Truckerfag Thread /TFG/

>No Ally Knight photo and copypasted green text edition

Brevious Bread: >Swift: Best In Class
>Don't Sign That Lease Dummy
>CDL How Get? Brivate Driving School or Gommunity Gollege
>Megacompanies are shit without exception
>Whiney to become rolling youth pastor, still into weeb shit
>Bepis still ain't kissed the latina gril, remains confident
>Trucker Gundam's ip range ban continues, claims to be framed
>Truckerfag categorically denies Volvo purchase
>Primefags clearing literal tens of dollars a week after deductions!
>Oilfag honored with stitched image declaring his being cucked, remains Canadian
>Ally Knight continues to haunt this board and the dreams of lonely busriders and doorswingers alike

Other urls found in this thread:


is it just me, or are OPpicRelateds just as bad at parking as people wearing saftey vests in truck stops

who natural gas here?

o herro

finding a local job as a new class a holder is fucking impossible. shit.

Yeah, unless you get lucky, you'll have to make your bones otr driving until you have a year or two of experience and the insurance rates to have you as a driver go down.

What kind of butt fuck middle of nowhere are you living in boy

I've got one more lead I wanna try to follow, a flatbed company called Apex. my CDL trainer is friends with someone over there and said he'd give me a glowing reference (I beat the school record for points on the state test) but he's taking forever and I need a fuckin job.

if I can't get that to pan out I'm gonna try for Melton. I've heard they're decent, my fiancee doesn't want me to do OTR but I think we both secretly know we need some space anyway.

I'm in south Denver, there are lots of places up north but I'm not interested in commuting 3-4 hours a day, working 12+ hours a day for $16 an hour.

>no 44 TONNES

and the little wheels on the trailer steer too.

But he is, retard. It doesn't matter what other drivers drive.

Bogie trailered seppos wouldn't understand

Anyone wanna explain the oilfag post here?

Yup. Welcome to "the life." Made it almost a year before i told Central Refrigerated to suck my fucking dick. In those words.

Few years latter tried to haul rock and start a little dirtworking business. Had a 1987 c70 and if i wasnt in it or working at it all night i was at my 50 hour a week day job. The job is way easier and less stress and pays more.

So Fear the Beard Trucking llc only lasted a year too.

Swag was fun tho. Might fire it back up without all the truckerfag bullshit paperwork and make some other tax writeoff that doesnt have to deal with the fucking DOT.

Got some buds that drive for Melten and say they arwnt horrible.

>I'm in south Denver

Come regional with me at Navajo
We are the bad news bears of trucking

$180.00 for 5 pallets
Maybe we should pool our money and start WAT lumping.

Shit, for real. $311 for 8 pallets (double stacked) in Kent, Washington last week.

About to go for a drive test then drug test then physical test, computers taking my job when

>computers taking my job when

10 years. Tops

they'll still need someone in the truck to manage cargo.

They'll basically be a minimum waged paper holder at that point. When the truck can drive to a destination, back itself into a dock, the guy in the cab will hand papers to the shipper (or electronically send bills) and enter info for the next stop. Insurance companies are going to be making a huge push for self driving vehicles all over. It's inevitable.

> Navajo fire extinguisher inside
Did they tie feathers to it or something?

> Implying 90% of all truckers aren't already on minimum wage or less

Got back into ETS2, and the video card crisis had wiped my saves. Had to resort to an old, OLD backup.
Luckily, it was one with enough money saved up so I could buy a Scania.

I don't think we would be able to take on the mob

>inb4 it only weighs 110,000 lbs

Truckers always pretend they make way more money than they actually do.
All they way from rookie company drivers to heavy haul owner ops.
Its amazing.
There is not an industry with a higher percentage of pathological liars.
This gets new people interested in the job so they go out and get CDLs
After a few months on the road the realize they have been duped and they quit.
This is the reason for the high turn over.
There are people on this very forum doing this.

This. My uncle was a trucker for most of his life, even owning his own company for a bit. Truckers don't make that much. And considering you sit on your ass all day, it's horrible for your health.

Truckers have to justify their career because it's not respected, so they inflate their take home salary. Sure you can make $40-$50k. But so can someone fresh out of college. I think it's cool to ride with your dog and travel all over the US. But it's not a glorious high paying job.

The FACT is that the average trucker salary is $44k a year. And considering how long you are gone and can't have a personal life, it's not a glamorous job.

Not to mention all the hours you put in on and off the clock.
Its an 80 hour a week job.
even minimum wage with over time pays better when you work that much.

B-BUT I wear safety vests at the truck stop......

Is this considered autistic? It's a safety thing...

Here are your (You)s

Might be safe to do user. All the ragheads fly through truck stops at 30mph anyways.

Required image

Which parts are not accurate ?

>we both secretly know we need some space anyway.

In other words, this frees her up to take 3 BBCs at a time while you're away in your rolling cuckshed.

Just got done with road test there's a nanny cam in there wtf no thanks im out

>can't handle the facts of the industry
K pal.

What's confusing about it?

Kek. Sad but true.

Hell, 12 years ago i babysat 20 autistic forklifts all day. Tenpermental cocksuckers and 600 miles of walking "no bikes allowed fagit." Gay as fuck job with shit pay. However. They did have 1 guy doing the job of 20.

Honestly figured we would all jave oersonal transport drones and trucks would just be gone already entirely.

>Working off the clock (FMCSA or DOT would rail you for working over 70 in a week)

>Saying someone fresh out of college can pull $50k (If they graduated with a STEM degree, which is four years of hard work and $30k worth of debt, otherwise they will probably working at that McDonalds)

>Minimum wage would pay more with those hours (Good luck finding a place that would offer you more than 39 hours a week)

Sure our job isn't glamorous but it pays pretty well compared to most jobs that require a degree. I have a buddy that works at O'Reilly's and NAPA that wants to drive trucks because even though he has two jobs and one is as a certified mechanic, he only makes $26k a year.

>FMCSA or DOT would rail you for working over 70 in a week

Do you honestly count the time you are dicking around at the shippers on your 70?
Be honest now whineykun

Yeah. Manage wat cargo?

Load unload. Shit falls in transit the have a couple retards in an electric car near by to fix it and send it on its way

Lol. Ask the stupid cucks in the office at the DOT that never been in a fucking truck.

If you can call that working, then I would. All I did was sleep, play games, eat or jack it. Not something you can actively do at a regular wage-cuck job and get paid.

ZF is hooking me up with a motor, so I'll be doing a swap mid-april, and start dealing with an accessory nightmare.

I thought about it, but a dual fuel setup still runs $30k, so maybe on my next truck.

Yes I do call that working and so does the FMCSA


I blame the fact that old school trucking was legit and all the old retired would still shill it today because most of them are lost.

That and trucking companies scamming people.
>muh 2,000 trucks
>muh $3,000 per head cdl class
>muh shove 100 people a week through class for cdl then team drive them with a "trainer" for 6 weeks at shit pay.
muh turn them loose for 1 month and if they dont crash offer them a 3rd party lease.
>muh loads only in the northeast and like 1,000 miles a week in a shit truck.
>muh 50,000 drivers, cheap pay, and $3,000 each for trucking school.
(We have a 98% turnover rate because people can't hang.)

ITT: Busriders that don't have a fucking clue.

>drive 14 hours
>spend 10 hours driving .4 miles and stopping because the computer registeres .5 mile hops.
>get paperwork
>wait 3 minutes for computer to tell me i can drive again.

Barreldown the highway in an 80,000 poind battering ram so tired i'm holding a $100 bill out the window in 20 degree weather to keep from falling asleep because the
>untra safe electronic logs are super safe and will make sure drivers arent tired.

Dumb fucks. When you are on and off the clock day and night yiur sleep is perpetually fucked.

The truck kicking on and off 45 times a night because u have a faggot controll panel for shit climate control instead of an apu helps a lot too...

No they don't, you can legally log sleeper berth at shippers and receivers as long as you are in the sleeper compartment. Either way making $15/hr. sitting on my ass waiting is neat

You know damned well you could be strolling by with a strobe light and backup alarm boombox on your shoulder and some swift faggot would jump the sidewalk and run u over

Litterealy just happened to a budy of mine. Oh well. He deserves better than a cheating skank. Maybe he will lile single truck life

I dont understand wtf its talking about. Someone get a litteral cuck patch or?

Not if you get out of the sleeper for any reason or answer the phone if its your travel agent or the shipper telling you how much longer.
Really misused by truckers and almost no one is going by the book.

Former truckerfag deprived of microwave and fridge. Fired if found cooking with fire...

Pic related off amazon or any truck stop. Dont let them cuck u into foil trays or cleaning it often. Get high quality heavy duty foil. Line bottom. Wrap up top to avoild spills. Cram it closed. Wait like 20-30 minutes.

Theres dinner user. Toss the foil and clean any mess it spilled in the tray.

I take mine camping now. Fucking legit.

Answering the phone doesn't interrupt any off-duty or sleeper berth status.

>Daily reminder that Whiney-Kun's last girlfriend was a camwhore who performed sexual acts on camera for random men yet Whiney is still a virgin.
How? How the hell do you date a camwhore and she won't even touch your penis?

An anonymous virgin busrider decreed that my being a stepdad to my oldest daughter makes me a cuck because /b/ logic says so, and photoshopped a bunch of quotes from the conversation together.

The story seems to have gotten a bit misinterpreted. She did give me head but that's the extent of it, she wanted me to fuck her but I just never did. She didn't really turn me on and her blowjobs were trash.

>Using while camping

Do they not have fire in the lands from which you hale?

How old was the kid when you met her? And how old were you both?

Just seems like a tough thing to do, getting into it with a girl that already has a kid. But idk I guess I could handle it fine if I liked her as long as the dad isn't around being a psycho.

>Bi-daily reminder that Whiney-Kun dated a camgirl who got naked on camera for random men but is still a virgin
Why are you such a pussy? Seriously. Just come out of the closet already.

She had just turned four, and her mom and I were in our late twenties.

Her dad lives about two hours drive away, and sees her a handful of times a year, so we have her 95% of the time. He's alright, and we're pretty cordial, so it's pretty casual.

thats the same excuse the dispatchers use to wake you up at 3 am Whiney.

>being a stepdad to my oldest daughter
Did you even read what you just wrote there?
That is in no way your daughter.
You are raising another mans DNA

What kinda truck is this guy driving?

FUCK fake piss was too hot had to be supervised second time i tooo cleanser before but idk im pissed that fat cunt REEE if i call and say im not interested in the job anymore do they still process it?

You right, I'm probably gay.

Jokes on them, I set my phone to Alarms Only when I go to sleep.

Just found out I am officially over the two year mark. Managed to only scratch a bumper or two. I wish this company would pay more so I wouldn't have to start looking for a new job.

watch your DAC , many companies will fuck with it at the two year mark to keep you getting a better job.
This industry is full of criminals.


>at shipper taking forever
>log sleeper-berth/break
>walk to Whataburger

I log myself sleeper berth at every shipper even though I'm not. Will the fuzz get suspicious if they see that?

Nah you're good senpai, they usually take into account if you can leave the premises as a means to whether or not you can log off-duty at customers'.

You are only required to log 30 mins for loading/unloading.

Not if it takes longer. Good lord no one here understands HOS rules

>people wearing saftey vests in truck stops
If you have to wear it to satisfy regulations, you just get used to the thing and forget you're wearing it.
I have to wear one for dealing with the loading bay at work, since I don't exercise basic caution. Even if it's not very high-visibility anymore due to the layers of diesel soot, I still gotta wear the thing, and any random inspections may pull it up as an Issue and get me yelled at by whatever manager's in a bad mood.

A motor for the freightshaker and not YBJ?

I think of her as my daughter, and she treats me like I am her dad. I am okay with taking care of a child that isn't my offspring. I don't see why you seem to have such an issue with the idea.

A city recycling truck from what he said in the comments. What specific make I couldn't say.

>[Citation Needed]

As long as you know that cheerfully raising another mans kid makes you only half a man, we can let it go at that.
Allowing women to change partners after childbirth is what is tearing down the fabric of western culture.
You are part of the problem

>cuck trying to justify looking after another mans sproglet

I think you might be gay.

>t. virgins that won't ever get the opportunity to touch a real vagina, let alone inseminate one and produce offspring

Says the man who can only get second hand pussy.
I would not be bragging if I were you .

Im scared just called HR and told them i changed my mind since they had nanny cams hopefully they axe that drug test before they test it...on a brighter side just hot a job offer for 25/hr in the hvac bizz defiantly getting this drug test on point this time


You can easily pass a drug test by just not doing drugs.

Holy shit. Even I felt that ass ravaging from here. BTFO.

But you are the very definition of a cuck. You are raising someone else's offspring.

There hasn't been one available for YBJ in 2 years, and YBJ needs much more than a motor.

Lifes too short be a good goy

You must be new this whole thread is just my blog

That's apparent, I just have no idea what you're trying to say. Hard to pick out which parts of your sentence go with other parts, and you're posts are too boring to re-read them with proper syntax.




Shes hideous and literally looks like a meth head

So you browse my blog and dont even drive titts or gtfo


>dat long ass hood tho
whats under the hood?


All I did was search for "long nose Pete", and that one appealed to me, so who knows. Probably a Cummins.

Aw, look how happy they look together.

Nah, we understand them. We just don't follow them bc they're retarded

Updated. Pls r8 m8s

I work at a 5k+ truck company with a fantastic safety rating.
I log 15 minutes at pickups and deliveries.

You know fuckall.

Breddy Gud/10.