League of Legends General - /lolg/

OLD: Anti-Fun Edition


This champion is super fun! Are there any others like him?


mid first


I'll just settle the argument once and for all

>admitting that the zed/fizz/syndra/yasuo choices are smart

I want to watch that Lissandra take a shit on Riven

Nice meme

Post more elise

i got really drunk and made out with my best friend at a bar. she had to keep it a secret bc both of us were dating someone else ._.

Let's talk about Mordekaiser /lolg/
Where do you play him?
How do you build him?
What's your skill order?

I've been playing him botlane and I'm having a blast
W>Q>E if I have a melee support, a few extra points/maxing E first if ranged
Gunblade->Haunting Guise/Rylai's core

you really do get the most out of the game when you play adc

you also have to be really fucking good to be a good ad

>Where do you play him?
Same places as Nasus. Silver 2 promo games and nowhere else.
>How do you build him?
Rings of Repick, as many as you can get
>What's your skill order
Whatever the good one is on the champ I repicked into


Rylai's, DMP, SV and/or Abyssal, Gunblade, Sterak's, whichever boots I need, Rabaddon's
W > Q > E

No homo~

Would you get drunk again if it was just you and your bf?

>Play caitlyn
>Can't get touched because longest range and net
>Deal fuck tons of damage
The only thing they do is kite
Adc is a braindead role

Almost any position, but you should start with top/mid and strictly countering melee champions until you git gud.
Almost any assortment of AP items works great. You can be really flexible. Don't overinvest in tank, you're actually more of a middleweight fighter than someone study enough to take a lot of punches.

Slam people, nail them with shrapnel, sustain like a bitch, and sic dragon on them.

not saying caitlyn isnt easy but what seperates the good from the bad caits is:
>how well you can execute the combos and animation cancels (some people dont even know these exist)
>trap placement
>what you can full off at your weaker points
>ability to harass/poke and farm
and of course mechanics such as kiting

Also had a fun moment as cait a few days back, I was ulting a low HP carry lategame that ran away after a failed teamfight, and their midlaner fizz, attempts to block it but polejumps last second killing the carry

The only thing a mage does is press one of their four buttons

>guy on my team hovers shaco
>op.gg him
>36% shaco winrate
>ban shaco
>he gets mad and steals my mage support pick
>gets executed by red buff, nobody helped him
>decides to join botlane which is now a trio
>we rape the enemy botlane
>their entire team tries to gank our trio
>we ace them
>win game

Did they restart flex queue? I was retired 2 months and I remember I was ranked already

once yeah

What kind of retarded botlane did you play against

not as much as that time at the bar but yes

>be jungle one trick
>vi gets banned
>lose the game

kill me ;_;

>convince our toplane yasuo to play a tank

Wherever I go, I must destory inhibitors.

le yasuo xd


I actually clicked to cancel the post, but it was already McDone

I just played jhin for the first time and went 11/2 just shitting on everything without knowing what I do. Nice champion

I didn't even notice until you pointed it out, now everyone knows you're a fucking idiot.

If you're losing to Jhin, you deserve to get facerolled if you can't diffuse one of the most immobile champions in the game.

>still thinking that tanks are a necessary part of a team comp in legolethality
>having that scrub mentality

>>>>muh mechanics
Decision-making is the most important and hardest part of the game. Bot lane has the easiest time with it.

he's really fun! he's the new lee sin

>Riot decided to make it all random
>"hurr we're too lazy to ban OP champions or give players more ban slots!"
>every game is our team with shitty picks like Twitch and Jhin
>every game is their team with overpowered champions like Wukong and Zed
>steam-rolled every time
>stuck 20 minutes each game dying to their overfed champion
>unable to git gud
>Hecarim is unbanned
>Garen's E bug is never fixed

It's as if Riot is trying to make us hate URF

>being immobile is a problem when you can kill somebody from 4k range, while also applying a nasus slow to them

If he sees you coming, you're fucking retarded. Flank the nigger.

What to build on Poppy?

It's been ARURF since last year you dumb cuck

urf has always been shit tier

>I play in an elo where people don't know how to ward, and/or I play in an elo where the Jhins I play against are shit enough to not be aware of their surroundings

Mana regen

>What is ryze

Adc is my least played role at never
One time i somehow got filled to adc and picked caitlyn
Her animation cancels are the easiest in the whole game as they don't require any specific timing, and her trap placement is mainly game knowledge, placing them on someone's path to insta trap them does require some experience with caitlyn tho
I did pretty good that game going 14/4/6
She's indeed the easiest adc existing

The only adc's i consider hard are draven and vayne
Draven because axe managing looks hard
Vaune because you have to be really good at kiting and she requires some game knowledge

The rest are pretty easy and strong like Twitch Lucian Quinn because they really aren't skillshot reliant and you can make it through the match with a decent dupport

Well, when i get drunk i become a dick-craving slut. Me and some buddies got drunk as all fuck and called a friend to pick us up. There was me plus 3 guys in the back, and drunk me thought it was a good time to start stripping and sucking dicks.
We even stopped to let the guy that wasn't drunk get a bit of action and play with my tits. I basically fucked an entire car

Good thing we didn't take the bus ride

>play support
>vs soraka
>absolutely no fun for at least 20 minutes no matter if I win or lose
Nice champ lolbabs.

Post pics


Diamond players don't ward, and I've got good evidence that most still can't ween themselves off of locked screen, and even better when autofillniggers don't build sightstone and everyone rushes red/blue trink, so there's literally no wards past 30 minutes.

Literally any assassin rapes Jhin unless he's at 6 items. If he's at that point, you fucking commit suicide for feeding him to that point.

How ascended are you as an ADC player if you can't even type properly. Maybe that's why you prefer to right click :)

Why is Hecarim's first clear so fucking bad? Is it just me?

>t. Jhin main that thinks JIDFing on lolg will prevent nerfs

>Get top
>Jungle asks if he can have top
>Support says he gets top because he's first pick and pick order

What is wrong with this game's playerbase

>sucking dicks.
> I basically fucked an entire car
the other way no?

his upcoming nerfs aren't that bad just the damage on his traps and the slow on ult

do I queue top instead of mid now as a second?

is it normal that i feel like i get worse teams on weekends

its mainly the fact that he didnt pick yasuo which got me hyped

the kids get free time

no you do teams are much much worse on weekends because all the kids are out of school

That's when kids play you dummy

Constantly reminded that this game would instantly be better if it wasn't f2p

>builds ghostblade edge of night swifty boots and gets tons of movespeed from his passive and has a snare
Jhin is not the most immobile champ in the game though you fucking tard.
Jhin has been the best adc pretty much since he's been released.

i always get fucking retards all the fucking man

We have a marksman for every runeterra continent at this point now right? Where else could a new champ be from?

i mostly play on weekday mornings to avoid the riff raff

I wouldnt say the easiest. sivir is basically more risk because low range and some mechanics for spellshield/aa reset w but other than that extremely easy.

Ashe is extremely easy, especially now that the aa reset is removed.

and of course MF

caitlyn has a higher skillcap than all of those

Lucian is pretty skill based dude
Regardless of the memes.
Opinion discarded.

>Being in the same ranking or MMR bracket as kids.
You shot yourself buddy

i want to look EXACTLY like irelia

>no space marksman

its by virtue of almost all the other adc champs being complete dumpster trash and desperately in need of individual buffs and itemization changes

marksman rework when??

>muh decision making
kek nice fucking meme

Decision making isn't hard if your team just wards. Even bronzeshits can make the right call if you have enough wards on the map and you know where everyone is.

i'm bronze 3 currently
playing on and off since 2014
how do i get better?
can it be that i'm genuinely trash at videogames?
i'm below average at almost any game
what is wrong with me?

>not knowing 15-19 year olds are the best at this game

literally everyone i've ever played with that has an 8- in their name is shit without fail.

>20 minutes in teams are 1-1, one team has all the towers.
>2 minute "fight" where no one dies and one team just chips a bit of hp from a tower before everyone just backs.

>Opinion discarded
I never said quinn was difficult, i was saying the exact opposite

>feeding on your main

>Play a normal
>Wait 10 minutes for a game
>Auto filled to support

Please defend this lolbabs

Dreadnova or special ops?

No sluts allowed.

>watching EU LCS


I know I'm the best at this game. I don't need you geezers stinking up the place.

clean gameplay

You're at least moderately intelligent right?

>forgetting to take smite as a jungler

Can you commission a new Irelia picture like that but just another skin with it?

That. Everyone loves space pirates.

You just play all day at least 8-10 games a day after a year or two you'd be a legit platinum player really these games aren't about talent it's about time input and knowlegde.


I actually stopped and switched over Brazil's competition, it's a lot more interesting. It's got more than triple the viewers of the EU stream.

>doing horribly on your main while everyone does well and wins despite you being the weakest link of the team

>very fucking intelligent
>bronze 3

choose 1

Why the fuck does everyone here hate Quinn?
Literally no one plays her but me and she objectively sucks ass, lethality nerfs made it even worse now. The only lane where she's fairly decent is toplane.
God I miss pre-rework Quinn.

she bursts squishys so fucking fast it's rage inducing

does rank directly correlate with iq?
could einstein hit challenger?

> Corki gives up first blood at level 1 by face checking the enemy jungle alone.
> Garen is 0/3/0 by 6 minutes with 18 CS
> Shen insists on towerdiving multiple people alone
> Corki exclusively uses his package for 1v4 fights.

Really, it's my fault for getting support and not carrying harder.

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>lethality nerfs
