/bfg/- Battlefield General

PS4 Masterace Edition

>previous thread

>Weapon and stats:
Symthic's already started their metacrafting autism

>Emblem stealing website for uncreative babbies: emblemsbf.com/

Q: Is BF4 dead?
A: Yes, BF1 now.

Q: Where are the BF1 Platoons?
A: platoon is kill

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: Yuropoors will be more likely to find people on the Discord. Mumble seems to attract NA players. Use whichever you like.

Mumble server (VOIP and Text)
port: 64738

Mumble download (Snapshot version is more stable and has more features)


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Stop trying to nerf the automatico

dead game

shouldve waited to make the thread until tomorrow, yuros never keep this shit up and dont post in these threads

the more the merrier

>start to use planes to PTFO planefags
>you become a planefag

just starting using the SMLE Carbine and holy my K/D hasn't gone below 3.0 for like 5 games

>BAR Trench
>meh, it's okay
>unlock Bar Storm

Jesus fuck this thing is unfair

so satisfying

finally got 1100 spm lads

>still playing this shit


w-who else hype for upcoming DLC release

how often do the reckless and disorganized Americans actually win Conquer Hell? The ballroom itself is usually pretty insane

If you have 100 stars in anything, the main menu greeting should call you a NEET virgin to save me the trouble of typing it out every time I see a 100 star player.

You should really consider using the trench again unless you're too intelligent to hipfire a gun or something. The storm got nerfed just recently for the 2nd time in a patch and doesn't feel worth using anymore.

I'm a console peasant so the Storm's recoil reduction for mid range fights really does wonders, it feels like a laser cannon

>can't aim right with the BAR telescopic

Any tips?

Why the fuck would DICE make the Benet-Mercie one of the 500 kill codices instead of the fucking BAR?

I'm more or less OK with all the other guns they want me to use a disgusting amount, but the Benet-Mercie is just fucking awful. Only the Telescopic has a bipod, and to use that you basically have to be a hillnigger. The Storm and the Optical are both shit, and the Optical's optics are ugly af.

I'm jut hoping that the new Assault weaponry will attract people away from the Automatico

Well DICE just incentivized every Assault player to get 500 kills with the Automatico so they get a shiny codex, so don't hold your breath.

>have almost 3000 kills on mg15 storm
>it's trash now
how do I fill the void anons

>they nerf the hellriegel
>now every other death is to the automatico trench

Is there a list of all the guns they nerfed? Is automatico the only viable gun now?


>image of bulgarians fighting serbians
>neither of these countries are in the game

>they get added in the last dlc
>they're all black

im not reading all that.

spoonfeed me bitch

I should really learn to fly planes just so I can ram, considering how fucking butthurt airchavs get about it

you need to use the bipod as much as you can, but obviously you have to be smart about where you deploy it. The scope recoil is just something you have to get used to, it's very easy to control close-mid range if youre a good fps player but long range is really hard unless youre bipoded

>implying anyone even knows who those countries are

harlem hellfighters were the real heroes of the war you racist