When are you ordering yours?

When are you ordering yours?

Other urls found in this thread:


Buying a camaro instead

bleh, never

Waiting for 2019 model year ST to see how it fares

>3 cylinder engine

>Being able to afford a new car
I'm a broke ass millennial with an engineering degree, 10s of thousands of dollars of debt and no job.

>Unemployed engineer
What pleb-tier university did you go to?

Got mine already. Pic related.

>falling for a (((degree)))
>learning about shit you can find on the internet for free

This is why some people need to browse /pol/ more. It will save you money and time.

I got my BS in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue and have two combined years of internships. The market is oversaturated in the midwest and the stem field is just becoming one big meme.

Auto industry's still in a hiring blitz.

Nah, I'll get this one.

>graduate last summer from Cal Poly SLO with B.S in Mechanical
>6 figure job

Move to the west coast goy. Filled with liberal asshats but at least there is work.

>2-cylinder engine

when a rwd model comes out

I'll test drive it but no current plans to trade mine in.

>not even an x pack


wait really?
in electric cars? or just in general
i wanna make ev sports coupe shitboxes

> Fiesta
I am not. I do not fit in a Fiesta. I cannot drive them comfortably.

>t. 600 pound americlap

If Fatt Marah can fit, any reasonable sized human can fit.

Never. A 3k civic is a better car

never buy 1st year of new engines

>inb4 it's not a new engine
fight me yuropoors

It's literally 5 years old at this point m8

Never ever

already have a 16 ST. It's fine.

Never. Foci and Civics are better at literally everything.



Both, but more towards conventional still

lmfao browse /pol/ instead of getting a university education you heard it here first
how does being an anime image board racist conspiracy theorist generate money, pray-tell?


I like the new Fiesta design, I really do, but I just can't get over how much better the Abarth sounds.


Oh this is neat. I might upgrade shitboxes to this later!.

oh fuck it might be time for me to apply


Move to southeasy texas bruh. Dow olin phillips chevron lng and a bunch of other places hire a shit load of young engineers

I don't want anything that isn't at least partially electric.


Dont do it the pay is shit

>he thinks the university he attended matters
Unless it was MIT, Harvard, or Yale, no one gives a fuck where you went.

>go to linked in for fun
>mechanical engineer
239 results
LOL you're not trying at all.

just stop



Are you even trying?

>moving is impossible
LOL this is why you are a failure. I moved form Texas to phoenix for work before. You do what you have to do faggot. Or just keep making excuses. Grow up.

I am not 'reasonably sized'. I'm 6'2" and skinny with long limbs, and a Fiesta makes my joints cramp up.
I'm aiming for a Focus ST instead.

Why would I do that?

>buys new Ford

When trump ban cafe and every car get a v8 in the base model.

I have a 2015 FiST already

so never


whats it like being a manlet?

im 6'4" and i fit in sub compact cars just fine

Imma buy myself a Ford Festiva.

I drove one for years, and I'm not fucking doing it again. Driving a car built for a woman is painful, and all the controls are in the wrong fucking place.

When they get a fucking 2 door version in the USA. Fucking garbage boomer sedans.

So never?
