School zone

>school zone
>not going 5 over the recommended speed limit
god you guy are terrible

>minimum stopping distance on a 125cc motorcycle at 15mph is over 20ft
Enjoy 25 years for manslaughter because Zachary didn't look twice before heelie'ing into your Civic and getting strangled by the rope your Little Tree Black Ice hangs on.

>not going 5 over the recommended speed limit
The traffic camera triggers at 2MPH over the limit. The ticket is approximately $200 and up. Tickets are double in school zone during school hours.

very cute cat post more please.

>traffic cameras

What kind of cucked province/state do you live in


Ayy lmao

I always follow posted speed limits, even on one-lane roads. Fastfags need to

>being this anal about going a particular speed
I'd rather focus on the road, thanks.

how long have you been retarded?

>driving through school zones
I avoid that shit like the plague. Just need one little shit running into your car, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT MOVING, and you're fucked. Plus, teachers and present police will get triggered about my car, without fail.

probably his whole 13 year life

literally why

>What kind of cucked province/state do you live in
One with speeders in school zones.

>2mph over

the fuck state you live in? I'm in NY and even in this fucked state, they only trigger 10 above. hell, they actually give you a breakdown of how they work, they go by 10s. 10 over, 20 over, etc

>not avoiding tire wear by driving on soft and tender underage bodies
lmaoing @ all the numale cucks itt


>the fuck state you live in?
It is not the state, but the city that contracts and sets detection levels in their school zones. Some states specifically say the speed limit is an absolute limit. That means it is not a target or average speed of road traffic. It is the true maximum speed you can use. In those cases, it would be legal to issue a ticket for going 17mph in a 15mph school zone.

>>driving through school zones
>I avoid that shit like the plague. Just need one little shit running into your car, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT MOVING, and you're fucked. Plus, teachers and present police will get triggered about my car, without fail.

Nigger what fucking car do you drive?

White alfa 159 sportwagon 2.4jtdm

Makes a godly sound, a bit too godly for inner city driving

>school zone
>recommended speed limit

There are speed limits and speed recommendations, learn the difference.

Nah, children need to learn and teachers need to earn.

your are'r posting 2 fast

Fuck that, the school zone by me has 3 bike cops that enforce the LIMIT. Ive seen people get pulled going barely 40 in the 35

not him, but i'm in wash state. it's like his state where the speed limit is the max speed that cannot be exceeded. in practice, the police don't enforce it except at speed traps and special areas like schools and parks. if you go 10 over on the freeway, they will usually pull you over says all the gossip.

oh, never pass the stopped school bus if the stop sign is out. you get a extra big ticket for that here due to a special law.

>mfw when I go 15 mph in school zone just to rustle people who are running late to work jimmy's

this image is unironcally posted by /n/

/n/ is by far the worst board filled with biggest autists in the world.
I fucking hate /n/