Post your latest Vita plat! Post your latest Vita screenshot! Post your favorite Vita wallpaper! Post your waifu before you get KEKED Post your latest Vita purchase! Post what Vita games you're currently playing! Post what Vita games you're currently looking forward to! Post skittles! I love you Vitagen!
Charles Ortiz
lucy a shit
Hunter Richardson
i miss you guys
Cameron Williams
Xseed dying is a good and well deserved thing, Nisa taking over is a terrible undeserved thing.
James Campbell
Kevin White
Friendly reminder to add Golden Abyss to the list.
Connor Murphy
>tfw vita is lacking srpg games
Joshua Barnes
It's that time of the week again. It's time for Valkyrie Drive Melee!
Anyone interested? I'll host a room if there's people up for it.
Sebastian Evans
>Upcoming Vita games currently available for preorder on Amazon
>Yacht Club Games Confirms Development on Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment has been Completed
John Murphy
Jordan Allen
2017 is already looking better than 2016 and it's only February.
Ryder Green
Aren't a few SRPG games about to come out?
Christian Gutierrez
Post something really cute. I mean, REALLY cute.
Michael Hall
Ayden Wood
I really want to get VD but I only find the EU versions here
Austin Lewis
A couple big titles to look forward to: >Zero Escape: The Nonary Games >Dangan Ronpa V3: Killing Harmony >Dies Irae >Utawarerumono Mask of Truth >Utawarerumono Mask of Deception >Punchline >YU-NO
Potentially five otome will release in 2017 (the first four from Aksys, the fifth from Idea Factory): >Bad Apple Wars >Period Cube >Collar x Malice >Code Realize: Future Blessings >Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds
Hopefully some of these titles from Sekai Project will release next year: >Fault Milestone One >Root Double: Before Crime After Days >Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology >World End Economica >The Grisaia Trilogy
Some other titles to keep an eye on: >Muv Luv + Muv Luv Alternative >Sharin no Kuni >VA11 Hall-A >Quantum Suicide >Exogenesis: Perils of Rebirth
Games that are rumored: >Clannad >Chaos;Child
Benjamin Evans
Something SUPER extra cute?
Gabriel Howard
>latest Vita purchase Well, preordered Ys VIII's le
Angel Taylor
>literally next week
Robert Hughes
Hopefully, it will put Xseed in their place and they will get back on track. They weren't always shit, and they can be good again. They just need a wakeup call.
Eli Sullivan
How about Umihara Kawase cosplay?
Angel Gutierrez
Christian Myers
Yeah 2016 was huge and more varied in term of games, but 2017 has a fuckton of novels and even more weebness. Also a lot more of big games like Xanadu, Caligula, Ys and Dangan. A great final year for the vita. pic related
Dominic Carter
The online should work with that one too. Though then you would miss out with the better voices and certain DLCs so maybe it wouldn't be too good. Rice Digital does probably sell NA versions too, but it's expensive as expected. Your best option is probably the digital version, but you probably have the 4gb memory card?
Nathaniel Sanders
But I won't miss you.
Aaron Cruz
Any day now
Michael Russell
>another touhou game with that unattractive artstyle >nobody will do Genius of Sappheiros How awful.
Christopher Stewart
Are Mamori/Mirei fun to play?
Isaiah Hill
Disgaea Luminous Arc Utawarerumono God Wars Nocturnal Doctrine Kantai Collection Super Heroin Chronicles Daisenryaku MOE MOE DAISENSOU Sengoku Hime SANGOKU HIME SUPER ROBOT TAISEN Eiyuu x Senki Makai Shin Trillion
Nathan Wright
Ashamed to say, I haven't played much with them and I even purchased the DLC. From what I've seen they're pretty powerful duo in the game.
Caleb Hughes
Or Sky arena
Elijah Gomez
Xseed being so shit and slow is literally one of the reason I decided to learn japanese.
Isaac Gray
>Though then you would miss out with the better voices and certain DLCs Wait what? Are there differences between the eu and na versions of the game in term of dlcs available? Am I fucked as an euroscum?
Justin Long
I don't think there's differences between DLCs. EU does have the better quality voice DLC available, I know it because I've downloaded it.
Michael Cooper
You only get to use DLCs of games that matches the region of your psn account
Parker Turner
Reminder that in a series mostly loved for its music, there exists one rhythm game, and it's okay at best.
Levi Gray
I might get EU version anyway V3 is only in September and I have some money here with me to buy a game
Jeremiah Williams
>Eiyuu x Senki NEVER EVER
Gavin Evans
Got scared for a moment there, I want my Mirei/mamori dlc. Fuck I won it on twitter but didn't get the notification of the private message, kill me.
Kayden Hughes
I'm mainly irritated about Sappheiro because it ticks so many of my RPG boxes. >nice sprites >Patchouli is playable >turn based, not active time >amazing customisation >lot of content
Camden Lopez
pretty pissed that vita's VD wasn't yuri as fuck.
John Ramirez
Jannu isn't even that great in the game.
Chase Taylor
If it's the only version available then there's not much to do. Though you should really invest in that 16gb memory card already, digital makes much more sense in your situation. But physical is physical, it's always preferable. At least for old fart like me anyway.
Guess people are busy this week to play VD multiplayer. Well, maybe next week.
Landon Gray
>Patchouli is playable That's just nice
Sebastian Foster
>drink too much >not even drunk but have headache and feel like vomiting >will probably have hangover tomorrow Even drinking has lost it's charm. Am I getting old?
Grayson Lewis
She's better in gold
Ryan Brown
Start with one free Drive Also sweet Mirei hairs
Asher Price
Dude what
Yeah, I'm not at home today. Next week for sure though!
Andrew Russell
You're getting old when your hangovers get worse and worse. I still don't have problems getting drunk but fuck hangovers. With a big pointy stick.
Josiah Rivera
>Though you should really invest in that 16gb memory card already 16gb is 220R$
Gavin Nelson
Vita VD is tamed and het compared to the anime.
Owen Cooper
>R$ russian dollars?
Xavier Garcia
Too fucking much. Fuck those import taxes.
Next week for sure.
Jack Price
Russia uses rubles
Aiden Stewart
Anyone know if there's any way to still get Playstation Mobile games?
Jeremiah Lee
Angel Jenkins
>big Noire Soon!
Jack Peterson
Man, I can't even play the games I backed up via Content Manager. What dumb DRM.
Ryder Cooper
Seriously? That's fucked. I really want to play that one onsen shooting game.
Camden Gonzalez
I had a hungover this morning, too. Drinking is at least something I kind of enjoy after a certain amount, but the morning after kind of makes me feel it's not worth it if half of the day is going to be spent in such a shitty condition. Makes you not want to even play anything, which is a big enough problem even when sober.
Jace Morgan
ya and how many of those are in english
Xavier Gomez
Hue money
Ethan Hernandez
Are you for real? I always thought you were a retarded faggot, but damn.
Henry Kelly
6-7 I think
Owen Stewart
Parker Long
Fuck off with this retarded shit
Michael Wright
Fuck me with this retarded shit
Carson Parker
Speaking of which, can vitagen help me find contact info for the developer of this one, Nepia World? I'm bored, so I want to see if I can get this game to come to PSN, since PSM is gone.
Maybe I should try and contact a bunch of Japanese devs, and make a separate 'PSM Archives/Collection' game for Vita. Non-profit, of course.
Ryder Robinson
this retarded shit fuck me
Eli Gutierrez
That last one made me chuckle
Hunter Reyes
Jonathan Flores
Kayden Edwards
James Torres
Are you okay user? What are you doing today?
Jonathan Nguyen
So which company is /ourguy/ so far, /vitagen/?
Joseph Cooper
Elijah Morales
Yes Nothing
The one that gives us the most stuff
Blake Myers
Liam Nguyen
Hunter Sanchez
I have a challenge for you vitagen.
Find a game playable on vita that is cuter than Rupu Sarada.