>What should I do with the armour/weapons I don't want/use? Purple/Blue = Disassemble (Then use the blue mats to forge a purple if you have enough) Yellow/White = Sell or you can give it to the kodamas for amrita and the odd free item.
>What does the summoning candle do? It returns your guardian spirit to you when you die along with the amrita you collected.
>Should I use soul match? Honestly, no, not unless you have basically finished the game and have a weapon with some really great stats. As you progress you will get a steady flow of new weapons and armour that is better than what you have. Don't waste your money on soul matching until later.
>Why do people keep mentioning "smithing texts"? Bosses tend to drop pieces of their armour and weapons when you defeat them. Very rarely they will drop a smithing text which allows you to forge their armour/weapon.
>Which clan should I join? (clan unlocked through progression) Whichever one has a bonus that you think will benefit your build the most.
what mission or whatever do you guys use to farm revenants?
I need glory
Brandon Barnes
I want to viciously fug this mothgirlboy
Jayden Hernandez
Tome cute
Xavier Jackson
Torii gates are better IMHO, grind Revs for Greens not glory.
Zachary Rogers
the one with the giant ass bridge
Daniel Reed
Fuck. Kappa.
Alexander Harris
>1 Yeah, I feel ya on that. Basic skills, and Meditation is actually just awful. 1 kat Iai is flat superior due to its upgrades, and if you don't like the normal version, there's the sprint version and the multi-hit version. >2 I dunno. People recommend The Shrike but I honestly feel like it's one of the worst parries in the game. It's easy to do, but there's no follow up ability, and the animation takes so long that it feels awkward trying to do anything fancy after it. Compare it to Haze where it completes fast enough to ki-pulse into a fully charged Iai, then either Iai the enemy again or ground stab them. >3 Yeah, God of Wind is the single best thing in the game and every weapon suffers for not having a timing based ability like it. My combos with 1kat are usually more about ki-pulse dodging and doing normal attacks instead of using the kick, though.
Don't farm revenants if you want glory, do yokai realm. You farm revenants for quick divine drops, and you want to do the bridge missions with Benkei at the end.
Blake Rivera
Random encounter
Jordan Reed
>Finally get around to using Spears to get that proficiency up >Learn and see the Spearfall infinite >See that Red Demon set gives damage up to Spearfall Two pieces won't make me a shitter, right?
Nathan Rivera
How do I beat Ii duel?
How do I get veteran level way if the warrior?
James Brooks
The only thing that makes you a shitter when it comes to Red Demon is if you get the full set bonus. Ain't nobody need that much ki regen.
Jack Clark
>30% ki regen on a set that you get A agility on why does not one else besides us get it
Dominic Baker
you defeat him by hitting him until he has no hp left while simultaneously avoiding your HP being reduced to zero
get to region 4 and you'll unlock it
Jayden Rivera
is 2kat really better then 1kat?
should I switch over since I'm in love with the kusagatama?
Jonathan Kelly
Honestly the torii gate = glory thing is so useful it should be one of the tips in the OP.
Adam Barnes
It depends on what you want it for. 1kat favors a more deliberate approach, and 2kat is God of Wind / Water Sword spam. 2kat feels really fun, though I like 1kat better.
Kevin Edwards
>Spear's Living weapon moveset after going through 80% of the game as a 3kat player HOLY SHIT I CAN HIT ALL THE ENEMIES AT THE SAME TIME THIS IS UNHEARD OF
Oliver Nguyen
I would a kappa from that world.
Chase Reyes
actually give me a list of things that should be in the op so that we can put more info up there
Jordan Powell
>Living Weapon moveset
Is it just me or does the Kusa suck unimaginable amounts of dick in LW? The axe doesn't fare much better, either.
Leo Baker
he has leprosy though
Levi Phillips
Should I keep using this? I think I could bring it up to +10 right now and possibly reforge the life drain or ki damage out if something better can be had. What should I be looking for in a 1kat?
Kevin Perez
Best butt
Jack Russell
s-shaman king? havent seen that shit since fox box
Dominic Perry
>tfw no PS+ so no Torii gate
Jaxson Cox
If you do the transform for 'obsidian samurai' is it him in the full armor still or do you get him with helmet off or what?
Andrew Murphy
Just use it, bruh. People complaining about armors are worse than shitters who use those armors. Red Meme is popular because it's good. If you find something you like more, use that
Andrew Sanders
>I want some Glory! Go to the Torii Gate.
>I want some Divine Fragments! Go farm revenants in Way of the Strong.
>I want money! Harakiri.
Joshua Hill
I like both to be honest. is it fesible to go through the game with 1/2kat and a kusa?
Dominic James
Danjo tells you straight up most glory comes from co-op
If anything should be in the OP it should be FUCKING READ There's so many questions that wouldn't have to be asked if people just took a few seconds to read a bit of text
Logan Cook
What the fuck Naomasa is super difficult. Should I come back later like...after the demon of Mount Hiei mission or something?
Even my usual cheese strategy doesn't do shit.
Liam Gutierrez
Yoshi's the leper user, not his mothfu.
Justin Jackson
Go into options and turn off the helmet. Unfortunately when using his helmet he doesn't have the mask.
Leo Perry
If you disable the helmet in the options menu, it works for all of the transform characters as well.
It's feasible to go through the game with every weapon. Once you get far enough, it's feasible to only use ranged weapons, or only use fists.
Cooper Nguyen
fresh accessory courtesy of a hotwheel
Jaxson Gray
Oh that's cool as hell, didn't expect them to think of that.
Jayden Thomas
to be honest the only duel with any difficulty is muneshige.
all of li's moves are easy to avoid and he doesn't have bogus super armor.
Samuel Peterson
>get summoned to fire tongue monk sub-mission in centipede cave >host not moving >decide fuck it since I'm happy I'll clear the poison rocks and all enemies in first section >10 mins and he finally moves >see him summon a revenant >deal with it as long as we get to where we need >he proceeds to summon every single revenant he can find >spent a good minute afterwards fixing gear >we finally get to where the sub-mission boss is >kill that skelly on platform >see him summon another revenant >straight up run to the monk and ended his life >get a message saying I was rude Fuck all you faggots who do this.
Gabriel Wilson
I meant skill points wise, I though trying to put points into 3 weapons would get me nowhere?
Kevin Ross
Spear low stance/living weapon is by far the most flashy move set in the game it's borderline hilarious. A weapon known for positioning and poking turns into a kung fu weapon where you're jumping and flipping about when you give it a fancy aura.
Jace Powell
Don't worry about it in the slightest, my dude. There are items you can buy to reset stat and skill points and you get a few over the course of the game anyway. Play around with whatever you want.
And to be honest, you're gonna want to put some points in each weapon's tree anyway to get the passives, since they're, well, passive. The health bonuses from axe, for example, are permanent stat bonuses that stay with you no matter what weapon you're using.
Hunter Green
Anyone have the list of the hidden blacksmith Magatamas and where they're located? I know there are hidden ones in missions, but I have no clue where to get them. What do they even do
Hunter Morgan
If you turn on the option to hide helmets in the game options, transformations also have their helmets off
Robert Bell
You can complete that mission for them without them having to open any doors for you. It's probably one of the few sub missions I'll always rush to the end and finish it whether they like it or not.
Samuel Walker
I litterally can't hit him with more than one hit no matter what and his recovery time is amazing. He finishes a combo and is right into another one.
I can't withstand his attacks by blocking either. I got him to about 40% just now but it took a long time. Bleh.
Adrian Robinson
If I get summoned and the host doesn't move within 2 minutes I just push him into some enemies or off a death drop
Nathaniel Morales
>tfw getting bopped to death by a sentry when I rushed at an item >in NG+ I am so fucking ashamed, holy shit
Christopher Garcia
>he doesn't farm revenants for great gear and glory points
Brayden Moore
>the lute yokai at the very end of the mountain mission on Twilight respawns
wasn't expecting that
Mason Davis
try a spacing game, get your hits then dodge his response and run the fuck away.
as he chases you look for an opening and repeat.
this should prevent is crazy combos and set ups.
high stance kusarigame makes this one of the easiest fights in the game if you have the sweep.
Lucas Bennett
swap out the critical condition unless you're using a critical condition build, swap the life drain unless you like having it
not sure what to replace them with, but it's mostly subjective anyways. definitely decent enough to start upgrading it
Ethan Cooper
aside from the specific skill for it, does ninjutsu power scale up tenacity damage?
Aaron James
I have the kusarigama trip but it feels slow. You suggest using it to trip him after he does a cimbo and before he starts a new one? and ground stabbing him rinse and repeat?
Jayden Robinson
>paralysis 2kat >spider guardian How is this allowed, holy fuck cunt
Ian Davis
as you are running the fuck away from him he will run towards you, do the sweep just as he gets in range. do the grapple, run away (takes like 5 seconds for the sweep to work again, or it will just damage him but not trip him), repeat.
Luke Adams
>there are other moves than the quickdraw for the 2kat why did no one tell me this
Bentley Thomas
>accidentally sold everything instead of just all my armor
all those items gone rip
Austin Robinson
Does anyone have a list of devenant gear?
Cameron Wright
Yo is the spider guardian spirit the best one to use for farming? sucks that the para replaces your weapon element though
Brody Perez
post glamourai
Logan Anderson
you could also just do the scythe throw that pulls him towards you.
that interrupts anything he does and gives you a free combo.
Ayden Evans
Holy shit balls
Why does soul matching become so expensive
Yeah, jew spider is best for farming anything that will let you take your guardian spirit into the fight. That means everything but dojo duels, so yeah.
Getting your element replaced sucks dick, but magicfags have talismans that scale with magic, and there is using a weapon that already has para on it.
Henry Gutierrez
>Glamourai >>>/reddit/
Kayden Morales
>that armor >that mismatched helmet you can do better than that, jack
Chase Foster
Lincoln Russell
enma helm gives 50% bonus damage on paralysed enemies
Charles Parker
reposting my collection
Nathaniel Brooks
Spear or 1kat to go with my axe?
Luis Brown
Dominic Nguyen
Fresh OC It's not even an upgraded 2kat and I only have water sword learned.
Nathan Martin
how do you guys keep using sets when you get random armor with better defense every other second?
are the set effects really worth it? my first build i only looked at defense value and it got me through the game no prob.
Ryder Fisher
Jayden Wood
does proficiency bonus on weapon increase your damage or just the proficiency gain rate?
Bentley Brooks
because most people are talking about endgame
gear doesn't matter if you're just playing through NG, an appropriately leveled weapon is all you need
Isaiah Thompson
Oliver King
set bonuses are way fucking better that replacing something with a random piece of gear for +10 def
Ethan Gutierrez
so stuff actually get worth keeping in new game plus?
Asher Young
>just the proficiency gain rate This. You can press options to see explanations of how stats and bonuses work.
Julian Cook
so is there a healthy balance or is defense value pretty irrelevant?
Wyatt Robinson
Angel Barnes
How does parry work though, since that's an active ability?
Does it give me more frames to parry or something?
Ian Ross
BB is better but I'm liking this game already.
Landon Brooks
yes because everything will be set at level 150 and the only upgrade you'll find are the equipment stats which you can just forge and reforge to get what you want (until you get to start accessing level 320 gear but don't worry about that)
Caleb Bell
Its actually the damage. Try wooden weapons that have tons of prof bonus.
Kevin Myers
Any tips for bat? She keeps hitting me with an infinity paralyze combo. Is she week to any elementals? Also, what should be speccing into?
Jordan Hill
It;s giving me a warning about offering up an uncommon item at a shrine, is there any reason not to? Like, will there be something else I can do with them later?
Adrian Edwards
mid stance spear heavy attacks
use spacing not dodging if you can
Nolan Russell
The parry stat on a weapon is how much ki damage is reduced when you block a hit.
Again, press the options button and scroll through shit.
No, the game is just making sure you don't throw away something 'valuable' on a whim.
Sell/Offer your whites and yellows. Dismantle your blues and purples.
Cooper Kelly
it's not a competition. you're allowed to enjoy more than one game, contrary to what retarded /v/eddit niggers will tell you
Asher Reyes
Shave that hobo beard nigger you're hiding anjin's beautiful jawline
Liam Flores
not him but sometimes options don't help, they say the same thing sometimes. i.e. guard break says "chance of a guard break"
Carson Rodriguez
>tfw no accessory reforge
Jackson Miller
>Its actually the damage. >Try wooden weapons that have tons of prof bonus Well, the explanation says "increases the rate at which you gain proficiency", so (X) Doubt, I guess.
Aaron Lopez
Awesome, thanks. I'm an hour or two in so I've got tons of yellows and blues.
William Barnes
Use careful pokes with heavy attacks or high stance to whittle her ki down. Against the paralyze yell, sprint sideways as long as you aren't too close. Equip anti paralytic needles and use them if you get paralyzed. Go nuts when she goes down, but be ready to haul ass away from her when she starts getting up for her grab. She's weak to lightning if you happen to have anything that does that
Brandon Hernandez
Learn her telegraphs. Block to avoid her forward lashing attacks if you must. If and when she does her somersault high heel kick you have a couple seconds of an opening. The purple beam attack is among the most easily avoided, but you have to stay sharp and roll out of the way when it's coming.