A dumb kid in my town killed himself in a crash after his parents got him an M3. I finally realized the purpose of the FRS/86, it is training wheels. Allows kids to feel fast and swag while reducing risks.
A dumb kid in my town killed himself in a crash after his parents got him an M3...
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>it is training wheels. Allows kids to feel fast and swag while reducing risks.
Sounds like you are butthurt you're parents didn't buy you a cat
Pretty much.
Do you idiots sit down and write scripts to try and trigger people?
Like... for free?
Its really pathetic
It's so parents can buy their kid a car that isn't fast but looks like it would be
good job making these slow bitches itt butthurt
that's slow as fuck
I don't even own an 86, I don't understand why we need a minimum of 5 shitposts a day. Does the 86 make you feel so insecure?
>daily reminder
>constant 86 shitposting
So this is the Veeky Forums equivalent of closeted homophobes.
Of course it doesn't add up because I see more and more of these cars every day
same ballpark as cayman S, R32 GTR, e46 M3, 993 carrera, evo 6-7, lotus exige S, IS-F.
don't know if I'd call that slow. certainly a heck of a lot faster than the shortbus you ride to your retard school.
People more likely than not buy a car for looks and not for performance
... or maybe because its fun?
>performance gets you to work faster
For a similar price the 370z is the same car but better in every way
For a similar price the STI is the same car but better in every way
>implying daily driving has anything to do with this
>how fast is the brz/frs
>posts the gt86
It has EVERYTHING to do with it.
People dont give a fuck about power.
They want to reliably get to work. And if they can look cool and have a car that feels fun for the right price, they will buy it.
They're the same fucking thing you mongoloid
Kek, angry shitposter is angry
my favorite thing about the 370Z is that it only weighs 5730 pounds.
>the frs is 100% different from the gt86 even though they're the same car with a different marketing name
You mean 3200lbs? It's only 500 more pounds than a gt86 and that's probably because of the larger engine
Relax you're autism m8
The 370z looks like a THICC version of the BRZ.
This is bait
>only 500 more pounds
>dude the gt86 is 2700!
When you sit in it it's easily over 3200
So with that logic the 370 is 4k pounds with you in it
Faster and more agile in every way
>only 500 more pounds
so your 370fat would then be, what, 4000+?
Boy are you fucking stupid
>dude the gt86 is 2700!
>When you sit in it it's easily over 3200
Forgot I was dealing with idiots
Holy shit you're fucking retarded too and can't math
No wonder all the fans scream "benchracer" because they can't into marh
>because they can't into marh
That's 500 pounds ding dong
I am actually amazed by how much this sounds exactly like a Miata
what a piece of shit car lol. who even buys these
Says the guy who thought 3200+500 was 4k
>I am actually amazed by how much this sounds exactly like a Miata
... it doesn't?
sounds more like an older boxster or cayman.
The same kids who think racing stripes make the car go fast
Remember kids just because it looks cool doesn't mean it's fast
I can see it now, every lower that owns one of these is gonna try to drag race civics and lose
Hahahahahahaha. I keked
But seriously. This.
Fucking poorfags
we've basically reached full denial about the GT86 then.
its your loss. provided you were even able to buy a car to start with.
>500 more pounds of block
can't make this shit uppu
I am talking about the first vid. That is 100% the same note as a NA miata with the muffler cut off. sounds like shit
>itt pure truth
It's why it it was sold under scion in the US, the official brand of suburban parents for their children.
If you bought it as your first sports car, congrats as you are doing it right. You won't be one of the people who plow crowds with their mustang/Corvette/M3 that they just bought after driving fwd sedans all their life.
you are speaking out of your ass
also, na miata actually sounds good
Buddy gets passed by the superior Japanese sports car
... which costs 45000 bucks more?
>two cylinders are the only thing that goes into the engine
>tfw you own the fastest vehicle on this board and have nothing against toyobarus
Why does this vehicle trigger all the busriders? Might get one just to make you cucks assmad.
Because Veeky Forums hates to see others happy enjoying their purchases
I bought an e46 M3.
I'm faster.