Do you make your passengers buckle up?
Do you make your passengers buckle up?
If they're someone I know we'll gf/family/good friends, other wise I mind my own business and let them take a fine and my bitching at them if we get pulled over.
Yes. My safety comes before their comfort.
Yes because I cop the fine if they don't.
i dont want their blood in my car
Only if they're in the front.
Now that I own a 2 seater yeah they kind of have to.
In my state, the passenger gets a ticket and YOU get a ticket aswell
Yes because they become projectiles that can maim and kill you
Yes because I only have people I care about in my car
don't need to ask them since I'm living in a civilzed part of the world
Only the front one because my car will ding if they've been sitting for 5 seconds without buckling up
Back ones are whatever, and since they're all over the agr of 16 or 18 or whatever, they can take the fine
yes, i don't want this guy's facial imprint on my volvo headrest
Yes, because it's the fucking law, and the driver can be fined if someone isn't buckled up.
But since it's the law, people do anyway.
Stupidfuck americans who claim 'muh freedums' can fucking walk. My car is a dictatorship.
i dont know how anyone will sit in my car when I already removed all the seats, and cut off my arms for weight reduction
Lol no i never buckle up unless im going long distance only cucks buckle up
Does anyone here legitimately not wear a seat belt?
Not wanting to fly out the window in an accident makes me a cuck?
Literally no point in wearing a seat belt. It's such a little thing it doesn't matter. Same with turn signals
Most times you don't need one if you brace for impact properly
>Same with turn signals
kys rt
I used to always wear mine, but now that I have a job in which I drive, I never fucking wear it, unless I'm on a highway or something.
Yes. But I only have two seats and rarely take people anywhere so it's easy.
Your life to throw away my dude.
i won't start driving until everyone buckles up. If drew the short straw and have to drive my drunk friends home then its my way or the highway
I drive a miata with 200/A/A graded rubber, the stock seats aren't that great at containing a passenger.
Jokes aside, I simply will not carry someone who doesn't do their belt up. Frankly, I would reevaluate my proximity to them if I knew they were a fucking moron.
Veeky Forums confirmed for teenagers
This guy gets it.
Or if you don't put yourself in a position to be in an accident.
Seriously you faggots; pay attention to your surroundings, drive in a predictable manner, watch for people running stops/lights, always expect stupid. The best way to prevent your passengers from getting hurt is to not have an "accident" in the first place.
I ask them to and if they don't want, I accelerate to 40 km/h and slam the brakes
If they still want to stay in my car they mostly put on the seatbelts then
>Your face when you hope people aren't aware of your blat and bait
Car doesn't move until everyone's buckled.
Oddly enough the only person this annoys is my mom.
Of all cars, lada aside, I think it's pertinent to wear a seatbelt in a miata over damn near anything else alongside a Hyundai Accident.
Yes. I have stopped the car and refused to continue until my passengers buckled the fuck up. Stayed there at a standstill for five minutes until she realized I wasnt fucking joking.
Things that never happened for $200 please, Alex.
Friend used to just shove the buckle under his ass so it looked like he was strapped in.
Got nailed on a backwoods freeway, no barrier.
Dead as a fucking stump, body found 72m from impact.
found the BMW driver
Yes. For three reasons:
1. It's the law
2. I don't want their blood or other bodily fluids staining my carpet
3. I don't want my friends to die because I jettisoned out through the windscreen