road, but the other roads as well. The toll roads are well maintained and I have not seen any potholes in the government-run roads.
Sure, one can say that all tolls are really in the "general fund" because the state then shifts money out roads and leaves the toll money to pay for things because it is designated for roads only.
If you haven't purchased a monthly or semi-annual or annual pass subscription, then the scanner will send you the toll in the mail. It's quite a bit larger.
Dominic Sanchez
Well maybe we'll get some sort of New Deal like policy to create jobs and fix our failing infrastructure. Probably not though.
Julian Garcia
Yo fellow Winds/o/ite
Adrian White
Toll roads in Texas are actually good but I can't say the same for the rest of the roads
Justin Torres
kek I'll bet you believe obama is a kenyan muslim too Tin foil must be on too tight
Zachary Sullivan
A conspiracy involves more than one person retard Trump literally just "leaked" one year of tax returns to make himself look good It's pretty transparent
Lucas Morgan
Is Canada the new Russia or something?
Jackson Powell
Pennsylfaggot detected
Please stay in your drug addicted, incest-filled containment state
Leo Clark
Concrete is superior to asphalt
Ayden Myers
He paid them to the letter of the law my man. Should be mad that the lawmakers are too regarded to draft legislation properly.
Logan Bell
you should fucking kill yourself
Camden Baker
Nigga what?
Samuel Bell
Concrete is superior to asphalt
>less maintenance >much longer life span >decreased rolling resistance for increased fuel economy
I know the kiddies on Veeky Forums are borderline brain damaged, but come the fuck on
Gabriel Lee
>less maintenance Doesn't it like snow in Canada? Don't they use salt? Snow will fuck it up for sure. My country has abandoned them because of that. >much longer life span Yeah but nobody will want to drive on them because they will be all fucked up. >decreased rolling resistance for increased fuel economy Can't you just like. Buy an energy saving tires? And check your pressure and shit? And you will get better mileage everywhere not just on one highway...
Michael Evans
The 407 is concrete almost the entire way and they use the same salt on it as they do on regular asphalt roads, and it's been smooth and in much better shape than the surrounding asphalt roads for the 10 years I've been using it
>Can't you just like. Buy an energy saving tires? And check your pressure and shit? And you will get better mileage everywhere not just on one highway... Yeah man, just get everyone to change to Prius tires Fact of the matter is that the hundreds of thousands of collective kilometres traveled on that single low rolling resistance highway saves thousands of litres of fuel every day
Jose Diaz
Salt? Do you live in the 1900s? Big concrete pads are by far better than asphalt.
>doesn't randomly buckle and sag during spring thaw >less chance of random sinkholes >can be replaced/repaired one section at a time
Parker Thomas
>come to america >theres more people in all of california than all of canada >goes to east coast(nyc) >most dense place in US >why is it so much money fuck off back to your igloo snow nigger
Zachary Richardson
That doesn't really prove anything except that your asphalt is inferior to ours. >Yeah man, just get everyone to change to Prius tires And why the hell not? You don't need MAD!!1! tirez for your DD.
>Salt? Do you live in the 1900s? No. Europe.
What kind of shitty nigga grade asphalt do you use overseas? Are you saying you spergs are unable to repair/replace one section of asphalt at a time?
Jack Taylor
What kind of shitty nigga grade concrete do you use overseas?
Dylan Gray
You are both foggots and wrong. Concrete and asphalt look like shit 2 days after construction and need replacing every other year.
Cobblestone master race
Sebastian King
Let me just use some shitty Prius all seasons in these kind of conditions Did you ever think that winter tires have a higher rolling resistance than your economy tires?
You fucking nigger
Eli Green
The autobahn is made out of cobblestone, right?
Liam Butler
>Using shitty dissolving Jewish rock to pave your roads >2017
Thomas Bell
Literally the busiest highway in North America runs through Toronto
Alexander Rodriguez
>Really shitty one.
Oh, her majesty the Queen has visited us. Nice.
Nice meme you got there bro.
Nathaniel Thomas
Nicholas Clark
lel Europoors
Enjoy your $6 a litre gas prices that make filling up 1L shitboxes expensive
John Foster
>That doesn't really prove anything except that your asphalt is inferior to ours.
You clearly don't live in an area where the temperature will change from 10* below freezing to 15* above freezing in a day. Asphalt doesn't like that.
>Are you saying you spergs are unable to repair/replace one section of asphalt at a time?
No, what I meant was the down time.
>drill into pad >pull it up >put a pre-formed pad in its place
Done. Takes literally 4 hours. With asphalt you've gotta dig the old shit up, make sure the base is still good & level, pour the new shit, flatten it, and let it cure. Or if you're autistic, you just put new asphalt over the old layer and deal with potholes never.
Thomas Murphy
>live in part of the world where the environment basically rapes cars and roads and all other types of shit that isnt designed to deal with it >complain about it
Jaxson Fisher
tollways are decent compared to non tollways in chicago, thats about it
Ian Morgan
It's just 4$ and 70c! :(
No. No I don't and I'm kinda glad that shit like that doesn't happen in central Europe. Unfortunately I don't think that repair downtime has anything to do with the actual time it takes to repair anything on our roads...
But I do agree that if you live in condition that has 20+ degrees variability in temperature then concrete is the way to go.
Julian Cox
I think it was named the busiest in the world a couple years back
Jose Moore
*4$ and 70c per gallon (didn't notice you used litres so I automatically converted it to burger units)
Liam Campbell
Horseshit the police department I dispatch for can (and does frequently-Massachusetts) run Canadian Regis and DL's all the time. That info is shared with the US seamlessly
Dominic Bailey
Good for the OP tho if he never hears from anybody. Seems like the roads around me that are tolled are twice as bad as untolled roads
Hunter Gray
>can't not go deaf from road noise doing any more than 90km/h
Woo lad
Isaac Cook
Every fucking year they're fixing asphalt roads in Canada, especially with how temperature changes have been more extreme these past few years
But politicians just want to show how they're saving money and get cheaper asphalt Savings from concrete don't start to show until decades after they're done their term
And think about all the collective hours wasted by everyone during construction, all that wasted fuel and potential economic growth
Jace Peterson
>I drive a Lada Riva
Alexander Martinez
your estimate is litteraly 4 times the actual price of gas in denmark
Ian Russell
I drive an Equinox and it's fucking awful. Doing a reasonable ~120km/h it's literally hard to hear my passenger talking and I can't make out what people are saying at all when using my phone (Bluetooth)
Dominic Watson
I can hold a conversation just fine in my 20 year old Boxster while cruising at 120 km/h on a concrete highway, though this is with an OE hardtop
Charles Stewart
oh look, another enlightened foreigner who went to fucking NYC and thinks NYC = america
Nicholas Carter
Population centres are the only place that matter, keep being butthurt about living in a flyover state
Justin Rogers
I'm pretty sure that's the Jersey Turnpike.
Grayson Cruz
I'm from new england, none of those states are flyover states dude.
Chase King
Stay mad about being in a shithole state. Enjoy your shitty laws and higher crime.
Josiah Murphy
It isn't
Isaac Williams
Concrete is prohibitively expensive to pave the entire US road net.
I'd rather pay low gas taxes and drive my truck and motorcycles. Truck ignores bumps, bikes dodge them, problem solved.