Why don't they make tire warmers that fit in between the tire and the wheel and heat up the tire when car is running?

why don't they make tire warmers that fit in between the tire and the wheel and heat up the tire when car is running?

that way you could run summer tires even when it's freezing outside

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why don't they make road warmers that fit in between the road and the ground and heat up the road when cars are running?

that way you could run summer tires even when it's freezing outside

that would be many many times more expensive though

but what if the roads paid for themselves and then some?

Go back to /pol/ Bernie we don't want you here

Solar roads are an awful, awful idea.

why dont you just do a burnout?

>all the tire does is dig itself into a hole even faster


why dont they have roads that capture the kinetic energy of the cars rolling past to end our energy issues

That's too complex.

Why not have a torch / flame jet point at each tire to warm them up?

Or even simpler, just aim the exhaust at them.

It's not just the tire compound but also the tread pattern that makes it good on snow and ice. If you heat up a summer tire it'll still be worse than a winter tire.

>he thinks the only reason you don't run summer tyres in snow is because of heat


>glass surface

Why not just raise global temps so it doesn't snow

obviously, i didnt mean it'll be a good snow tire but it should still work in the cold better than otherwise

i didn't say snow, i said "freezing outside"
learn to read moron

Snow is fun. Stop being a weather pussy.

why though, actual reasons would be nice other than "they're just bad"

> tfw you fall for the summer tires meme

Instead of placing solar panels somewhere where they can be positioned for maximum exposure and are easily cleaned, you want to put them on the road. Where they will be covered by dirt, worn heavily by vehicles, and with the added complexity of making the surface have reasonable traction in wet and freezing weather conditions (but without ruining efficiency more than the previous items do already). It will cost more to install a solar road than a normal solar panel, while also being both a worse road and a worse solar panel than either on its own.

It's absolutely stupid and illogical.

>why don't they make tire warmers that fit in between the tire and the wheel
Because the car manufacturer will be CHARGED the energy cost by the EPA when it makes the MPG rating for that car.

>Why not have a torch / flame jet point at each tire to warm them up?

Because it would ignite grass and other flammables under the car. And it also means parking lots are easily sabotaged by anonymous people. For example, you will have lots of activists publicly say that the city and people MUST donate one million per day to the black lives matter movement or anonymous will pour gasoline under parked cars everywhere. When those cars are started, the entire lot goes up. And you can't blame #BLM because it is anonymous making the threats, not #BLM activists who of course deny but are still willing to accept free money as part of reparations.

Because that would probably increase the cost of the car by much more than just buying a decent set of winter tires.

Would not be able to give any heat to the road to melt anything

learn to read


brakes warm your tires more than anything else, and they're cheaper than anything you'll want to mount to the inside of your tire

It gonna turn the snow into ice

>not doing a 4wd burnout every time you set off for optimum tire temp.

Solar roadways are the biggest scam I can't believe people actually donated money to this fake shit

15 years later and they still don't have a working model. The one they installed in the park is fucking broken because it rained

oh yeah, thanks for the idea

Some retards actually did that in Belgium.

Nuke us please

>mfw big time scam and people are STILL falling for it

There's no good way to power it.

Why don't they vent the exhaust into the wheel wells?

Are you referring to ?

Its still not going to be able to warm it up in such a way it would help anything. The parts in contact with the road would always be cold due to just how much heat you lose through contact. You could up the heat, but then you'd just completely fuck up the sidewall as it would get too soft

There is also a lot more to winter tires than just a rubber mix that stays soft in colder temperatures

Good idea, nigger rigged side pipes