Getting a gift for a friend

getting a gift for a friend
does anyone remember the name of the website that sells car branded watches that matt farrah (iirc) shilled once?

Other urls found in this thread:

>car branded watches
Might not be a good idea depending on what kind of watches your friend likes.

he already has a maserati watch

And he wears it regularly? Alright, disregard my post.

no prob bud

>buying a wrist fedora


whatever fag

I don't, but have a bump for spreading the memeballs. I'm so damn proud of having brought this cancer from /pol/ to Veeky Forums and seeing it metastasize.



neck yourself

guys please
i just wanted the name of the website

>not using this as an excuse for a Fatt Marah-thon

i don't have the time to fukin watch every video that fat fuck made in the last year
i'm not even sure if it is matt

I did a quick google and found this, is this the site you were looking for?

nope but those look sick
might buy one for myself
car branded as in the watch itself is made to resemble a certain brand

Sounds like Gran Autismo to me.

How about


still not it
seems like there's a single watch on the website that pops up no matter which brand you choose


Buy him an actually good watch instead of novelty crap.