Why does the US care about Israel so much
Why does the US care about Israel so much
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because they kill sandniggers and are pretty cool
t. moishe chaim goldberg
They're a stable ally in an unstable region and they also have nukes. They share cultural values & are open to diplomatic discourse in a way that say... Pakistan isn't.
You know, /int/ exists, it's one link left of Veeky Forums
This is actually why /pol/ is warming up to them
And i don't get 'em
Sandniggers are a bunch of chimps, we could take em on anytime. Jews are killing us from the inside.
So what? They don't have any significant resources to trade and allying with them is actually detrimental to relations with the people of the area that do have something to trade.
>This is actually why /pol/ is warming up to them
That board truly has fallen
Because America has backed itself into an ideological corner. They can't be seen as getting too chummy with "bad-guy" regimes, ones that don't ascribe to the same liberal secular values that the U.S. does. They can BE friendly, but can't be seen by the electorate to be friendly. And if they're going to negotiate with such regimes, they need to be seen to be doing so from a position of strength, demanding and getting what they want.
Most of the regimes in the Mid-East, a strategically vital area, are such "bad guy" regimes, either theocracies or secular dictatorships, often with history of dealing with the Soviets. The stick becomes the necessary tool of diplomacy, not the carrot.
However, America has a fundamental problem threatening people, namely credibility. Oh, everyone knows that America CAN beat up just about any regime or combination of regimes, certainly in the Middle-East. But the U.S. electorate is again notoriously casualty averse, and there's often a view that America can be outlasted, if not outfought.
Enter Israel, the U.S. attack dog. They're always spoiling for a fight with the Arabs, and it's only lack of material and softer forms of power that they don't overrun and occupy the entire Mid-East. The U.S. cares about Israel because the threat to loosen Israel's leash is a hell of a lot more credible than the threat of acting themselves.
Because of the Jewish lobby. Not even /pol/ing it up, that's really it.
I'd recommend the 32 Billion Dollar Bargain, the U.S. Alliance with Israel. It's a bit dated, and a lot of its analysis is based on Cold War phenomena, but he goes through AIPAC's supposed influence, and can't find any correlation between their spending or other activity and swings in U.S. policy towards Israel.
It's nice to have a strong ally in that area. Also lots of jews in the US in top positions, so there's obviously going to be bias for them.
Shut up jew shill
Zionist neocon lobbyists and Christian evangelical supporters. America has been a weapon for political Zionism since the early twentieth century. Read about PNAC and all the other Zionist think tanks they used.
israel is a globalist colony
>They don't have any significant resources to trade
The fact that you think this matters only highlights your ignorance of international relations. This isn't 1890. Foreign policy is about more than extracting resources.
>allying with them is actually detrimental to relations with the people of the area
Here's what you're not understanding. Yes, there are costs involved with a close relationship with Israel, but what are the costs of NOT keeping a steady hand on a nuclear equipped power in a historically unstable region? You seem to think the US could just ditch its relationship with Israel and we'd get along fine with everyone and there would be no more trouble without realizing that those tensions would still exist except we wouldn't have a handle on the most stable element in the region.
Le self interest edgelord meme.
When you have a policy of abandoning people who share your culture and values in favor of whoever has "resources to trade" things will start going badly.
Back to /pol/.
>The U.S. cares about Israel because the threat to loosen Israel's leash is a hell of a lot more credible than the threat of acting themselves.
Not really, considering the Iraq War was a war for Israeli interests and yet the only country sacrificing its blood and treasure over there was America.
> suppositions and assumptions
We KNOW they hate Israel, we KNOW they hate us helping Israel. Put 2 and 2 together nigga.
And Saudi interests, and Kuwaiti interests, and Kurdish non state actor interests, and Turkish interests. Israel wasn't the only person who didn't get along with Ba'athist Iraq.
They are the only western style democracy in the Middle East
They are a valuable ally
I suggest you take up reading on international relations & political analysis of the Middle East instead of espousing your 'common sense' bollocks.
>I suggest you take up reading on international relations & political analysis of the Middle East
So read "The Israel Lobby," written by John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University?
One book does not an education make
>western style democracy
top wew
Saddam Hussein was beneficial for Israel because it kept the balance of power away from Iran, which is much larger and much more dangerous.
So do you not consider them valid scholars because they disagree with your worldview, despite being respected experts in their relevant fields?
Removing Saddam was beneficial because it balkanized Iraq and made Israeli expansion and aggression more viable.
Since when is Israel trying to expand to Iraq? Surely they have to get through Lebanon and Jordan and Syria first.
Saddam never did anything about Israel in the past so why would Israel care? Plus, Israel's military was definitely more powerful than Iraq's.
I said nothing of the sort. I only say that reading a single book is not a firm foundation for a comprehensive understanding of a complex issue.
And? Israelis aren't dumb enough to believe anyone can become one of them. Look how it turned out for us. We should follow their lead
Too bad Israeli ethno-nationalists are also hypocrites who don't want Europeans to be ethno-nationalists. But yes it would be smart for everyone to follow their example.
Most of my Israelis don't want Europe to be islamized. You pulled that out of your ass. Only people who think that are Europeans themselves.
/sg/ wouldn't be the same without them
I'd like to add that outside of policy goals, many congressmen support Israel because it's an easy position to hold with voters, both liberal and conservative. Americans are either so delusional or ignorant that the entire cold war and the near Orwellian occupation of Palestine don't matter. Most people think we should stick up for Israel because the holocaust or terrorism or something.
I thought /pol/ would warm up to sandniggers.
Part of me doesnt condemn isreal at all for their actions, my other part condemns the entire middle east as petty.
>share your culture and values
>unironically falling for the """""judeo-christian""""" maymay
The Jews are great negotiators.
OY VEY get a load of this guy
Reminder that Israel does not recognize the Armenian genocide because it might harm "interests core to the Jewish nation". Thats how they treat truth
Why should I fucking recognize the holocaust then?
Most Americans believe that Jews are the chosen people and that Jesus was Jewish. Most Americans also feel that 6,000,000 Jews were killed in a holocaust.
These are literally the only reasons why they have our backing.
You mad Israel is the last true bastion of civilization?
You do say that though. That position is entirely at odds with yours so you call it a view based on ignorance, yet it isn't held only by that user. It's held also by people that are demonstrably learned.
I guess no one knows or remember that before the abdication of the the last Shah and the end of the Pahlavi dynasty/Imperial Iran, the Persians were getting preferential treatment in military, financial, and logical support even over the Israelis from America.
>That position is entirely at odds with yours
How so? Does the book recommend not being an ally with Israel because "They don't have any significant resources to trade and allying with them is actually detrimental to relations with the people of the area that do have something to trade"?
Because that's what I was arguing against and I'll bet it doesn't say anything of the sort. The book is about the weighty influence of the Israeli lobby and not a substitute for an understanding of International relations and the complex position of America and its relationship with the ME.
both are anglo-saxons sons
>Enter Israel, the U.S. attack dog. They're always spoiling for a fight with the Arabs, and it's only lack of material and softer forms of power that they don't overrun and occupy the entire Mid-East.
The did piss-poor in their recent war with Hezbollah in 2006, and not even shelling Syrian positions in Quneitra and Daraa could save the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham offensive.
>The U.S. cares about Israel because the threat to loosen Israel's leash is a hell of a lot more credible than the threat of acting themselves.
There's more than a slight hint of desperation in Israel's ongoing normalization with Saudi Arabia.
The economy is a mess, all the smart, educated Israelis are moving to Europe, and all the third-world Sephardic and Misri that Netanyahu has brought in to replace them just can't measure up.
>all the smart, educated Israelis are moving to Europe
[citations needed]
Not history or "muh humanities" Geopolitics belongs on /pol/ and /int/.
Here you go goy
lol you really think resources are worth more than a stable ally with nukes?
stop playing aoe2 and start playing eu4
alliances are worth more than ever resource
Cuz its a willing puppet state in an oil rich region populated by unfriendly (to the US) nation states
A considerable amount of all Americans think that God has told them to help Jews return to the holy land. A smaller but still considerable amount of Americans believe that making the Jews return to Israel will trigger Armageddon, bringing Jesus to this world.
I know you shouldn't judge everyone by the few, but here in Europe Jews have something of a habit of wanting multi culture for Europe and an Ethnostate in Israel.
Of course that's just my own view, most likely affected by Bias, on Euro Jews rather than Israeli Jews.
Did you enjoy it when the US was blessed for blessing Israel?
Then grab your ankles for when God curses us for cursing Israel.
Both are obviously good for Israel. People's interests don't usually coincide.
Australia isn't in Europe.
They aren't living in Israel though, they are living in Europe. Many of them have never even lived in Israel or know the language.
Shouldn't their interests mainly be in favor for their European state rather than some foreign state?