Tera General - /terag/

Bunny Edition

>Latest NA Patch Notes

>Class balance patch notes and guides

>KTERA Updates

>Useful/Misc Links, Modding Info, loadse mods, use at your own risk due to most being outdated
imgur.com/a/jkhac ------------> bunch of random stuff (detailed mod list and porn.)

>Free, open sourced DPS Meter,

>Veeky Forums guilds

>Endgame Guides/Info

Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

Previous thread:

Foxes>kirin>trash>bunny>everything else

I want to impregnate an Elin.

squirrels are the best!

so Is tft Mt alive or something, I want to come back to the game but I dont know where to start.

TFT on MT is alive

post tail



Post elf sluts.

I'm going to spank an elin!

Anyone here can give some tricks for the lancer?

Post more of this butt in that outfit, please!

That's the only picture I have, sorry.

Isn't that default outfit in CS if you're not wearing costumes. I think you can't get is anyhow elsewhere.

Fashion coupons for some classes

It's just some fashion coupon outfit.

Any EU's wanna level?
Tried to get a friend to play with me... but was dumped after the first boss, doubt another shot will be given.

Bonus points if girl/gay/trans.
But no really autistic ones who will just constantly talk about anime and other things like that (or how you mine/IoD 8 hours a day).
No teens, unless nobody ever thinks you're a teen.

Macro shieldbash to cast it super quick, so that you can almost immediately use spring attack.

But the DPS are always keeping the boss stunned, so I always lose the aggro because I use the counter attack probably too much.

debilitate -> spring attack
Shieldbash -> spring attack
Whenever you can, and use the red shout (challenging shout?) when the boss is stunned.

So spring attack, spring attack and spring attack, okay.

Spring attack is your highest DPS skill, then there's also the one where he jumps with the shield and hits, which you should also always do (it frontal blocks, so you can use it to block attacks).

I use that one a lot because it blocks all damage and does an AoE.

I'd be interested, but I can't play now. Would take another week or so until I can. I doubt you want to wait that long.

Hi /terag/



choa stop afk

im not afk what

Nice butt.

how do we fix choa?

We kill him or stop paying attention to him.

theres nothing wrong with me!

I'm just trying to eat my damn fish!

I wanna cum on this butt.

I wanna cum on YOUR butt!

post dragons

I want to spank an Elin butt.

post butt you slut.


im not a slut!

BoL done
Soon SM

Really would be much more fun if bosses didn't die in 5 seconds.
This 27s was nice, but SM is always terrible with kill time.

Gotta make sure that even the most braindead retards can reach 65 easily.

Forgot webm

Yeah, it's too bad.


Is there going to be a new Slaughter equivalent as well, along with VM9 and Guile 2? Where would I find stats on that?

>Slaughter equivalent
you mean outdated gear? guile

>ywn have an elin that calls you big bro while doing lewd things together

guile becomes the new slaughter
then theres a new mid tier aka guile 2.0
and then theres vm9


Or onii-chan

It all works the same for me

And so Malgarios has fallen, together with SM.

Now time for sleep, and have a terrible day tomorrow.

No, you're going to have an amazing day tomorrow, why? Because I believe in you.

>Shit FPS No matter what
>Launcher Diagnostics says rig is fine

optimize the game.

Essential Mana has no cheat sheet for tank warriors, is it pretty much the same as DPS? Except use Blade Vortex?

I'm going to adopt an elin!



Mystics are really the worst.

Mystics are for spanking. Wine sellers are for killing.



Also, if you tell me who did it, I can arrange something.
It may or may not involve whips, oil and candles.

Only if you let me lewd you daily

Does using Sweetfx make your elin look cuter


nigga are you even trying

Torrent of blows you mean? In Dstance, there's usually no time that vortex is up.

Tanking on warrior is like dpsing but faster. You can block cancel out of the end of anything that doesn't have links.This makes rotating your skills a lot smoother.

I don't know who it was. It wasn't Toyota, even though she used to do that a lot. I haven't seen her in a long time.

w-why does it have to be lewd though? Why can't I just be your darling little sister?

Oyasumi /terag/.

What classes are good again? I know Slayers are trash right now and archers are op.

Warrior is pretty overpowered, but that's not the case if you're retarded, so not many people say much about it.

Vortex Slash, sorry. I dunno why I always call it Blade Vortex.

And that's good to know, thanks!

How are the rest of the classes?

I hate you

best cheap costume for a high elf while i level?

leveling gear

the gear in this game is p cool desu

costume, not gear

Abyssal Plate



You must teach me how to schyte!

is my elf a cute mom?

I'd call her mommy

Warrior, Archer, Sorcerer, and Ninja are at the top, Berserker and Reaper slightly behind, Gunner and Slayer way at the bottom.

Can I suck her tits?

can someone please post more +6 high elf boobs

good boy

of course, there's enough milk for all my children



which server is best

mt for content, ch for erp

reaper is at the bottom too, a lot worse than zerker

Still looking for somebody to level with, at lvl 32 right now.

Girl/trans/gay, who is socially/experiencly behind, no teenagers, neets a bonus, neets a bonus, and willing to talk about wordly things.

>Girl/trans/gay, who is socially/experiencly behind, no teenagers, neets a bonus, neets a bonus, and willing to talk about wordly things.


>Girl/trans/gay, who is socially/experiencly behind, no teenagers, neets a bonus, neets a bonus, and willing to talk about wordly things.

More fun.
General conversation is more fun, instead of "yeah bro, look at my stats, I've grinding this 20 times without taking damage" and other boring (usually game related) things.
And freer to talk about more fun worldly subjects.

why specifically a girl/trans/gay

>fun worldly subjects.
What are you, a fuckin' fairy?