Which one of these would you guys choose for your first car, I want some second opinions.
G35 vs 350z
Stanced, neither. Barring that, the G35 is 90%the performer, while being 200% more practical. You'll have read sears and a decent trunk to throw shit in.
G35 just looks better too
Fuck the fuck off.
Theres at least 3 350z threads a day.
Its a shit car for scumbags.
G35!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by far
Stock sport package with those ten spoke wheels and that spoiler on the deck lid. Hnnnngggggg.
G35 is more practical in terms of features and having rear seats.
350z is more fun to drive and usually more reliable, plus fuck driving other people around, just you and your girl.
Aesthetics are up to your opinion
***my bad, in terms of reliability, only models from 2007 and newer are reliable, any older 350z's are trash on the oil.
automatic G35 sedan would be the best option
>usually more reliable
[citation needed] they are the same fucking car except one weighs a bit more because of amenities.
The 6 speeds explode.
Just like everything nissan builds
likewise with domestic tho but i don't hear you bitching and moaning
I'd get the Infinity just because I like the looks better.
Domestic sucks too.
Why do you morons insist on buying trash?
>be you
>be on Veeky Forums
>General Mustang Thread; they're so cool and v8!
Mustangs are shit with crooked steering wheels
Fuck off scumbag
Not after 07
That was fixed in the CD009
So they will just each transmissions, coil packs, sensors, gauge clusters, mafs, etc etc.
They are fucking shit.
Stop being retarded.
While neither of them are real lookers, I like the 350Z's aesthetics way better than the G35.
Why are you so mad about this? Did mommy not give you your meds after she cooked you tendies?
Because you stupid fucks have 10 threads a day about a piece of shit car and are all willfully ignorant to its isses.
Then you act like its the best car ever.
Its fucking shit.
I'm sure you think your bus is all the rage
You sure showed me!!!
Oh no... how will i ever recover????
I own a 350z
>inb4 autist scumbag
I love it, it feels good to not be the carpool guy anymore. Styling is still so good, the interior is so different from other generic cars. The G35 interior is more luxurious, but really uninspired. Also, the G35 front grill and headlights look like ass. Buy one, you won't regret it once.
Thanks for the posts guys, not making the choice much easier, they're both awesome
>he says
>being willfully ignorant of how shitty the car is
And you guys wonder why the world thinks youre scumbags
>Buy one, you won't regret it once.
Until he realizes the 370 is a direct upgrade all around
Maybe your mother shouldn't have had you immunized
Dont be mad at me.
Be mad at yourself for being too fucking stupid to see major issues right in front of you.
cant afford a 370z and not legal to drive as a new driver here
>30hp more
>triple the price
Keep telling yourself that, user
Holy shit this user's sperging out to full on turbo autismo
Shit this site is salty, props to the respectful replies
Cheaper faster BRZ
350z is the only car I think looks like shit with a lib walk kit. The rears just.... aren't balanced, somehow
What are you looking to do with the car? I own an 06 6 speed sport package, an all around good car. People compliment it regularly, women are happy to be seen it. The interior is leagues better than the Z, my leather still smells like new when I enter the car. The biggest issue is indeed oil burning, I burn about a quart every two months which is standard. The z is lighter, has less body roll, sharper to drive and a better all around performer.
So what it comes down to is do you want a more performance oriented car or a sports luxury coupe?
you sure you're not talking about liberty walk in general lol?