/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Last Thread: >list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJpastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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first for fempyro is autism


Xth for I still don't have my robohat.

Yeah, I just thought how bad of an idea that'd be. That would mean I would have to launch TF2 again for the first time in like a month. Yuck

Maybe I'll reraffle it again

Does scout require skill? Like... any at all?

Does any class require skill?

>not having it on 24/7/365

>havent played tf2 in years
>decide to download and play it with friends
>having some fun with my bros
>remember I have a spray, can't remember what it is though
>spray it where everyone spawns
>its a bukkake gangbang porn spray

Oh god tell me it was a pub.

If it was a Valve server, no one saw it but you

If it was a community server with sprays on, whoo boy. You goofed up ever having it as a spray in the first place

you know it was, and I still use it unironically

why does engineer have 200 reserve ammo for the pistol

Because a pistol-spamming Engie has never been a threat. Scout gets 36 because he can actually move around and shit and 200 reserve rounds for him would've always been absolute cancer, on top of his shotgun being better than Engie's.

Since it was a pub it means only you saw it.

Didn't you just ask this on steam?

who do you think I am

I think you're a scoutmain


I think you're on my friends list, old man.


I wish I had people on my friends list.

>queue faceit with a friend
>we are waiting for a while fir the match so i put "faceit?" after my name in mge in the hopes more people queue up
>4 hours later
>try to login to tf2center
did i just get banned for having "faceit" in my name, even tho i didnt play any lobby with it

>my least played class
nice 1
good shit
I removed the last tf2g from my friends list like a year ago

>mfw i love 6s

Goodnight tf2g.
When I wake up, I hope the Skial mods answered my ban appeal.

i would never get picked up for these

pugchamp is the only one where captains pick the players
in mixchamp (pic) its randomly generated teams
in pugchamp they are basically forced to pick you if its 12/12 btw

ctf is garbage for teaching new players how to play
it encourages turtling so much more than 5cp or even payload
the reason you see players building sentries in the last part of payload maps even at the start of the game is that they have very little experience and most of it is in ctf
heres some custom maps that are proven to be good
>cp_kalinka (some beta textures)
>cp_drudgery (many beta textures)
>cp_edifice (A/D, pretty similar to gpit)

ctf is fun for messing around with different weapons or just leveling up stranges

I dislike koth because a round will never last more than 6 minutes

You do realize you can just copy and paste a post number to reply to an old post in a new thread and that (You)s carry over so that the guy could see it, right?

>People STILL somehow think Diamondback is overpowered


Not this shit again. I've lost count of how many times I call out an obvious spy who looks oblivious only to get instant crits to my face. At least you can tell when the engineer and the scout have crits.

>the reason you see players building sentries in the last part of payload maps even at the start of the game is that they have very little experience and most of it is in ctf
This is actually probably due to them being so bad at Payload they always get instarolled to last, not CTF. Hell, nowadays half the time I'm playing CTF I don't see any engineers at all, especially on 2fort.

PikaDJ is a shit.

[mikes] requested a youtube video!
GDataNoLongerAvailableExceptionNo longer available
Config file reloaded by "tf2YoutubeDownloader"


ctf gives new players bad habits tho, and has awful flow - rather, it doesnt really have any flow as a gamemode
i added stuff to the post
i think i improved it
but payload artificially makes rounds longer by having that stupid cart you have to very slowly push
5cp is the polar opposite, where you can win a round in 2 minutes if you completely wipe the enemy at the start of the match
koth is inbetween

ctf needs minor fixes to over throw crappoints gamemode out

Well, you didn't respond to the "old man" thing, so, you're not him.

Maybe a coincidence or maybe he just lurks, I dunno.

You mean there's actually someone here older than Ryuke?

I don't really know how old the guy is.

He just calls himself Old Man.


Oh, so he's just a creeper, gotcha.

>G'day all mr.Lenny spam here and today we're gonna be playing spy.
Speaking of which, does any body have that pic of mr.paladin picture

He seriously looks like a perfect stereotype child molester.

Yeah, you need to be able to dodge shit, perfectly time your jumps, space yourself perfectly, traverse around the map efficiently and be able to hit your shit right. The skill ceiling is raised even higher when you introduce shit like the Baby Face Blaster, Sandman, ect

I have to say this took me a while

>tfw have over 16k kills over 3 strange scatterguns

He's 40 something if I remember correctly and has a kid. The pic I'm looking for is like him in game complaining and wanting to get kicked from the server or something and they kick him for having a big nose.

you should be able to transfer kills if its the same weapon like stock rocket launcher and sand cannon



>unusual fag
>needs even his crosshair to be obnoxiously flashy

huh? how tf do u get banned from a skial server lmao?

>fighting against multiple sentries
I want engie mains go and never comeback.

classlimit 2 on heavy and engineer for pubs

and 1 on sniper and spy
i know valve is lazy to implement shit so why not just kick players who become the 3rd sniper and spy

its hard to make a huge game good when you only have 4 to 2 progreammers



and then


Better chart

classlimit 1 is a little too much (for pubs)
classlimits take literally no effort to implement
i used to play a pub with classlimit 2 on everything and every game had great flow



MapChamp Sunday Special Event
Join MixChamp try a few cool new maps from the community in active development and give your feedback to the mappers !

but i suck any everyone will well at me

What's the point of using any other class that is not Medic?

- Health Regenerates
- Can heal others
- Syringe Gun is actually very effective, have gotten a lot of kills with it
- Uber Charge

making sprays is a lot of fun.

the other classes do specific things better than the medic.

and all of them can easily take medic in a straight fight.

ill succ you
people are fairly friendly in mixchamp, im sure they will not mind you

>making sprays is a lot of fun.

need my mouse to come in the mail cause I'll not play with a trackpad.


i knew a guy that played with trackpad for 2 years
he was decent medic and soldier. could do jump maps i really struggled with flawlessly.


>i knew a guy that played with trackpad for 2 years
>he was decent medic and soldier. could do jump maps i really struggled with flawlessly.

did he ever explain how he did that?


he has no head, he has no head, he has no head, he has no head, he has no head, he has no head, he has no head, he has no head, he has no head...

i have no idea, you could notice how his mouse movement wasnt very normal spectating him but he managed to work with it
hes actually doing limbo



>2005 was 12 years ago
where the fuck did the time go

>October 9th, 2007 was 20 years ago

how do i pipe

1.- look at enemy
2.- predict where he will be in 0.3 seconds
3.- hope you lead properly and hit him

5 or 8, loadout drawn



Pick one

I could pick them all


take a pick

Still no five or eight, 6am must be too early.






Another roll.

Hell another roll.